110 WEST SHORE. ANOTI1KK PHYSICIAN. Mm. Aikik Wht do yon think of the Monroe Doctrinr, Mrs. Ptyne ? Mu. Tayih I don't know iny thing kbout blm. Yon tee Dr. Ke neen does ill my docterin'. Puck. Union Pacific System! STEAMSHIPS. Portland to tan Fmneleeo, Leaving Steamship Whirf, Portland, it 10 p. in., m follow! i Oregon Columbia.. ., But Oregon Columbia..., Bute. Oregon , Columbia., -, Tuesday Heturdav Wednesday Bandar Thuraday Monday Friday Tuesday Bep. I " 8 - 10 14 " 18 " " as " u Baggage must ba checked either it Aih rem during tha day. or br tba U. C. 4 b. T. Co. No unchecked baggage will ba re ceived on tha el earners. PORTMND TICKET OFFICE. PlBST AND OaI BTB. GEO. 8. TAVliOU, City Tiokat Agent. 0. 8. MKLLKN, T, W. LKK, Uaa'lXraffloHp. Qon'l Fan. Aft tan Franrlioo to Portland, Leaving Bpear Street Wharf. Han Francis, oo, at 10 a. m., aa followa i Colombia.,, Huu. Oregon Columbia.., Huu Oregon Columbia.., Hut. Monday Friilay Tueeilay Heturdav Wednesday Hundav Thuredey Monday dept J Tba Company waamai tha right to ohange Btaamere or Bailing days. UATK8 OF PABHAHE, Including nitali and bartba. Cabin. . film, Steerage, . ffl.no Round Trip, unlimited, . faUUI No freight will ba received on morning of aailing, eioopt fruit and vegetables, and tbeee will not bo taken aftar II a. m. OFFICES, BAN FRANCIKXJt OitinAL Omni, No. 10 Massst Hriirr. Tiusit Omnia. I A tit MTwiaui Dr., AMD I MoKTtKMUl AT. W, H. HUHLBUKT, Asat. Usa'l Pua. Agt Uuodall, Perkins A Co. Bnpt. Fran Tarminal or Intarior Polnta tha Is the line to take to ALL POINTS LVST AND SOUTH. II b tha DINIMO CAB BOITTB. It rani THROUGH VrUTHIlILM TRAINS KYKRT DAT IN THI TIARta St Paul and Chicago ! ( NO CHANGE OF CAUH Oanipoaail of DINING OARS I'aaur- Pl'l.l MAN Drawing Room tl.llP. RHa of Latest KiiulpruMt, TOI'IUST II.KKPINU CAR!, Heel thai oan ba ooaatrectait and In which aoeonimiNiaUona are FHKM t holilere of Flret of second Ciaee Tickets, and KLKOANT DAT CO At II M. i (XINTINUOUB LINK connecting with ALL LINK8, alTonllng DIIIKlT and UNINTERRUPTED SERVICE. Pullman Hleener Heaervaliona luten. cured in advance llinmgh an agent of tba road. THROUGH TICKETS lea, hiutlanil and kumi can ba purahaeed at any Ticket Othca of thu Company, eT Full infnrrnittoa enaeenilng rataa, lime of traina, niuMa and other ilMalla fur Biased on application to any eseul, or A. D. CHARl.TtIN, Assistant General rWturer Agent, No. Ill Pint Btraat, I . Our. Waeaingi., PorU1 AN EXAMPLE IN rilYilCsi. The PBOFEssoH-Wht is the ef fect of pressure upon a solid body? Frank Roth (rtflectively) That depends npon the girl. Texai Car-loon. J. K. CILL&CO. Wholesale end Retail No. 73 Flret St., PORTLAND, OREGON. Maps of Oregon & Washington Bevlsed to Auguit, 18S0. Price, 7tcente each. Together, 11.25. Hailed to any sddreas. EAST AND SOUTH TIA Southern Pacific Route. SHASTA LINK. Eiprest Traini lean Portland daily. L1ATI AHIT1 Portland. Jim p. m. I Ban Fran ..7:11 a. m. Ban Fran..."!!) p. m. I Portland .. It a. m, Above traini atop only at the following lUtioiu north of llowburg: l!ait Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn. Balem, Albany, Tengftnt, Hhnlda, Halaey, Uamaburg, Jono tion City, lmng, Kugana. Roaaburg Hall, Dally. LIATI m Portland,...!u) a. m. I Rnburg.,JliTlp m. Boaeburg .) a. m. I PortlanL.. tU p. m. Albany Loral, Dally (Kiwpt Sunday) I.UTt Alain Portlnd..)ll p. m. I Albany.. ..tm p. m Albany iiil a. m. I Portland....VUi a. m. PULLMAN IIUFFRT SLCKPRKS, Tourlit Blaaptng Can for tha woommo. dauon of eaaood olaai panaugan attaahad to aipraai Iraina. West Side Dir.-BL Portland aDd Corrsllis. Mail Train Dally, (Eioapt Sunday). LBAVl ABUIT1 Portland.. Ml a. m. I Corral In Hlo p. m. Corrallie .12:15 p. a. I Portland. 5 Ml p. m. At Albany and Corrallle oounaot with tha Oregon PaoinotLB. Kipreaa Trala Daily (Cieapt Sanday) uaii Aiaira Portland. ..) p. m. I HoMnlla,.lp. m. MoklrlUe a. m. I Portland . .1 :U a. m. Tnaorjoi Tloicra to all point! rait and aiwth. Union Ticket Orrloe, No. 194 Flret Sb, Corner Alder. B. EOIHUb K. p. HOGKHB. Manar AuUG.F.AP.Aat. Depot, Firth and I Straata. riirjjririM'iijfrJ EDWARD DEKUM & CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, e ud At Waahlngton Strael, PORTLAND, OR, Cerman and French Publications always in Stock. Mail Order Department F,2 Mail Order Departman, le fully oreanieed and free apon .....l.aT "XZrZ rZ S"0"1 preea, We are direct i report of W remittanoi by mail or ai- FINI MILLINERY, DRY AND FANCY COODS, ETC iwint hniMn 0owb- ai " 8ho. QrorlM and Herbert Bradley & CorsLeato&Findin5s' J WUi 73 Front St., PORTLAND, OR. HAUD TO UNDERSTAND. It takes the average man a long time to anderetand liy early rising leems so hard in the morning, when : it seemed no easy the night before. Somemlh Journal I'ORTUXD COHMCE ASD ROOFING CO. POHTUND. OHEQON, Metal Coraicfc,, Furniioai, Felt Hoofing, eto. PORTLAND OIL VALlETRy. TIME TA11LB-AUQ, '90. PORTLAND. ABIITI P"'T esnrmlt IMp.m.n2Ja.m 141p.m. 8W " S iri ' 'KUI " 120 ' into " t4.w " I14S " t07 " ll2lp.ni. 835 " i 7a5 " i 20U " w inroagn niau unwuuiBu . m. yiuvm. Hnbarnan Traine-t Oiwego ; t Rirennde, Haturday night leare 11 HI for Oiwego. Kernel connect with all traina for rjell wood and Milwaukee, Eicureion paruet for 8nnng Brook or Camp WaibiDgtoQ at reduoed ratea, R. KOEHLER, E. A. B0ARDMAN, Manager. A.O.P.A. Change of Time and Faatar Serrloe to Chicago. Put traini orer tha Northweitern Line, C. Bt P. M. 1 0. Ry now ran ai followi : Ckicooo DatligM Exfreu-Tht only It. hoar daylight train between the Twin Ut ile and Chicago, leMie Uinnnpolii at 7.00 a. m.i Bt. Paul, 7.4S a. m, (dinner in dining oar) and errirei in Chicago at 0.4S p. m. Thii hour of arrival in Chicago givea con nection with mora night traini oat of Chi cago to the Eaat and Sooth than traini of other linen, Chicago VtitibuUi Lirrrifat, in UK hre., leavee Minneapolii at 8.10 p. m.i Bt. Paul, 1.10 p. m and arrivee in Hilwaukea at 7.29 a m.; Chicago, .00 a. m. Thii ii tha only oompletaveetibuled t-ain between tie Twin CitiM and Chicago, and oonneola with all Fait Line traini leaving Chicago ui the morning for the Eait and Booth, Traina of Northern Pacific railway connect in Minne polii and Bu Paul union dipota with tha tbrengh traini over the Northweitern Line. If Urketa can not be mured from the agvnt at your nation, over the NorthwiiU era Line, oall on or eddrau W.H. UEAD,Qen,lgt, 4 Wwhington 8L, Portland. Oregon. T. W. TEA8UALE. 0. P. A., Bt. Paul, And Engraving inoh u ihown in thii oa rer can be done for the remlenti of the northwMl h A An. ilenon A Co., I to 8 Alder Ht P. rtland, Or. BTPrinting de. partment oompleta. :armers mechanic Stnrp IW1444 Pint, 8-8 Taylor Bu. IMh u A v4R(60NBl00DPiJ?)r'lrt ' HEALTH RESTORER. USEIT! IT 18 TUB IDE All MEDIOTITB. It rouses the Liver and Kldneyi and Stomach, cures Headache, Dyspepsia, crcatel an Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, and Makes The Weak Btrong. rmm;mi:i:nmiiTjT lULTi'lll'ITiTliynU ItMd everywhere. 1 a bottle l alz forts, IF YOU WANT OREGON LUMBER! OI Red Cedar Shingles ! warn to ob oall upon The H. R. Duniway Lumber Company, PORTLAND, OREGON, Mills and Wholeeale Tarda it Latoorelle Falli, Or. Planing Mill, Dry Kiln and Re tail Yard it Eaat Portland. Oregon. rip! " STRETCH! TEAR I NO FIT! Theee are rums of tha troubles of many ladiea with poor Kid Qlovea. We are now howing the latest arrivala of the gen nine " ALEXANDRE " Kid Qlovea, which for mora than forty yean have stood in the lead of first clan goods. OLDS & KING, Portland, Oregon. TBK NORTHWEST FIRM AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. Authorised Capital, tHO.000. Directors D. D. Oliphant J. Loewen Iwrg. J. MoCrak'u, J. K. UiU. F. K. Arn old, F. KKgert, H. L. Pittook, F. M. War. ran. Oltioere J, Loewenberg, preet; J. McCraken. vi'e preet: H. P. Earhart. eeoy, and mangr,: F. M. Warren, treaa.; E. Ev erett, aeeU eeoy. Buccewir in Oregon to Booth British and National Fire and Marina Ini. Cos. of New Zealand. OFFICE, M Washington Bt. the Portland" ruiiusu, UHEUun, A new hotel containing all modern Im provementa; every room lighted by aleotrio ityi light and airy; heated by steam: open nra plaoee. bath en suite, and on every Boor; alevaton. Gueeta are entertained on either the American or European plan. Tha Reatanrant tha fineet in the oity, CHA8. 1. LELAND, Hanager. ((rrneU prwiare) ud mpwrt ItdlBlnAil ftOnllrMUnB JlvMaJr to ft TfwiI4Smn.aV9ll,SuFTu(AMa tB''ft'??p,l,Ilf",r"iJ'uiiw o? )r K""' K sddre '-"mi irwvsaM.swar,ei IflFNTC wanted. Liberal Salary Paid. HUL II Id At home or to travel. Team furuiabeu rree. P.O VICKEHY, Augna ta, Maine Write for information, Nnw Htar anil Town. layAuWaon, . Hoi SrJaV Sill IIJUIIID oeatU Waihington. lILLMIMUr ffjaawanii ' ,ir miiiii ninii nines mi . i If win esitui soiis lo.ihrliiia