WEST SHORE. 895 northwest loan and trust CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, The Oregon National Bank No. 60 First St., JPobtland, Obbqon. OF PORTLAND. OF rOHTLAND. CAPITAL,8I50,000. DMlgnted Depend KncUl A..nt QpTAL PATlN, $200,000. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. pMent, . . henry failing. TrnnMPt. a General Ganklna , tt, . vio PrMidBnL H w. COHBKTT. I ranoSCls a venerui uaiiMim wTnddKu cSffir o:Kwn!HiN(TON. Duslnoss. MSkS&NS A,.t.Wier, . H. J. CORBET " " 9 BanFranoi.ooand European point. Loan made . 1A . ... . T" . , . A Exohang. and Telogrmphlo Tran.fer. tola on oTlKr PeS SeoTrity. Thi. company i. ,o Credit iesued amiable in Europe and fc. Fr JfM0) New York Chicago and th. prin ou&X. Biht Kwhanw'and TeleKraphto Tran.fer. .old oipal point, in th. nortt,wt. Draft, drawn on rLffiTlttffi China. Japaa a. d Europe. Make. collation, on fiary capacity; aum. the care of real .tate, prinoipHl potaU m faYombl. term oolleot renta, interest., dividend., etc.; reoeipt for 1 nS." ., nl. .. mu SSrSSW . Pent, . . TAN 0. DkLABIIMUTT "fftSSfgr! L Hartman Trea. mad. on farorabl. term, at all ao- Vic. President . . GEO. B. MARKLE. Qillingham. ag"' ""ibl P"inU- Colder, . . D.F.BHE11MAN. Su DFIit COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, THE OF PORTLAND, PORTLAND SAVINGS BUNK, Soutliwest Cor' Second ani WashlBiaM sts .n TTTWN-. e. General Banking Business Transacted. Southwest Comer Second and Washington Sts. 0 President, D. P. THOMPSON. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Vice President, FRANK DEKUM. Cashier, R. L. DURHAM. Loans Made on Real or Personal Assistant cashier, . n. o. woetman. 8 eCUHty jnysight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer Bold on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, tit. Paul, Kan Francisco and 3TActa as Trustee for individuals, corporations or estates au principal places throughout the Northwest. Exchange sold pending litigation or settlement. on principal cities in Europe and on Hong Kong. THE PORTLAND NATIONAL BANK. Trana. "VREGON A WASHINGTON MORTGAGE BAY- 11 1 EYKR, WILSON W-mnWJH? aoU a general banking bn.ineu. Wm.Reid, U ing. Bank. 61 Fin St.. Portland. Or. Pay. Ill ttimmMon. MrohanU, Now MmW Block, president. Wm. Lowe, cwhier. luterett on time depoaiU. Wm. lleid. prmident. Portland. Or. M.W.ACo.,B.F. W.M.-U.,LiT.rp 1. f 1 n H II 'HI Th. Oldeat Retail Drug Biulnan. in th. City. Ea. labd & tilton, bankees London a San t rancisco Bank c qujg PORTLAND, OREGON. (UWT1D) g, (CHABUU E. BlTTOH) Capital and Eeserve, $2,415,000, pRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES Transact a General Bankinc Business, " offlo n h"r1 8t-London' Ul Vini Btfta. $25? Md AW,r' 0 Thi. bank tranaaot. a General Banking and Ki ' ,., ...i change BuiineM, make, loan., diaoount bills and Mannfaotnrer. and Proprietor, of Pectoral Ml. Intereit allowed on time deDO.it. oommeroiHl and trefolr.1 credit, .reliable m (Trad. Mark reguurd. for lJMJJli, InUre.talloweaont m.aepo.iw. In any city in th. world. Portland Brnnoh. No. 48 Ihroat and Lung dtMWM. fhyiloiao. FreMrlp. Collection, mad. at all point., on faforabl. vint Bt w MACKINTOSH, Manager, tion. and PrWat. lleoipn. .peolalty. term. Letter, of oredit iaiu'd, arallabl. in Enrop. . And Engraring .noh and the eastern atatee. I . a .hown in Uii. pa. xvsma?tt fii THlu ITfrfe) Ml dIUI I N lr Efr Denrer, Omaha, Km Francisco and Tariou poinU J A 3 I I I I L fill J i I I north wnt by bSs-- j 'fjly 1 0 In I klDw'-SRSA Exchange toU on London, Pari, Berlin, Frank- M JJ XJI JMU 'X ULf J J' Ay Sy Portland, . Oregon, fort and Hong Kong. J I " l.jl Printing department 0m-Tmtmtr 1 V compl.U iu detail. J" SlitfL00" FRANK BROS' imPLEHEWT CO., TV 1 11 0 CI J J DIALIRS IN J-yFamml Dairy Implements. nncrnn I7mmrm FI,,E BUGGIES' CftRRIIIGE$ ftllD H0RSE G00DS- DnCUUll & ASnlHu I Ull, on)j thljjklng Qf purchft8lng Mythg in onr line, It wUl paj them to Revi.ed to Auguit, 1889. wnd and get onr price8. CATALOGUES MAILED FREE. "St,T" 08 and 70 Front 6t SnTLAMD, OnECOM.