The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 05, 1890, Page 834, Image 2

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Li. SAMUEL, Publisher,
K.u4k vHli St: I Corner Main A Stevens Streets.
Entered in the Post Office in Portland, Oregon, for trantmisiion through
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The Wist Shori offers the Best Medium for Advertis
ers of any publication on the Pacific Coast.
Saturday, July 0, 1890.
FOR those who see anarchy, bribery, monopoly, ig
norance, sectarian opposition to public education,
corrupt elections and numerous other evils
threatening the life of the nation and fear that
they are mighty foes in the path of national progress,
the picture in the center of this number is recommend
ed as a study. Columbia has now seen another birth
day. One year more than a century has passed since
a full constitutional government began in the United
States, and many are the trials and dangers that have
been encountered and overcome. To every crisis the
American people have arisen with brave hearts and
Btrong hands, and whatever may lie in Columbia's
pathway in the future will be met and conquered by
the same' resolute will. The destiny of America is on
ward and upward, and it is only necessary for every
true lover of a democratic government, " of the people,
for the people and by the people," undominated by
class, unpolluted by violence and corruption and un
ruled by church, to speak and vote, and if need be act,
his sentiments, to crush to the dust all the enemies in
her pathway.
A constitution has been promulgated by the pro
visional government of Brazil, subject to revision by
tho legislative assembly, consisting of two houses sim
ilar to the American congress, which assembly is to be
elected by tho people. The constitution is, in its gen
eral features, similar to that of tho United StateB. In
the one particular that tho president Khali serve bix
years and then bo ineligible for the next ten years, it
is superior to ours. Tho disgraceful scene of a presi
dent " playing to tho gallery" to secure a second or a
third term will not be witnessed in Brazil. In the
popular election of senators, also, Brazil is a etcp in
advance of us. In the great essential, however, of the
ingrained, instinctive and educated democracy of the
people she is generations behind us, but if we keep go
ing backward in that respect at the present rate the
distance will lessen rapidly. The fountain of pure re
publicanism in thii country needs purifying.
Poor little Cupid! The smallest and busiest of
those popularly supposed to interfere in mundane
affairs, and yet the most ill treated 1 Not only do we
deny him comfortable clothing in the rigorous climate
of the north, but we compel him to still use his ante
quated bow and arrow, when all the other gods have
been given the benefit of modern inventions. In the
interest of humanity and justice West Shore has put
an end to this and given him a Gatling gun, recogniz
ing the fact that the world is far more populous than
of old, and that men and women now-a-days have to be
hit a dozen times apiece before they fall into Hymen's
hands. With this weapon Puck enters the summer
season fairly well equipped for effective work. He is
expected to break his record.
On another page is given an engraving of the de
sign accepted by the council for the new City Hall of
Portland. The successful architect is Mr. H. J. Hefty,
of Portland, whose success in a competition for a build
ing of that character against a dozen other architects
of experience and reputation, shows that Portland has
competent men to design the many blocks that
will be erected to adorn her streets. The structure
will be a massive and substantial one of stone, iron and
brick, costing $500,000, and will be about two years in
course of erection. It will cover the entire block be
tween Madison, Jefferson, Fourth and Fifth streets.
The bill for the admission of Wyoming with the
constitution it has adopted passed the senate June 27,
and the probabilities are that the Idaho bill will
also have passed by the time this issue goes to
press. The great influence exerted in the senate this
session by the west, because of the eight new senators,
will be still greater next year when four more ae add
ed to their number. Western interests will be well
taken care of so far as the senate is concerned, but in
the house the gain in membership is too slight to have
much direct effect upon legislation.
The French commission sent to Panama to report
upon the possibilities of completing the canal has
reported that it will take twenty years of time and
$347,000,000 in money. This will no doubt lay the
ghost of that defunct enterprise beyond recall. Now
let our government give the Nicaraugua enterprise the
encouragement it deserves and we will have an Amer
ican canal.