172 ' WEST SHORE. The Daily Capital i. the name of a new paper which made ita appear ance at Olympia, Washington, on the 13th inat. in the history of the United States, the above figures being but an index of the entire state. The state of Washington has forty-four national banks, whose aggregate capital is $4,350,000. Six of that number are capitalized at 150,000 or over. The Firat Bank of Ortlng has been Incorporated at Orting, Washington, and will soon commence business. Local and Tacoma capitalists are the proprietors of the enterprise. After deducting for indebtedness and exemptions the sum of 2,537,712 from the gross vulue of all property In Linn county, Oregon, the assessor re turns $fl,4M,IM9 subject to taxation. A large three-story brick building is to be erected in Puyallup, Wash ington. The lower story will, be occupied by stores and the upper part will be used for hotel purposes. It will we the largest and the finest build ing in the town when completed. Discoveries of rich deposits of copper are reported from Josephine county, in Southern Oregon. About 2,000 tons have been taken out which will be shipped to Han Francisco for treatment. The mines are quite a dis tance from the railroad, but the prospects are said to be sufficient to warrant the building of a branch line to them from some point on the Southern Pacific. A gentleman living near Lymlen, Washington, had twenty acres In hops this season, and has sold the product of the field for $15,000 cash. He says the expense of cultivation, gathering and curing will not exceed $2,000, leaving a profit of $13,000. Is there a grain farmer in the west, or a raiser of any kind of produce in the east, who can show net profit of $050 au acre for twenty acres, or any number of acres, as a result of his summer's work? Articles Incorporating the Astoria Klectrlc Power & Transit Co., were filed last week, the capital stock being $150,000. . The main object of the coniny is to build a line of electric street railroad In the city of Astoria, beginning at the Intersection of Sixth street and Cushing's court, running south to the Walluski river. Another line of the system is to be built from Twelfth and Main streets to Smith's point. The company is also Intending to supply light and heat to parties desiring such service. The duration of the Incorporation Is perpetual. Practical miners have been prosiectlng on the headwaters of the Call poola river, In Douglas county, and the assays of ores show them to be re markably rich in gold. A great many claims have been located, and It is quite probable that extensive mining operations will be in progress in that section before a great while. Many of the miners are of the opinion that when development work has proceeded far enough the richest gold diggings in the world will be disclosed there. This section has been almost entirely overlooked thus far, and It is gratifying to note the fact that attention Is now being drawn to it. From the report of the commissioner of the general land office it is learned that the business transacted in the land offices of Oregon was as fol lows for the year past: ISTHII8. A0BK8 SJLDFOS Bonn 46,771 I Jl.su Lakeview 681 68.927 4S.077 La Grande tU 101981 77.WJ Oregon Cily .O90 tUW Koiebnrg 2,674 200414 1,9,511 TheDnllee 681 86,957 88,065 Total for itate 10,334 768,323 1776,901 A company was organized in Portland last week for the purpose of erecting a factory and manufacturing stoneware pottery. Ground has been purchased in the northern part of the city, and a building 35x100 feet in size and two stories in height will ba erected and work will begin as soon as the necessary machinery and fixtures can be made ready. A large kiln will also be built at the same time work is progressing on the factory. A tract of land has been purchased near Buena Vista, in Polk county, on which is a large deposit of pottery clay, and which Is capable of making as fine ware as can be produced anywhere. The company will manufacture crocks, jars, flower pots, etc., and will start the works with a capacity of about 20,000 gallons per day. This is the second institution of the kind in Portland. In his report to the stockholders of the Astoria & South Coast Railway Co., the president of the company has the following to say of the coal de posits on the Nehalem : Last year the Nehalem coal veins were only partially investigated j since then we have made repeated careful examinations and developments which have proved that these deposits are more valuable than we anticipated, and contain about 7,000 acres with six different veins, one of which averages nine feet through, and pronounced by experts, and an analysis, equally as good as the Roslyn coal of the state of Washington. These investigations have satisfied us beyond question that the coal mines will yield an immense traflis in supplying the domestic raarketa in this state, and especially In ex porting to San Francisco via Astoria. The Oregonian Railway Co. has contracted with the Pacific Bridge Co. for the erection of a bridge over the McKenzie river, two miles south of Co burg, the present terminus of the company's line of road. The bridge la to be a wooden structure and will be the longest in that section of the country, having a center span of 250 feet and a sixty-foot span at each end. The piers are to be of concrete built upon a foundation of piles driven in the bed of the river and sawed off below the water line. The work is to be com pleted in ninety days from date of contract. Work on the grading for the widening of the Oregonian railway Is being pushed as rapidly as possible. Over 500 men are at work on the road between Coburg and Woodbura, widening cuts, fills, culverts, cattle guards, bridges, etc., preparatory to changtog the road to standard gauge. The work of moving the tracks further apart will probably be undertaken within sixty days, and will be carried on along the whole line at one time. In addition to many other enterprises recently Inaugurated by the wide awake cltlzans of Gervais, Or., for the impnwment of their town they are now organliing a bank for the accommodation of the business men. A two story brick building will be erected at a cost of about $(1,000, which will be used for offices and a permanent location for the bank. This work will be done early next summer, though the bank will begin business In temporary quarters Immediately. An effort is also being made to organic a company with a capital of $10,000 or $15,000 for the purpose of erecting and operating arge nil flouring mill. This enterprise would certainly prove remuner ative and would b a great benefit to the town. From the return of the state board of equalisation of Washington lor the year 1WK), the six leading counties as to value of taxable property are as fol lows : King, f40.41B.H35 ; Pierce, $27.1)12,945 ; Spokane, 22.7W.lsfl; What com. $14,010,080; Whitman, $10,045,721; Chehalis, $.1,200,519. The fig ures speak more eloquently than could volumes of statistics of the remark able growth In wealth of the new state, and are reminder, to some of the older and more pretentious commonwealths on the roast that they will have to look well to their Interest! if they do not wlih to be outstripped in the rao. for supremacy. The growth of Washington stands without a parallel In It! i advocacy of the establUhing of public library In Ellensburg, Oregon, the OoU Btack Ua:tllt ha. the following to My: it ta eon what curious to not.ce person, who oftentimes express a wish that the time would pass away more quickly, heedless of the fact that they are wishing away sometlung, which, if they desired to purchase, and had the wealth of he whole country at their disposal, they could not buy. There 1. excuse, .til'. TH , ' 'r Wl! in UlU P" 01 the Mnntr7 "P wi eW. . M durin winter, when It rain, deluges, and the w.nd blow, so tremendously a. it does In this part of 0 ZJm question naturally ariees, what can be don. to minimis, thi. de 1 Ue 7Zmm rf"?We WV U,M wi,hinMd wW'tllng-th. ! iSin , 9 Kg,Vtl u 0Dly U eireX-"on. of the blood and greased lightning type, but such as tend to elevat, rather than degrade." the ' gnWiDg ta C"' mo h ket. SS?rll?,T hT, Wri,eri 00 KKa ", butth. bnoe of railroad, in the section, where th. finest of th. commercial wood.