The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 21, 1890, Page 771, Image 3

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A party of men and women from New York City
made a raid upon Boise City a few days ago and loca
ted 16,000 acres of land in the Payette valley under
the desert land act, and then hurried back to their
eastern homes. In order to do this they all committed
perjury by .being witnesses for each other and swear
ing that they were personally familiar with and had
motor of mining in any legitimate sense, but in. on the
contrary, a leach it. Thousands of dollars will
he bandied about in the buying and selling of stocks
that, were they put into legitimate mining, would add
to the prosperity of tho state. Stock lards arc not
promoters of prosperity, but evidenced of it, just an a
cloud of vultures arc evidences of a mirrlnn fount.
fwW-Vimittl W naODAfl AirAM Inn, 1 1 V 1 i . si . ...
uuj FaDDCu uvcl mim wu-y nau never set loot Stock gambling lias been tho greatest curso San Fran-
upon and probably never saw. This is but one in- Cisco has Buffered from, and it will always Ik) a curse
stance of many flagrant violations of the spirit of tho to any community that permits it to gain a foothold.
desert land law, a law which congress will probably .
repeal this session, by which hundreds of thousands Tho Austrian minister of war says that tho peace
of acres of fine agricultural land have fallen into tho of Europe is not secure, and in order to clinch it ho
hands of speculators. The perjury committed in this wants 1(H),(KX),(HK) florins more for tho army. It up.
case is bo apparent that it is to be hoped tho depart- pears to bo a hard job to get it tied up to a jnmI where
ment will make an investigation and punish tho of- it will be safo. Emperor William thinks that every
fenders. At all events let us have no more gobbling able bodied (lerman must go into tho army in order
up of tho public domain under any such blanket laws to fasten penco so that it will not break away from its
as the desert land act. moorings, and Franco is trying to get a rope around
its horns in tho shajw of a largo increase in her mlli-
One thing the new census will teach us, and we will tary establishment. These metaphors may bo a little
not have to wait ten years for the rojxirt in order to mixed, but no worse than aro European statesmen on
find it out. It has already shown us that there are tho subject of pence and how to fasten it.
thousands of people in this country so ignorant that
they have no idea of what a census is ; that there aro Debates in congress ujMin tho subject of a navy and
thousands who can not speak our languago, make no coast defences have developed three classes of opinion,
effort to learn it and do' not try to havo it taught to Some of our law givers belicvo in a navy, somo in
their children; that there aro human slaves in tho coast defences and some in jaw bono. Of tho latter
iron and coal regions 60 degraded that they are not class is Senator Cockrell, who has done considerable
known by names but aro designated by numbers only, crowing alsmt tho ability of tho United States to whip
like the inmates of Russian dungeons; in fact that all creation, without even providing that all creation
this nation is taking into its system a putrid mass that shall courteously wait for us to get ready after tho
will sometime break out in a horrible diseaso that will troublo logins.
be hard to cure. Tho body politic must adopt a hy
gienic diet if it wants healthy blood to flow through
its veins again.
The pioneers of Oregon held their annual reunion
in Portland this week. Reunions of these noble men
and women remind us what a great work was theirs
the carving out of three prosperous states in the distant
wilderness of the Columbia. Those who aro now coin
ing to this region and enjoying the peace, comfort and
prosperity that succeeded the strife, tribulation and
,l.iril nnl subdued, can not
Years ago a proud potentate drew a lino across tho
map of the world to indicate how much of it he would
consider his own. It has Ison supNsed that those
" good old times " were gone forever ; but it seems not,
for wo now behold tho sectaelo of Enghwj 1 and tier- ,
many drawing a line across Africa and saying. " !-.
hold 1 This is mine and that is thine." It may provti. ,
in a few years that as tho Irishman said, " It was mo
ther av urn."
An exchange says that (Jeorge Francis Train "is
I" km
a.ii i! t-.i : .! iw.r eiui t lev H ioW UIB mm mrK"""" 1 "
oo great a measure o respect to t ose r y J
builders, now n the decline of life and rapidly panning r n i
away. On page 7l0 is given a portrait of an Oregon an bo nearer correct (,, say Instead of
pionecr-a ccntcnarian-who was already an old man ' d.HgustM.
when ho came here forty years ago. demomtic party of Illinois has inserted in its
... . i,, 1P,i :(,. utftto platform a demand for tho rejM-al of the compul-
Helena has organized a mining k board t I
er words has established a pi- w.,ro H . ; " poo,d arc in li.c othc din,llon.
gamble in mining stocks. A stock board is I'ro Anuria i