WEST SHORE. I HUT tilU HAttDWARR IX).. I KT tkUA IDAHO, 4 M aft ftmpirf liu of mit, ftf awl JratfW arlr. II. D. TATUM, Mmmw. V Tw hXTT FALL. IDAHO. ( JI mi or rUrM c, n. wamzu tuui hiuw., P'4 FklU, JUW a A. fttTL dirwirar a4 (tW f nMwrt, rOHT FALlA. IDAHO. i; 1 KAVA'iK, t Vwar, 0nt, (YarWrf, ftWT fAIM IDAHO. Vry oUn you will find a rod in th. hands of t fuoj and itnw In the bands THE OUIOIXAL TOWNHITZ 1 07 POST fALLfl, IDAHO. MO I H Li LOTS FOR BALE. Waltr Ptmr to Uom on TavorabU Ttmt. Lib. iral Induemtnti to ilonvfatturtrt. rilEDEHICI POBT. Proprietor. 0. A. MANNl.su, Afwt, PaatMkldiho. Twm Tralat bally lutM Portland and Ipokaaa fall. Effective My 11th. 1890. the Unlnn Pa. clflc Kyitern will establish two dally trains between Portland and Hrmkana c.u. Pullman Palace rjleerari I Vt4MIM vuair vl Will D6 TOD betWMII Port anM tnd Fpokn Falls without change. iiiu mw arrangement will afford both lot and thrown DtMenmra .,l,i:tUn.i and nniurpaiMd facilities. Tickets, de tailed time o trains and Uon can bt obtained DMn armllraflnn n ny ticket t rent Union Pacific System. T.W.I.EE. Oen.raw. Agt To IhoM who - 1X Mot Car for a R,i. loot Papor. Would it make any difference to you If you knew of one that does not a-.. the doctrines of everlasting punlahment vicarious atonement, miracles and an In! fallible Bible? One that does stand for eood. rnmmn- ense in religion. " truth for antw. believes that religion shonM h rvio-iL uiuuuiT to science, and advocates a religious fel- t l f it A . til a iowbuip mai will welcome all of every be' lief who are willing to work for truth righteousness and love in the world ? ' One that does not fill ita learned or Ignorant dlsctiMlnna rrf ture texts, but does give every week thlr- tV-tWO Colnmna nl fra.h n1 ..tl I - ng. lncludlM a sermon on some living topic, editorials and contributions on cur SlilTOitf .. of ki wwugawr ii you think you might care tor such a paper, send ten cents in 'tamp tor ten weeVsV WW 8 "kl1" "o;d Jones, senior ed iior, Cella l'arker Voofey. assistant editor. Seventeen editorial contributors, from Ave different orffnliHnn p,.....itr v' A Co., rulllshers, 175 Dearborn street iQicago. Tliafs a thundering looking suit Wibov wears. Ob, it's louder than that.-IfrM. CHEEALIS, WASHnSTGTON On th- X Northern raciflo Railro.l, n.iJw.y bc-tween Portland and Seattle f.mln " , "l,8lcrn ahington'a finest lngcount7 onlvC5 miles from the Pacifio can by the Willapa harbor m,,, m " vuV IS A WELL-BUILT TOWN Has a llfHim i l... ... ' 1 " ' ' V rvUWI IlflllUI A MlfUA I a frcmti.,0 .' ' """" "Mndothclm. on. -f U,. rich,, co U, - of toW lf.fa. .Jj" ' " " " ow. F, SKCHKTAUY 1.0AUI) OF IMMIGRATION onrniT.Ta Tnn '