125 WESS SHORE. AM WANTKD BALAHY 7to Itl A H 1 1 00 to locally represent. N. Y. Company incorporated 10 supply Dry Ooods, Clothing. Shoes, Jtwelry, eto lo oon.um.r. t oust. Also ady nf tact, salary 40. In enroll membwe (HO.000 now enrolled, ilOO.000 paid in). Itefer miom. Empire Cojiperatire A.eocialion, (well rated) Lock Box MIO New York. Union Pacific System! STEAMSHIPS. Portland to Ban Franelaoo, Laariiif Steamship Wharf, Portland, at 10 p. m., at follow! : Btate. Oregon.. Columbia , Hiata. , Oregon Columbia. BtaU. Oregon Betorday Oct. 4 Weilneeday " 8 Sunday " 12 Thureday " M Monday " 20 Fridar " 24 TukkUt " 28 Hturdr Nor. 1 Baggage mnit be cheeked either at Aeh treat during the day, or by the U. C. 4 B. T. (!o. No unchecked baggage will be re wired on the eteamere. PORTLAND TICKET OFFICE, Finer and Oa Hts. 0EO. 8. TAYLOU, City Ticket Agent C.B.MKLLKN, T. W. LEK, Uon'l Tramc Mgr. (leo'l Fees. Aft Baa rraneleco to Portland, Leering Hpear Btnet Wharf, Hu Frunole. oo, at Ui a. m aa follows i Oregon Friday Oct. I Columbia TueUir " J HtaUv Hstunter " II Oregon Wednesday l Columbia. Sunday " l Slat. Thore-W 2 Oregon Monday " " Columbia. . Friday " II The Company reeerTee the right to ohange Steamers or aailing dan. BATEB OF PABHAflE, Including meals and berthi. Cabin, . Il8.ua Bteeregs, 18.00 Uound Trip, unlimited, IHUUI No freight will be received on morning of aailing. .lo.pt fruit and Tegetahlee, and these wiO not be taken after a, m. OFFICIO), BAN FRANCISCO i agnail Ornci, No. 10 Maun Btbiit. Tiokbt Orniisn, 1 k 114 Montoomui Bt and I MoamoiiuT At, W. II. HUHI.BUHT, Asst. Uen'l Pass. Aft. Ooodall, Parking A Co., Bupt. From Terminal or Interior Polnta the '0 la the Una to take to ALL POINTS LST AND SOUTH. It la Ik 1)1 HI NO OAR ROUTE. II rant THROUGH TK8TIHULR TRAINS RVRRT HAT IN THR YEAR to St Paul and Chicago ! NO ('HANOI OF CAM)) Composed of DININU CARD llnsur- I'l'l I MAN Drawing Room ILKEP KKa of Latest fciiulpuieut, TOURINT BI.KKPINU CAH, Best that oan ba ponetruotad and In which aconniniiidatlotie are FKKK U holdera of Firet or Beouod Class Tickets, and KI.K41ANT DAT COACH Kg, A CONTINUOUS LINK cunnectinf with ALL LINKS, arlording DIIIKlTand UNINTKIMUPTED BKHVICK. Pullman Hlwper rUeerratlons can ha oured in advance through any agwot u( the road. To and from all I oolnleta Amer. Ice. aiukml and kuroiie on be purchased at au Ticket OrHoe ut Hue Company. V Full infuraatkia concerning ratea, lluie of traina, nmlee and ttther detaile fur. niehed oa application Ui aw agent, or A. U. CHARLTON, Assistant Uaneral Passingcr Agent, Northero Pacific Rv. V Mm Gt'Hiir (u Snagby prepares to rise) Oh! don't get up! Don't get op ! Please keep your Beat ! Shaoby ( (lightly bewildered ) Like to oblige you, madam, but I get off at this street The Jury. jTk. gillTco. WholessleandBetsil Ho, 73 Pint BL, PORTLAND, OREGON. Maps of Oregon & Washington Revised to Auguet, 1889. Prioe, 71 omte each. Together, 11.25, Mailed to any addreei, EAST AND SOUTH TIA Southern Pacific Route. BHA.8TA LINE. Kipreaa Traina leave Portland daily. MATl Anarrg Portland... XJ p. m. I Ban Fran ... 7:45 a. m. Ban Fran...lia) p. m. I Portland ... 15 a. m. Abora traine itop only at the fidlowing etationa north of lloeeburg: Eaet Portland, Oregon City, WiKnllmrn, Halem, Albany, Tangent, Hhnlila, llalasy, Uarriebnrg, Juno tion City, Irring, Eugene. RoMburg Hall, Dally. LIATg Ulftl Portland....)!) a. m. I Roeburg.6 M p. m. ltobur...6U) a. m. I Portland... 4 U3 p. m. Albany IjhwI, Dally (Exorpt Sunday) LIATI ABUTS P"rtland....Mll p, m. I Albany 11)1) p. m Albany in) a. m. I Portlaud.uu a. m. PULLMAN IIUPPET SLEEPERS. Tonrlet Bleeping Can for the aosommo dauon of eeoood olaae paaeengen attached to axpreai traina. West Side Dir.-BL Porllaxd aQdCorrallls. Mall Train Daily, (Eioept Sunday). LtATI aaairg Portland... 7 i a. m. I Corrallu. 12:10 p. m. CorreUie ..Viii p. m. I Portland, t JO p. m. At Albany and Corralllt oonnaot with the Oregon Paoino U. U. Eipnaa Train Dally (Eioapt Sunday) uun ABUT! Portland. ,.4:40 p. m. I HcHrille,.74B p. m. HoMrUla ..1:48 a. m. I Portland ,.I:U a. m. Tmopai Tioim to all pointa out and aouth. Union Ticket Ontoa, No. 1S4 FlratSt., Corner Alder. B, KOinUtH k P. HV4KR8. Manarx' Aeet. 0. F. A P. Alt Depot, rifth and I Straeta. flltWfilliii EDWARD DEKUM & CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, 40 and SI Washington Street, PORTLAND, OR. Cerman and French Publications always In Stock. Mail Order Department Our Mail Order Department Is fnllr organised and under careful snoarruiloa. BamDlee free upon application. (rmNia sent C. 0. 1). or oa receipt of ramittanos by mail or ax preen, Wearadireotlmportarsof FINI MILLINERY, DRY AND FANCY COODS, ETC. Clothing, Oeuts' Furnishing Qooda, Bats and Cape, Boots and Bhoaa, Grooeriea and Prortatoua. Herbert Bradley & Go. HE KNEW. Teacher In what battle was Stonewell Jackson mortally wound ed? Pupil Donno I guees it was the last one he fought in. The lipoch. PORTLAND CORNICE AND ROOFING CO. POBTLAND. OREGON, Metal Cornice Fnraacee, Felt Hooflng, eta. PORTLAND in. VALLEY By. TIMETABLK-AUO.,'90. POBTLAND. A1IITI DBPABT 8l8g.m!tl4llp.m.t7aa.m 140p.m. 840 " '" " 'a) " ' ; 1040 1 4 w tn oo " I eao 11 48 " 7 807 " ilSIOpm.: 885 " i 7 5 " tW " Tnrongn nau uregonian n. n. pomia. Baburnan Traine t Oewego ; t Knemde. Baturday night leave II J for Oewego. Ferriee connect with all traina (or Bell wood and MUwAukee. Eioareion paruee for Ppring Brook or Camp Washington at rednoed rataa. B. KOEHLEK. E. A. BOABDMAN, Hunger. A. U. P. A. Change of Time and Faatar Barring to Chloago, Fut train! orer the NorthweeUrn Line, C. 8L P. M. 4 0. By., now run ai follows : Chicago Daylight Erprew-Ths only 14 hour daylight train between the Twin Cit 1m and Chicago, learee Uinneapolii at 7.00 a. m.; Bt. Paul, 7.45 a. m. (dinner in dining oar) and arrives in Chicago at 9.45 p. m. This hour of arriral in Chicago (ires oon nection with mora night trains out of Chl oago to the East and South than trains of other linos. CAfcaoo ValibuUd Limited, is UK hra., learee Minneapolis at 8.90 p. m.s St. Paul, 7.10 p. m and arrirea in Milwaukee at 7.25 a. m.i Chicago, 8.00 a, m. This is the only oompleUreetibuled train between the Twin Cities and Chicago, and oonnoota with all Fut Line trains tearing Chicago in ths morning for ths East and Booth. Trains of Northern Pacitlo railway oonnaot in Minna, apolis and Bt Paul union depots with ths through trains over the Northwestern Lioa. If ticaeta can not be secured from the agent at your station, orer the Northwtst arn Line, oall on or addrats W.H. HEAD, Oan, AgU, 4 Washington BL, Portland. Oregon. T. W. TEA8DALE, O. P. A., BL PauL And Engnrini inch w ihowD in (his pv iweu tw don fur Ui rwidnti of th oorthwMt by A. An drmm A Ci., to 8 Aldar Ht., H rOund, Or. pgrTriotiDiid. partusnt oomplsi. rmers & Mechanics Store 80)444 First, 8-8 Taylor Bta. Portland. I PFIITC wanted. Liberal Salary Paid. Rata I O At home or to trarel. Team fuVuliheUfrae. P.O V1CKEBY, Augus ts, Maine WASHINGTON Jay And-iwn. - Hoz Write for information. New Bta'a and Town, JayAnd-.a..n. . box 882, Mil IWKIIP DtMlUB. nWllUlW4i a.iB.E.1 il RUPTURE III DB. PIBBCE'S . HAC1NLTIC H LA NT 10 'BUM"Uoli ElMtriti TraM .world. Hi Iron HcrMMM BtaXxl Bprtonl Ei7tor. fhiiofUtatU rnMtui raUleallT tBrii UtaHatlt .lfTlaUb. U11 Arftct fllLrnf tiWN mU of ibs world. Wfor dtMriptln ftuartnmto Bk, B rueiiwvai.iri THE PORTLAND, PORTLAND, OBEOON. A nsw hotel containing all modern im- firorements; every room lighted by aleotno ty: light and airy! heated by stoam: open tire pUoea, bath en suita, and on erfry fioor; slerators. Quests sre entertained on either the American or European plan. Ths Beetaurant the nneet in the city. CHAS. E. LELAND, Manager. IF YOU WANT OREGON LUMBER! oa Red Cedar Shingles I warn to oa oall rjpog The H. R. Diiniway Lcmter Company, PORTLAND, OREGON. Mills and Wholesale Yards at Latonralla Fall.. Or. Planing Mill, Dry Kiln and Ba tail Yard at East Portland, Oregon. RIP! STRETCH I TEAR! NO FIT! Thaw an soma of ths troubles of many ladies with poor Kid Qlores. Ws an now showing the latest arriTals of the genuine " ALEIANDBE " Kid Olores, whioh for mon than forty rears bars stood in the lead of Krst olaas goods. OLDS & KING. Portland, Oregon. TUK NORTHWEST FIRC AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. Authorised Capital, $100003. Directors-D. D. Oliphant, J. Loewen berg.J. MoCrakn, J. K. Uill F. K. Arn old, F. Ktert, H. L. Pittook, Y. M. War ren, Odioera J. Loewenberg, preet; J. HcCraken, ri-e praet.: K. P. Earhart, secy, and msngr.t F, 11, Warren, trees.; E. Er arett, aa.u eeoy. Buoceieor in Oregon to Booth British and National Fir and Murine Ins. Cos. o( New Zealand. OFFICE, 88 Washington BL IT I Ttf PI IDEAL MEPICTNB, ltrmithr Livrrsnd Kldnrv.andStom.rh, mm llratljrhr, l)vMrt.i, rn-ntt-s an Appe titr, Punlic. ihr Iroimrc Ulood, and Mukcs The WrnV Btrong. railLllEMMB Dswlowmrhfra. II nlwtilonltfnrM, Importers Leather & Findings, 73 Front St., PORTLAND, OR.