The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 12, 1890, Page 894, Image 29

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    sg4 WEST SHORE.
Are More Nearly Absolutely Safe than Any Other Form of Investment.
: m f 1 ; . ' '
Fire and flood, money panics, wars, and even changes in the form of governments can only temporarily affect the value of real estate. Any form of
real estate ii an almost absolute guarantee ot a higher rate of interest on the money invested than can be obtained from any other form of investment.
Should the property only double once in ten years, more than eight per cent, net is gained on the investment. On the other hand, real estate investments
have possibilities of a greater rate of profit than any other form of investment. One hundred per cent, profit in ninety days is not an uncommon result
from Judicious investments in reBl estate, while fifty per cent, in twelve months is so common us not to excite remark. , . ,
: I -
Value of Suburban Property Depends Upon its Distance from tie Business and Employment Centers. fiR' fTtrfe
bn inaugurated, dependent upon the introduction of rapid transit lines. Fifty yea's ago the great diside-atum was to live near the business centers.
This led to a oondition of affairs seen in every old oity in the land, namely: Narrow streets, crowded tenement houses and many-storied buildings. The
question was Just as it is now: " How many minutes will it take to reaoh business from the residenoe looalitr ? When this distance had to be walked,
loir or live blooks became the limit. But the introduction of cable, eleotrio and steam motor lines and fast-traveling passenger boats places a residence
localitv five miles from the business center within as easy reach as when formerly located live blocks away. It is not difiioult to forecast the future suf,
ficiently to see the inevitable result. Within a radius of ten miles of every important oity all of the desirable localities for residenoe property will be
utilizod for that purpose, while localities within the same radius, less dewrable for residence property, but valuable for t ther purposes, will be utilized
for the purposes for which they are best suited. This can be seen to-day in connection with all large cities. Fine boulevards have been constructed out
of the oity of Washington, D. C, for a distinoe of many miles, have been pavei and provided with cable and eleotrio lines. Desirable streets of the oity
of Chicago have been extended in a like manner, made wide and commodious, paved in the best modern minder, "provided with cable and electric lines
and utilized for residence purposes. Lots on the outer or more distant ends of these streets sell for the same prioe as lots nearer the oity, 'J his is possi
ble because the residents on the outer ends of these streets can reaoh home as safely, surely, cheaply, and almost as quickly as three who live immediately
adjoining the business part ot the city. Minthorn Springs is five and one-balf miles from the east end of the Morrison street bridge. The highest priced
remdimce property in Chicago is from four to ten miles from the heart of the oity, and sells for from $100 to $600 a front foot. Property within two milei
of the butintts and employment centers of any city it undesirable for residence purposes. There is always a distinct line of demarkation between the
business and employment centers and residence localities of cities that has an undetermined charaoter. The business part constantly enorosches upon
it. People do not care to build expensive residences upon land that will soon be required for bneinees purposes; consequently, there are found within
this limit old and dilapidated buildings, temporary buildings used for shops, stables, etc, and other surroundings nnsuited for a first-class residenoe lo
cality, and withal an unsettled feeling in regard to permanent improvements. ,
New York City, and Other Cities to a Lesser Extent, Present an Anomalous and Interesting Condition, c tfgtf midttft
half of the whole population, which has some means and a settled determination to become possessed of homes of their own. finding it impossible to
own property wlii"h costs from $W to $500 per front foot, have had suddenly presented to them, through the agency of rapid transportation lines, the
possibility of obtaining oheap and desirable building sites in suburban villas, that can be, under the present arrangement, quickly and easily reached
from every place of businew and employment. The oonsequence is that this best class of American society has almost in a mass deserted the central por
tion of our great cities, and built beautiful, healthful and comfortable homes in the suburbs, leaving in the cities the palaces ot the extremely wealthy
and the tenement apartment houses, where the extremely poor and homeless class of society drags out a miserab'e existence. The situation is not only
unique, but threatening, since the extremely poor and homeless class constitute! the vast majority of the population of the central portions of our great
commercial cities. The rioh people who can afford to own houses in town find themselves left to their own companionship and under the full oontrol of
the tenement house population.
ke Facts i; Regard to its Location in Reference to tie Business and Employment Centers, SSflffl
at the falls of the Wtllamelte river, at Oregon City. Already the manufacturing interests of Portland, mostly conduoted at Oregon Oity, produce an in
oome of $ J).(X.W) annually. They are constantly growing and increasing. This great manufacturing center is distant on one side 9 miles from Min
thorn Springs, whilo Portland, the great com meroial metropolis and business center of the north Paoitio ooast, is t m les dUtans in the opposite direo
tion. It requires no streton or imarinatum to see that the oountry intervening between Portland and Oregon City (its base of power supplv) is the natu
Jlffi. 'nd Ju,7.orker' wage earners who keep in motion the various enterpriees of the oommeroial and mum.
tttTffvf oan bmlt operated " Ci nd PwtJand at sn expeMe of
m it
Some Facts in Regard to its Location in Reference to Rapid Transit Facilities. Bonthern Pacific , railroad, whose unemns directly throng this
is considering, a position to place a suburban train upon their JAS&! ITZtZlZtXtZ'
roml-The Woodstock motor line, already graded to a point within IK miles, will eventual
lh.intt&Xp M ele0tri m'r U"
At the Present Time This Property is Reached in Four Wavs Very Conveniently M-By southern Paoino trains running through the property.
flve-oent rate. Thlrd-Hy Portland 4 Willamette Vallev Lin. 8econd-Br Willamotte river steamers running every hour in the day at
splemlid drive oontrulLl b urM-By carriage on he
ohan'tng scennry-wooded hills on one sideT Willamette carriage way in the United States, commanding the most en-
sprinkM during' the 3e su.nmVson!, WUl8m9" mer on the other th snowcapped mountains in the distanoe. This beautiful drive is kept
n s
HealthfullieSS, Water Supply and Scenery. Intr U.M important as thUofhealthfulness. and no single ele-
thorn Spring, is easily superior to any reside lS "n?h ?tZ of fortJWl0 Localitw tOT ""PP1- healthful locality Mm
capable of abundantly inppliinftw A disUnon fmm ihl' J h.lgh a?d,drMr i oomplete. 't he water supply s from a spring
water work. wi,l at once benftructeT
ItrKON-RKSIDENTS may depend upon th. faithful execution of commission, entrusted to us. For references, fall particulars, etc., add
See Scene at Minthorn, on last Case of Cover visitrs always welcome . ride outwit., carriages in
vii siuvi i uqu VI wUlvli waiting at our offloes, Sixth and Yamhill St..