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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1890)
WEST SHORE. 173 are most abundant has retarded the growth of the lumbering Industry in that region. These very necessary adjuncts of development are being supplied gradually, and with tbem this heretofore dormant resoucre is being made to yield up a portion of its wealth. One of the first lines to penetrate the fast nesses of the Cascade range is the Oregon Pacific road building eastward from Ytquina bay through the mountains and across Eastern Oregon to a connec tion with some transcontinental line. The lumber business being opened up by this road has already assumed important proportions, and promises next year to be materially increased.' Several new saw mills have been built in that region this summer and others are in course of construction, as also a number of lumber chutes and log ways. The timber along the North Santiam is not surpassed by any on the coast. It consists principally of yellow fir with some white pine, hemlock, oak and maple. Long train loads of lumber are daily shipped from the various saw mills along the road to be distributed to various points in the Willammette valley and for export to California and other markets. This business will admit of almost un limited expansion as the supply of timber is practically inexhaustible. At present there is, perhaps no other avocation that attract so much attention, and creates so much general interest as does the searching for the precious metals. Of course the principal interest rests with gold, and any direct and positive knowledge that helps in the finding of that metal is of great bent fit and eagerly fought after. Most of the fundamental attri butes of this are well understood, but a constant recurrence to those testa will often save dissppointment to prospectors. Science Ntwt gives the well known teste with other Information. It says that many cheap alloys of base metals can be made which very strongly resemble gold in color and luster; but, in the absence of a complete chemical test, the high specific gravity of gold (19.3) is the best test of its purity, though this has been in geniously Imitated by covering the heavy but cheaper metal, platinum, with a layer of gold. Iron pyrites and other yellowish minerals are con stantly being mistaken for gold, by inexperienced persons, but a very sim ple test will show whether a doubtful specimen is really the true metal. Gold on be shaved with a knife, like a piece of wood or horn j while py rites and other worthless minerals will crumble under the knife. Very few chemicals have any fleet on gold. Selenic acid will dissolve It, but few chemists have ever seen this very rare substance. A mixture of nitric and hydro-chloric acids will distolve It, as will, also, a solution of chlorine gas in water. Any of these chemical reductions, however, are very unstable and as the metal is never destroyed it is easily restored to Its solid form. Pure gold is never changed by heating in the open air. The only abso lutely safe way of determining the value of metal, however, is to submit it to a practical assayer, who Is accustomed to such work, as many details are required to establish its identity which may not be carried out by the novice. EXPOSITION ATTRACTIONS. Let it be said to the credit of the city of Portland and her enterprising merchants, that our Industrial Exposition this season is unquestionably more complete and attractive than any similar undertaking on the coast. No pains or expense have been spued by the management or the exhibitors to make the exhibition a pronounced success. The visitors to the exposition undoubtedly hardly realise how much la bor and expense have been devoted to making the exhibits interesting and attractive. The goods displayed were, many of them, largely manufactured especially (or the exposition, requiring months In their preparation, while much time was necessary to artistically aud attractively arrange the dis plays; hence, it is undoubtedly due to Portland's enterprising merchants that visitors to the exposition should make more than a passing examina tion of the various displays; particularly is this true as regards the exhibits of Staver & Walker, the leading dealers in machinery and vehicles on the Pacific coast. The carriage display of this company occupies the entire south eud of machinery hall gallery, and is undoubtedly one of the most artlstio and elaborate displays of the entire exposition. The decorations are particularly beautiful, the white and gold blending harmoniously, and, under the brilliant electric lights, setting forth to splendid advantage the stylish " Tandem " outfit and the elegant Coupes, Rockaways, Landaus, Victoria Phivtons, Extension Top Cabriolets and other finely-finished vehicles dis played therein ; also the fine exhibit of the celebrated Tompkins A Mande ville harness, robes, whips and horse goods and carriage furnishings. This exhibit of Staver 4 Walker is undoubtedly the most artistic and complete display of the kind ever seen in the west, and compares favorably with the elaborate displays in the large eastern cities. The exhibit, as a whole, is in keeping with the acknowledged reputation of Staver & Walker as leaders in fine carriages and harness on the Pacific coast. Their machinery exhibit occupies the entire northeast corner of Ma chinery hall proper, and is replete with interesting features, prominent among which will be noticed a splendidly-finished Chandler A Taylor self contained engine; Snell A Meharg vertical engine, Charles P. Willard A Co. 's marine engines, all in operation; also a Ross feed cutter, Perfection water elevator and purifying pump, Bucyrus brick and tile elevator, Ray- mond Perfection re-press, with some finely-finished specimens of ornamen tal tiling. A Pulsometer steam pump, discharging a large volume of water, attracts the attention of all passers by, and is a marvel of ingenuity and mechanical skill. They have, also, displayed a pyramid of the Menasha wood split pulleys, Chicago Rubber Works belting, American leather belt ing, Ohlen saws, and In fact, a large and varied line of the machinery, ve hicles and supplies for which they are general northwestern agents, and which are in general use to-day throughout the entire northwest, being rec ognized as the standard of excellence wherever introduced. All visitors to Portland will undoubtedly find it to their interest and ad vantage to call at the headquarters of Staver & Walker, at the New Market Block, where they will find displayed the most varied and complete stock of machinery and vehicles handled by any one house In the United States. They carry everything required by the farmer, stockman, millman, and orchardist in the pursuit of his labors, and by the Introduction of their Im proved machinery they have done as much as any other one factor for the development of the Industrial resources of the northwest. Much credit Is due Staver & Walker for the completeness and attract iveness of their displays at the exposition, which clearly indicate that no labor or expense have been spared In their preparation, while the individ ual exhibits throughout the exposition indicate that Portland Is a great Job bing center and that her merchants are public spirited and desirous of ex tending the trade and commerce of the city. lrS!5 BISHOP SOOTT ACADEMY, POBTLAND. OHKOOM. A Boarding and Day School for Boya and Young Moo Thonrashlr aqnlppad (or food work In mri dapartmant. Band (or now In-pat oatalogua. J.W.HiLUM.B.PrinT Rt. Rit. B. Wibtab Moaaia, Baotor. BORTHWICK, BATTY CO., I Waahinstos BL Portland, Or. INVESTMENT AGENTS AND DEAL ERS IN RIAL ESTATE. Agsnta for Woodlawa, lllthlaad Park ud Portamouta Villa, Band for oar Inwatmant Contract, fiald tnf ten par out. nat Mention If Ml Slum. H. JOHNSON, 'stock Biwktr, Wc4oM BuleAar and fooWr, And daalar In all ktoda o( Fraah and Oornd MH, Baooa, Hani and Laid. Bpaolal attention gtran to supplying anipa. tint St aaar Aah. PORTLAND, OR, JAND DOW, AnMtcti, SroiAXi Falls, Wasi. uix outfit, sua I Wrttahr CaaJoraa. I ELECTRIC GOODS' Dayton, Hall fc aw M4 tort St. Fartlasa. r, Y. miknli.l( r"iBi rmrvnirnf i ssrxv Fort land Z. T. WRIGHT, foot ol Mortiton Bt, Pobtlaxd, Oikwm. ADVANCE THRESHERS AND ENGINES, farm, Churoh and School Bills, Inaplratora, Injaotoru and Fasd Pumps, Coal Oil Knainaa, Traharn Pnmpa, Kriaoal Knginaa, Boiltra and BUam ttanaratura, Laundry Machinery, Marine Machinery. CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Rlaokamlth Forgot and DriUa, Butt Ail flraaaa and Compound in In world, Pow. ali a BraaaQooda and Inn Pip. MEND FOR CATALOGUE, City of Ellensburgh, WASHINGTON. EUanabnrsh, oonntr tant of Kittitas Co., la a bin that takaa ila growth atnoa firar roan aco. Population MM, hall of whum oama tha put iw, lu naouroaa am. Brat, agricultural: aaoond. atnok, tha tributary rnngaa now rWUngllO.lU) hand. Minarala wall dnnlopad ara gold. "War, ouppar. lima, marbla, but (ha grasteat It iron, all kitula, ora aaaajring 10 to par oant. Kit titas oonntr la tha faoftByhloal oantar of Washington. Tha valla it tha oantar uf tha oonntr, tha town tha oanter of tha Tallar. Abundant naouroaa to anpport a rarr larta town. Tha untranal hahaf la that tha pop ulation will aqual IMUU in a (tw taara. Propsrty baa doublad in aalna annually, and inTaatmanta matia now will brint four, foldratornt. D1WM PORTLAND & ML VALLEY Ry. VIMM T-A UI.KAITtt. 'OH PORTLAND. abbiti paraat SMa.ra 1 1 Up,m, Ja.m t Itnp.m, liu lil " " " low " t li " II iu " t ail " Hit '" " liwpm.latt hiB " SOU " nmit nan uregoniaa n. n. poinu, Suburban Traina-t Oawagu llimalila, Hatunlay nlibt lasra II (i for Oawagn. Varriaa oonnaot with all traina for HU- wnod and MUwaukaa, Kiouraiim parUaa for Spring Brook or Camp Waahinaton at radnoad ratao. H.KOKIII.KH, K, A.BOAIIOMAN, Haaagar. A.U.P.A. c r CLorjOH 4 At P ORATES CLOUGH & GRAVES REAL ESTATE INVESTORS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, I BPOKANH FALLS, WASHINGTON.