The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 27, 1890, Page 106, Image 9

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'Mid the atraina of music, the glare ol electric lights and the enthusi
astic plaudits ol k large concourse of people, the second annual exKmtion
of the North Pacific Induatrial Association was opened in Portland, Tiiurs
day night, September 25, to remain open thirty daya.
In many reapecta the fair ia auperior to that of last year, which was the
greatest display of it kind ever given on the Pacific coast. The exposition
building ia one of the largeat In the United States, and for the purpose it
was built has no superior. Nothing on the Pacific coast approaches it in
these essential features. The experiencee of last year have been used as a
guide for the many changes that have been made in the general arrange
ment, by which there has been a greater utilization of space and a more
harmonious relation to each other of the various features. The result is
that there la fully one-half greater number of exhibits than last year, with
no crowding and less interference one with another.
The chief center of attraction la the conservatory and concert hall, both
because of its beauty and the superb music of Liberati's celebrated hand.
The general effect of the hall is improved more than a hundred per cent.
The wonderful electric tower, with Its hundreds of glittering lights in varied
colors, has a brilliant and da.iling effect. This master exhibition piece of
the wizzard, Edison, la seen here for the flrtt time on the Pacific coast.
Htanding In the center of the hall and towering far above the surrounding
foliage-embowered statues, it combines with its accessories to make a pic
ture of wonderful beauty and brilliance. The fine white bronze statues and
busts add wonderfully to the effect of (lie hall, which is also enhanced by
making them the center pieces of the floral adornments. The arrangement
of the foliage plants and flowers is far more artiBtic in its general effect than
last year, besides leaving greater apace for promenaders. The walls of the
music hall are used for the display of photographs, oil paintings and other
forms of art work, contrasting favorably with their barrenness last year.
The cedar festoons and the heads of animals used for decoration also
heighten the general effect. It is almost impossible to bs too extravagant
In praise of the music. Blgnor Lilieratl has brought a band of the finest
musicians in America whom he has collected and drilled for months for the
express purpow of giving the Portland exioeition the finest nmsic ever
heard within the walls of an exposition building. Few people in the north
west have ever had an opportunity to hear band In any way approaching
in excellence this remarkable organisation, and the music alone will amply
repay one for a journey of 400 miles to the metropolis. The fame of this
band and Its leader, the greatest cornet soloist in the world, will undoubt
edly attract thousands of people.
The art gallery, also, is marked improvement upon that of last year.
The finest collection of paintings ever brought to the Pacific coatt has been
hung upon the galle7 walls, to be admired and studied. Great care has
been taken with the hanging of the pictures, the arrangement of the incan
descent electric lights and the decoration of the room. All is rich and har
monious In color and artistic In grouping and general effect. The art work
of the Portland schools, on the exterior walls of the gallery, attracts great
attention, and is a most creditable showing of that branch of education In
our excellent schools. In a manner corelated with the art department is
that of the fancy and decorative work, and here one can but admire and
wonder at the marvelous Ingenuity, delicacy of work, refinement of artistic
taste and variety of design shown in the multitude of objects displayed.
Hours could lie Snt In studying and admiring these products of the brain
and hand of the fair sex.
It la doubtful If there could be gathered elsewhere In the world such a
collection of Irolls, grains, grasses, vegotablee, etc., as are to be seen in the
agricultural department. Certainly in their excellence they could not tie
equaled, and proUhly not in variety. To describe or even enumerate them
would require columns of space. Hut the general effect of the display calls
for aa much praise and wonder as the excellence of the exhibit itself. With
Infinite patience and great artistic taste, the various products have been
arranged la designs and group In such a way as to have a most attractive
effect to the eye without regard to the merits of the exhibit Itself. Admir
ation of the display in general is turned to wonder when the Individual
objects are examined and their merits seen.
The exhibit of machinery, vehicle! and the multitude of objects gath
ered in the gallery and on the main floor ol the west wing of the building
is a superb one. Every foot of floor spce is utilised, and there ia such an
endless array of curloua, Interesting and attractive objects that the visitor
feels a sense of contusion when he gases uon the hall from soma good
point of olaervatlon. This is one ol the most Important portions of the ex
position as an educator and promoter of the country's development. The
opposite wing contains the mercantile exhibits and a Urge number of mis
cellaneous displays of a most Interesting and valuable nature. Here the
opportunity for artistic effect In color and grouping is very great, and has
beeu Improved to the fullest degree. The genius of the lamp seems to have
been at work transforming the barren walls and wooden booths Into a vis
Ion of beauty. Anything like a detailed description la impossible, for one
could spend hours there without noting everything that would pass under
his eye, so great the multitude of objects combined in the picture. Any
one who conies to Portland with the idea that one visit to the exposition
will be enough, will find he has sadly underrated the size and attractive
ness of the fair. Visitors should give themselves ample time to enjoy and
appreciate all its features and to make an intelligent Inspection of every de
partment. Another great improvement Is the annex exhibition of fat and fine
blooded cattle, horses, Bheep, swine and poultry. The grounds of the asso
ciation in the rear of the building have been fitted up for this purpose at
great expense, and there is gathered there such a collection of animals and
fowls as are seldom assembled for the purpose of exhibition. This is a
most valuable and interesting feature and is one of the greatest attractions.
The grounds are readied through the rear door of the music hall, east of
the band platform,
In its number of October 18th, West Shorb will give fine colored en
gravings of the leading features of the exposition, which will be the best
possible representative of this great exhibition that can be Bent away to
those who have been denied the privilege of visiting it, or which can be
kept as a souvenir by those who have enjoyed its beauties and attractions.
The fair which has been in progress at The Dalles this week was the
most largely attended of any that has ever been held by the association.
The esieciai feature of the exhibition was the display of fruits and vegeta
bles. Mammoth squashes weighing ninety-five pounds, and watermelons
of fifty pounds weight, raised on Wasco county's hills, were noticeable
specimens of the country's products. Pears exceeding a pound In weight,
and bunches of grapes and Italian prunes of enormous size also attested
the fertility of the soil of that section. The races were all spirited and
thoroughly enjoyed by the lovers of that sport. That the exhibition was an
entire success is evidenced by the commendations of all who attended.
The Southern Oregon District Fair Association has Just closed very
successful exhibition at Jacksonville. The Interest taken In the fair by the
residents of that section has resulted in a remarkable Increase In the num
ber of exhibits over former years, and the attendance has been proportion
ally larger. The display of thoroughbred stock was especially attractive,
all the leading strains being represented. Fruit of every description, and of
the quality for which that section Is so famous, formed one of the chief fea
tures of the exhibition.
The machinery for the new mill of the Albany Mining and Milling Corn
pany was sent out to the company's mines in the Santiam district on Tues
day of last week. A double track tramway 1,000 feet in length will be con
structed to connect the mine with the mill, and so arranged with cable that
a car loaded with ore going down one track will haul an empty car up to
the mine. Those having charge of the improvements have confidence In
the enterprise proving a success from a financial standpoint.
Trinity church association, of Tacoma, has decided to erect a new
church and parish house, to cost ti0,00O. The church Is to be of brick and
stone, and will be 120x80 feet In size. The parish house will be 60x40 feet,
two and one-half stories high, with chapel and Sunday school room on the
first floor. The latter building will be finished late this fall and the church
early next spring. A parsonage will also be built after the church and par
ish bouse are completed.
A subsidy has been raised by the citizens of Vancouver, Washington,
to secure the establishment there of a large pork packing establishment,
me buiIUmg will be 100x42 feet in size, and will be supplied with neces
sary appliance, or poking 150 hogs a day. It is expected the business
will be in operation soon after the first of October.
The Milw.ukie Land Company has filed articles of Incorporation in
M ltnomah county with a capital stock of 172,000. It is the intention of
Ui. com,, to build a motor line from St. John to Oregon City, and to op
erate a hue of steamers between Portland and Oregon City.
nalli1Or!inrrbr'!'Tt PreMrving meta " 10 ' Th
oXt ' ,i C mh Ms VmW hvln Incorporated
lor that purpose with a capital stock of 115,000.
luUlkT1li'f.l,Um, W"hint"'. been converted into . national
b. and capital ha. been subscribed for a second national bank.