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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1890)
WEST SHORE. 159 New Hness-TbeetST Dramatic Com pany. Week oommenoing Monday, Oot 27, Clay M. Greene's romaotio drama in 4 acts, FORGIVEN. The Moiee Bongs Danoee and Befined Bpeoisltiee, Every Saturday Children's Day. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday, lp, m. Ad mission Muses, 10c Beats in Theatre, 10, SO and 10 ota., aoourding to location. Box Beats Matinee 2to; KTeninf 400. Beats re served lix dayi in advance without extra charge at box office and W. B. alien's Music Btore. 914 First street, telephone 600. Doors open daily 7 p.m. Hueee perform anoe begins at 7J0. Theatre begins at 8 JO. Latest styles. CD CP ai nna I RKMN Best premiums. w. .. . w vjostir uatnt. Yalx Caid Co., Nxw Uavih, Com, KYEB, WILSON ft CO., BHIPPINQ and Commission Merohanta. New Mar ket Block. Portland, Or. U. W. ft Cos B. F. W. M. ft Co., Liverpool. (wyil,''rv. kniion i San Ruik, Limtd. Capital and Bewm, $2,415,000. Hsad Oftloe, 71 Lombard It, London. This bank transaots a General Banking and Exchange Business, makes loans, dis counts bills and issnes commercial and tra Tetters' credits available in any city in the world, Portland Branch, No. 41 First street W. MACKINTOSH, Manager Northwest Loan and Trust Co. DO Firtt St., Poitlakd, Outooif. Caplul,l80,000 1 Dollar Savings lank Harta deposit! rmiTtd In sums of $1 and upward, and interest allowed thereon. Aooouati kept subjsot to ohaok. Drafts drawn oo New York, Han Franoisoo and Eu ropean point. Lntvna msde on Heal or Per. aoual Hmarity, Thii company is alto au thorised by its ohartar to execute trusts of arery description ; act ai, HeceWer, Guardian, Kieoutor and Administrator, or In any other bdaciary ompecity; assume tha oara of real estate, collect rente, interests, dirideodi. etc., raoeipt for will and keep them safely without charge. Omoi Home-10 a. m. to I p. m. T to 8 p. m. Wednesdays and Baturdaya. G.RMarkla.Prea. J. L. Hartmaa, Tree. W. ft, PiUlnaham. Becy. Ladd&Tilton, Bankers, PORTLAND, ORKOON. Transact & General Banking Business. Interest allowed on Urns deposits, CulleetioDa mads at all pouite, un fa ton able terms. Letters of credit iata'd. Tailabl In Ka roos aod the eastern states. night KiohfUiir and Telegraphic Trans, fare sold on New York, Wfbunain, ('hi oago, Bu Loaie, Dsotst, Omaha, rlsn Fran weco and Tsnoot points in Onsr, Wsh ingtnn, Idaho, Montana and briteab Cot am bia. taohangesold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FOKTLAND. Designated Depository ami Financial Agent of the United Blaise. President, - HKNKT FAIUNU. VioePrastdsnL H.W.tXHlHrTT. Cashier. . (). X. W1THINIITON. Assist. Cashier, H. J. COHilb.Tr. Letters of Credit issued available la la rope and the Hasten stales. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Trans fen euld on New York, Boston, Chicago, BL Louis, BL Paul. Omaha, Ban Francisco and the principal points la ths northwest. Bight and Tims Bills drawn In sums to suit on London, Pans, Berlin, Frankfort-on-tns- stain, Uoog Kung. Collections mads on faTorabls terms at all aeeeseibls points. MEASURING BY THE EYE. Yovko Lady I want a pair of ehoee, large and comfortable. Two will do. New Boy (glancing at ber foot) Mr. Leather, the lady wants two aboea, large and comfortable. Where's that box of lixea? Good AVti'i. A New York paper contains an article entitled "Why Cats are Thin." Joughnea Bays cata are thick enough around his place. Norrittnu-n Ileiald. educate; For business at the Portland Business Col lege, Portland, or st the Capital business College, Salem. Both schools are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same course of studies, same ratcsof tuition. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, English Depart ments. Day snd evening sessions, Students silmitted sny time. For Catalogue, address Nrilsse IsiisMi Mlftt.Aprasllal snismhllftt, Portland, Oregon, vll kalem, Oregon. A TERRIBLE WARNING. First Gambler I've just been readin' the life of Green, the con verted gambler, I tell you that man's life la an awful warning to us. Second Gambler What hap pened him T First Gambler Alter he quit cards he 'most starved. New York Weekly. Magistrate The charge against you air, la assault and battery. Dennis Thin yer banner, ye hare me mixed wid aomewan else. Sure, 01 were arrested fur poundin' San Monlban on the hid wid a pavln' atone Prci'i Sun. THISPAPEE-TS Agency, 4 and M Herchanta Exchange, Ban Franoisoo, California, where ooctraota for advertising can be mads tor iL ALISKY'S, Ths Leading and Only First Class Res taurant, los Cream and Oyster saloon 1st tha City, 145 First BL, Portland, BaDI A BaARDaa, Family Booms, H Alder. Propra. Commencing Monday Bran's;, Oct, ST The greatest, grandest and most popular of melodramas, THE STOWAWAY. Faultless Dramatic CasL Poadeions Bosnio FquipmenL A f 1UMD Heal Yaoht Nots-Dnrirg Act II "Spike" Hennesey and " Kid '' McCoy, the noted reformed burglars, will positively oraok a safe befots the eyes of the sudienos. THE OREGON NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. CAPITAL PAID IN, 1X0,000, TRANSACTS A OSNSFAL BANKING BVS1NSSS. Kichsngs and Tslegrephio Transfart sold oo ban Franoieoo, Nsw York. Chicago snd ths principal points in the noruiwesL Drafts drawn on China. Japaa and Karons. Makes ooUeotiona on favorable terms. President, . TANB. DxLASHMCTT. TiosPrssidsnL GKO. B. atAHEXI. Cashier,. D.F. BHKHMAN. FHANKDEKCM, D. P. THOMPSON, B. 0. 8TBATTON, President. Tics PnaidsnL Cashier. THI PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND, ORECON. S. W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. PATS INTKKE8T ON TIME! DBP081T8. Loans Made on Real and Personal Security. S7 Acts as Trustee for individuals, corporatlona or estates pending litigation or settlement. Commercial . National . Bank, Of PORTLAND. S. W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. President, Vice President, Cashier, Assistant Cashier, D. P. THOMPSON. FRANK DEKUM. R. L. DURHAM. II. 0. W0RTMAN. faxTSIght Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha. St. Paul. San Francisco and all principal places throughout the North west. Exchange sold on principal cities In Europe and on Hong Kong. The Actual Pacific Coast Terminus of the GREAT NORTHERN Railway. Having fairly started en her seoond year, FAIRHAVEN points to ths following marvelous RECORD OF HER FIRST YEAR'8 CROWTH. Population (June 1st, United 8 ales Census) 4,178, now ever 8,000 Assessed Valuation of Taiabls Property within (Sty limits i;,!MMK Kistht Mileeol Btreets Oraded, Plankiidand Bidewalked.. SIH.IIU (Irsat Nnrthsrn lUilway Shops and Terminal Works VtMV Water Works, with capacity for 1IIUIU pniple 100,000 Four Lumber Bills, eapaoily every twenty-fuor hours SKUiufeet.. tnvono Hntsl Fairliaven. brick, stonsand iron. Irs stories high, l&ouii Foor Churches and una Behool Hullding S01U) FJsctrie Light, Aro and IncaidstoenL Mit plant In ths Htats Win) Sll.llll run v-roor two and three-etoii brick muinees diocis. ., to nu Three Orwn Dork sUUID Booree of two and three-story frams business blocks, cost ing earh 15 on to 1B Hnndrads of llssidanoes, ousting each l,(t to ao,UU (lea Worka, with capacity for 110,(11) psopls.. rour I1SHRB, two nsitiinai, oapniu Twenty-four two and thres-eloiy brick buineet blocks. ., These are only tha mora prominent iteme, and Falrhaveo etarti n her second year witsoaf a dotlar e floailrrf or otarr IwtrbhiU aess and So 000 la her City Treasury, with the following en terprises among the many inaugurated to doable ber wealth and triple her population by Uia close of IMII : Fairhaven Btsel and Iron Company's Furnaces I2.f110.ftin rompleleBewerageHietem , WIMIII KWwtric Btrmt Itailway iW.HH Additional Improteinsnta hy ths (I rest Northern Hallway, Mll.1111 Brick anil Btone Husinass HIiKiks under way and projsoted aVi.liU Hunkers, with dsily nensoity of ilUJ Ions 1HI.KU Another Public Bchwl Building., Ml.HU Improvemenis to Coal and Iron Mines Xi.uu Taomoret'hurches.,.,., IsVUO Histere of Peace Hipltai hl Civs Milsi more of titreel Improvements Smio University of Fairhaven IMi.ini Fairhaven Foundry and Uachine Bhupa fci.KU Beoolleot that Fairhaven always does mors than it promises. That It has directly tributary all ths resources to make It tha one great oity of ths Pugot Bound country The Coal of Pennsylvania, The Iron of Michigan, The Timber of Wisconsin, and A Matchless Harbor with Room for the Shipping of the World.