The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 27, 1890, Page 108, Image 11

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    A"f7 )?.'.
A ttUHlAH-r KiCH K.-ne.
Tt Yi'ii If, mine, bw fcntte, m 4wJid to Sejc o of 'i irinL
u 'J Montana. The rej. iu tret ditttrTtrod aws two jean Mi. Tit
wee a blind cm it th benoing. aod ior i i ween a:r tit Ciewrtrr
t fr.t th irw rf!wi onr tit i3t of tit L:X. Rwe sa.'T
rewarding Li. tfforte. U fc, bete. 34ia wa.1. of p-aii;. at!
em U twd atreral tavll fart beyood tit top of ti .'jvlaJi. Tit
Ti rinc from foot to Irsv M in widtii. aod away. r., ':t Vj 5'
OWjwi of Ttf yrt tM and 'j ia g-,'d. Tj rvi terif. w. Lowtrtr.
eot fva I .tparate Swi ivA nj led. A tisrt . a w'e - Dorii
on thi. rtjji, th. ri of hki hag fa of owjajowf (;ir
rMtii. of pir f M, which can he kn with t'jt nxi tie. Tit Cm
bwig ra itoi at the face a fcnr body of ore tiat ':' im; !ra
I'A to 2ti( wixw in tilrtr pyr too. A o,paor kaown a4 fx A'.lai:' aid
Pacific fj!d aod HiJrer Mining company wat lonad fx u trtw fci
rt'i fiia, tie Maid H. into a paring fJtt3. a&d tinwe ii do
doobt bat th er.V-rpriee will be nxtM. A few! trexway w33 be
boilt ffxn th miw to the .Vwlfitm Facte railroad tre-i in oriw'tiat the
w rr.ay be tanrported tit tit can and ahipped to wiv?jz work, with
rurj liult tlrwuf.huiu Hiker.
Tim eitjr o .JatkionrilU, in jwiUro Ofr. u katd alMt fivt ai!rt
wt A tU im of tU IvAJtUm IVifie ra,lroad, Mlf4 l:oj iU arwt
railajr autk. for imm Uu tff.U hart n mad to ttowt tht
two dU bjr a tlrt lin, of railr,, brt diif,nj!ti. rt toranttrtd
wbrb iwt U MrmoaDteH. Finally, tin tVrallia !rt railrad m
jariy D,-lt a pfojition to rt(wDUtivti of tba to p!ac to crra-n
od 0raU Ut )i f, Mm of 3)ff) and a trarif-r of fratrbiaw and
rigl.U of war ilndy aurd ly tli company first onriniiM. Tlx 'a'ttr
VVmtvn ha a arpttd, Mlfwd and JarkaoaTille u h diUng
7 in coin, and tn of Jarkaoorillt'i ritivn rurant-in $.1 -
W of fr nnnidpal bonda, to U paid to the company on conation cf iU
of t contract. ia bo douM bat tU boiMin of thii rd
III ttimqlat iiw. in both pla, and b of incalculable bentfit to
J'knril, a. it p, itl pwrticmlljr, on one of the put tfanamotinenUl
lint of the country.
... i niicj run nth commuwion AUrtro,,, which went to
Alaska early in the epring m the irarpoae of ti.minin( the Htent and ralae
of the ,lfl.h Kr-nda In the .kinity cf Briitol bay, rtturaed aoath laat
k. It U itatt.1 the banki are of mwh rtater richntM than u antid
P.M. On U.e n-irth aid. of A!a.k peninola and fnimak Wand col and
hahbtil iwmlnlhfaand in great Bomber., while in U.e kiniiy of Cape
Newenhain aalmoo of the bt rarietie. were foand in abandanre. The offi
cer! of the .Uamcr Athatw, re(wt that Mxwt Itlor it mil is a itate
of ,m,M,m and will probably b. joined ho. by MonnU Maksim, Ako
loin and hhiahaldln, which are nokini(.
A .rK .lepqait of mavneeia buit.)iK .tone wu fonr.d near the town of
Aeotin, in the eitreme Mthewtern corner of Wahin(V, tut w.k It ia
of a aeimrior .).ulity and term, to I of unlimited qiai.lity Unon beine
Uken from the M k y bul ,llfleM .ua u
.t-n-pher. A l.rp, ar. h of the rork will U pU on exhibition
lb. ..,k. Ion at Huk. Fall., and an elTort ,na.l. to attrad the atn.ion
.t ela- building and trimming .,. t mM, , "
Dili find may prove to l of remarkable value.
Tl.. U-torl. Tanning wd Slanufa.turing Comtny i. the nam, of a
t... w.n,,.ny whirl, h mn ort.nilwl to , mtnxlf '
...her on an Itritl-L Columbia', .apiul city. ri.n, a
Wing pp.,w (u, Ul. j , buiM. whch w ' 1
very molrrn appliance. 1 1 "n
Arllrle. ln,Ww,tlng the K.tern Orenon Co-oi.r.tiv. Ap,i.ii,,
'..ron. of llu.l.11;,ry, flll .Ull lk , ZJZ
day. The uh .ct of the a latlon I. to carry on a n,rl Z i . In The lull...,.! .tW. "ni
Tl,. MrKenii. I.umW, ha. km lncor,K.r.W at KuWne
I lly. Oregon, with . c.plul .lurk of 1S,0(I0. Tl.. com.L, ,il .J
!.. ......l.,tur. of luml., on U., VcKeniie rirer W 'n
i flTtn t lilt of !1 tie entriei in the photographic contest to be
(;M VjiiT, e;;mlr i'Tth, arranged alphabetically by the name of
tit vii IWiWt into two cU?sts. The name, of the prize winner, in
each class wL'I be f.nn in t'jt nut iseae of this paper.
CLA.' I PBortioxAL. (Siity-eeven Entriee).
L Aethvh, Grij's Harbor City, Washington:
14(4 7rvc oi fzt wtuii Wul Timber Felliuf. on Gray', harbor, With. Log.
fii. Tn. ca'i htrtwr, Wwh two riew.
Pjiiup S. Batis, Portland, Oregon :
Ertfryjr t Y'x'.f M'i Clriiuu AstoiHtt on traildiif, Portland. Interior of lonng
Hs' Qinuu k iatioo baildiog. Portland three riewi.
Da vies, Akt Puotogbapiieb, Portland, Oregon:
Il'wjt HtJI. Portiiad four linra.
Wm. P. Fusabv, Goldendale, Washington :
ral itoi u wiK. Hutica Rock, near Goldenda Wub. Beckett'. Camp, it
frxu rpntci. Wua. Bendecee of Hon. Jo. Mnbett, Goldesdale, Wath.
P.iciiabd Mav.nakd, Victoria, B. C. :
T: Arm. T;rwn a C. The Gonte, Victoria, B. C.
Eksst. Skaksteut, Portland, Oregon:
Tt TiiM feu. Tilit. i Picture of Crowd.
i-WBBV the Abtist, Salem, Oregon:
Buck, ai Wet. t SmI Bock. Or. Bet:h Dorth from Bed Bock, Or. Deck of wrecked
ttejwr Yip, u ewr. Th Brcot Th Brook, from the bridire. Beneath the
Pe'le. gdrer C reek Ftl!e. The Gorie. Dhic ff.Tee. JumpSJoe, on the Pa.
cite t,Hm newt. A Nook in lew Frk. Thellood-aMfiew.. "Water, water
rnwbert ud not drop to aritk."
1. W. Tollman, llwaco, Washington:
View of AberoW Wih trf MoonJ .ht. Dittant riew of th. Lighthoue at Fort Canby
W"h- rJelmon. in Grej. hartor. Wuh. Sloop FiViaa, comiag ia from
work at the rr bedi. B., Center; Wuh. Scene, at the ntiuce to Gray'e harbor
Wh.-r liewe. ,
B ('.Touiib, Portland, Oregw:
UJ' IT ,TCb;w- B'WlWILM1lCo'.g..MUldDam. Bwdoo.
of B. B Knepp. Portland. H.lmon Indnetrr-Indian. dip-nettinf on th. Colnmbi.
m. (,., B(Kllh of c)lnmbi,liTM AnOrDHomfc An Oreon For
pTJT t0l'bU '"' Timbw Iod""T-t"o riewh Interior of the
it. 'Ji'? Ifrior of Greek Church, Bitka.AU.ka, Mining in
Br Co.., Or. Th. Pali! folnmb ri,-t.o Tin BolU,onh Falla,
J?SZ ' Ml"y' ww
CLASS ll. Amatei'b. (Forty-four Entries).
Mvba J. Albebt, Salem, Oregon:
anm. Lokic,8w.rf. Cnpio.Ont Th.B.U,,r.. Onth.Abiqn A BrMth.
XJSZJTrt "H'CoBi" Tr,n.Fi.hin,inSti.t C
minontheH.i.tum. Deln,l AT.o.Ie. A Prattv R?t m-wiu , '
Vmuv S. Bate., Portland, Oregon:
Watt. Hon-, M 0ld Block Houee, a, Dppe, Caecad, ColnlhU ri w.
.cun FAXX" B"U"' PortIand' 0ren
I. S. Bbown, Portland, Oregon:
Mootlifht on th Willunett..
Hbles S. Bi bkeu, Portland, Oregon:
Ekneht C. Dkews, The Dalles, Oregon: Or,'.P,lU,.K)atllom.D.,lMi0ri f
W. J. IIth, Goldendale, Washington :
- . rirer. Wuh. llttidw of 0. .
8.Hmw0, ,rL!' "'" Ellensburgh, Washington:
n-i Gt0""" " lto". Portland, Oregon
-I II. . teem.,, Ponj. Udd, Portland. Intriorof BMideoo.
I. N.Wioon, Marehfleld, Oregon-
Tr 00 Lo1 Train. Chittom Bark Camp.