The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 27, 1890, Page 100, Image 4

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Kalem hn J art been undergoing its nun! excitement in the farm of
the Oregon state fair. Always a busy and bulling city, with many
In lustries aid a large trade, it takes on aided life aid action daring
the season when the people of the itate gather there to attend the
great fair conducted under the aoapicea of the atate. The fair
began on the fifteenth and cloeed on the twentieth, and waa in
every respect the moot successful and beneficial that has been
beld by the itate aMociation. The fair grounds lie jut outside
the city, and are reached by a splendid road, by a line of horse j- 1
cars and by the Southern Pacific railroad. People attended from ' ,
every portion of Uie itate, and many strangers went to see the ..
superb collection of Oregon products that were displayed in the
large pavilion. The stock exhibit wai a magnificent one, and
fully marks the great progress Oregon baa made in this important ' -branch
of agriculture the past few yean. This wai also illustrated
by the splendid collection of speed animals that contested for the
liberal purses offered by the society.
The atate fair, however, it but an incident coming but once a
year, while the city of NaUm itself is a living and enduring reality, pulling
with life the year round and nobly demonstrating its right to be the capital
of the state. On the center pigea are given a number of views of state,
county and city buildings, as well aa street scenes, while on the accompany
ing pages are
some of the In- . As v
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tioni that are
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adding to materially to the prosperity of the city. They ihow the metro
olitan character of the city and give an Idea of the prosperity and growth
that must result from the possession of such institution!,
Salem li not only an active business community, but a beautiful city.
The visitor Is Impressed with it at the first glance. The large public build
ings, the handsome residences and twau
tllul lawns, the wide itreeta bordered
with shade trees, the long rows of busi
ness block! of brick and the factories
that line the banks of the softly-flowing
Willamette, all combine to make a pic
ture of beauty and strength that apieali
to one who baa an eye for the beautiful
aa well aa a mind (or the material The
fact that the rily ia In no way i'raniied
for room renders It easier to make beau
tiful homes. Hone can and motor linea
bring fine resilience tracts in the suburbs
Into close relation with the buiinesa w
tiona, and this oporttmity to secure am
ple grounds for a pleasant and beautiful
home at moderate cost H being Im
proved rapidly. All around the city neat
and even elegant homes are being built,
and they are a suggestion of growth and
roier!ty highly gratifying to the ritlien
and Impressive to the transient visitor.
I.Ike new growth on a tree, they are Indi
cations of vigor and vitality.
Salem has made a remarkable growth
the st few years. I'ntll recently it had
been pushed slowly forward by the mere
advantage of ita location and ita prestige
aa the seal of itate government, but for
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several years past the active business men have made a systematic effort to
promote its growth, with luch gratifying results that the ceniua just taken
shows an excess of 10,000 people living within its limits, ThU has not
been done by the usual booming methods, but by the establishment of
industries and the development of its resources both within
and without the limits of the city itself. There are now quite
a number of important industries that employ a large number
of men, some of which have been established as a result of the
movement alluded to. Three large roller process flouring mills,
a new and extensive woolen mill built within the past year, a
large fruit and vegetable canning establishment, two fruit dry
ers, iron works, two sash, door and blind factories, a factory
for the manufacture of agricultural implements, two saw mills,
electric light works, tile works and brick yards, a tannery, and
a large number of shops and small industries of various kinds.
The splendid water power secured by conducting the water of
the North Santiam to the city through the channel of Mill
creek, and the excellent factory sites available, render Salem a
specially desirable location for manufacturing establishments,
especially as it lies in the heart of the great valley of Oregon
and has splendid shipping and receiving facilities by both rail
and water. Splendid roads lead out into the surrounding coun
try, so famous for its agricultural products and fruits, rendering
a large area locally tributary to the city on both sides of the
river. A substantial iron bridita spans the Willamette.
The public building! in Salem are numerous and of a
splendid character. The state capital is a large and imposing structure of
iron, stone and brick, erected at a cost of half a million dollars. It is
75x275 feet in site, and lacks but the dome of being entirely completed.
The state asylum for the insane is one of the best institutions of the kind
in the country. The building has a frontage of 485 feet, with a wing at
either end extending back 220 feet. About
GOO patients are cared for. The advanced
position Oregon has taken in the matter
of scientific and humane treatment of its
unfortunate insane speaks volumes for
the character of its citizens. The state
penitentiary it a large and substantial
structure of brick, with a capacity to
accommodate 400 prisoners. All its ap
pointments are of the most improved in
modern penal Kyttems. The prisoners are
employed in making itoves and in vari
ous other occupations. The state reform
school is a new institution, the large
structure for which, ihown in the accom
Pnying engraving, is now in process of
erection. It has long been needed, and
will be another evidence of the advanced
position taken by Oregon in the matter of
proper treatment of Its unfortunates.
A deaf mute school and school for the
blind are also located there, both of them
state institutions, and are doing good
work in their special fields.
The public buildings of the county
wid city compare favorably with those
erected by the state. The court house is
a fine structure that cost $130,000, and
rreeenti an imposing appearance. Four