WEST SHORE. 8fifl PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. li. SAMUEL, Publisher, -abti iyn OBECON. I 6P0KANE FALLS, WASH., Irimd in the l'ot Office in Portland, Oregonjor trammmion through the mailt at icmid clam rutet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Strictly In Advance. One Yeir, Six Month! $4.00 1 Three Months, 1.1; I Single Copies, $1.25 .10 wr-Cnnlei will in no case be sent to subscribers beyond the term paidTr iScTed manuscript will not be returned unless stamps have been sent to pay postage. The West Shore offers the Best Medium for Advertis ers of any publication on the Pacific Coast. Haturday, July 12, 1890. kOW is the season when the residents of the city y abandon their elegant mansions, their beautiful I flowers, their green lawns and all the comforts and luxuries of home life at the dictate of fash ionthat most autocratic of rulers and pretend to seek health and comfort at the seaside. Such of them as do not die before the next season from the effects of their trip " to the coast" manage by the aid of a phy sician to get into pretty fair condition, by the opening of another season, to stand it again. On the center pages the artist has depicted a few typical scenes famil iar to the " seasider," upon which he may cast his eye before taking the fatal Btep. In the center is a scene showing how much the servants left at home relish the comforts and pleasures their masters have volun tarily abandoned, while grouped about it are numer ous sketches depicting the experiences of the deluded seekers after health and comfort. If there ever was a flham it is this craze to go to the seaside, where genuine comfort is not to be found and genuine ill health is to bo found only too easily. There is no reason why a resident of Western Oregon or Washington should go to the coast for comfort, since for every comfortable day he experiences there he misses two at home, and for every comfortable surrounding he forfeits a dozen. If a change of scene and climato is necessary for the recuperation of health or exhausted vitality, go to the mountains and drink in health and strength with the pure water of its streams and pine-scented air of its forests. You will forfeit home comforts and luxuries tut your lungs will expand with pure ozone, your limbs will gain strength, your failing appetite will return and your digestion will be repaired to meet the strain put upon it when you return. At home are comforts and luxuries, in the mountains health, and at the seaside nothing but a deluded crowd of fashion's devot ees. It is now more than a month since West Shore called upon the Portland Chamber of Commerce to inaugurate a movement for the proper representation of Oregon at the World's Columbian Exposition, yet nothing has been done. If those gentlemen will cease all this nonsense about the census and turn their atten tion to this more important matter, they will accom plish some good. It is of comparatively little moment whether the government census credits Portland with her entire population or not, since a year from now those figures will be valueless; but it is of vital impor tance that Oregon be bo represented at Chicago that she will attract the attention of the people of the ' United States, notwithstanding the superb exhibits that will be made by other 'states and by foreign na tions. No mere collection of grains, however fine the quality, no exhibit of woods, however large the variety, no display of fruit, however luscious and tempting in appearance, will serve to call marked attention to Ore gon in the mass of displays that will be there collected. These we must have, in great quantity and of our best quality, but there must be something novel and unique some great feature that will appeal to the eye and excite the curiosity in order to draw attention to the display of our products, otherwise it will be passed by with scarcely a glance. To prepare this, money, brains and time are required, and this is the reason why the Chamber of Commerce should take hold of the matter promptly and with some faint appreciation of the task to be performed. On the fifteenth and sixteenth of August the Oregon Press Association will hold its annual meeting in Port land, at which will be gathered representatives of the press from every section of the state. The hospitalities of the city should be extended to these gentlemen with a liberal hand. They represent the best and most pro gressive element of the state, and have at their com mand the most powerful factor in all progression. Their good opinion will be valuable to the city, and there will never be a better opportunity to help remove the false idea that there is any necessary antagonism between Portland and the other cities and towns of the state. If any of the city press have the idea that the brains of the newspaper field are monopolized by them they will have an opportunity to discover their error, from which a careful reading of the many bright papers of the state should have preserved them. Reports from the north are to the effect that the campaign in Behring sea has already begun. The first vessel taken in by the revenue officers is an American schooner. Sealers have all had fair warning, and 1 they suffer financial loss from their failure to heed it they will have no one but themselves to blame.