WKST 8II0KK. UIUIM(D (VINT SATURDAY. J HAMCKIj, I'ul.lUhrr, PORTLAND, ORIOOM, I MOKANI Mill, WAIMH N. W. Cor, oorttf A Tamhlll It. I Corner Main A ltm ImmU. ttrr4 in lk W Offlr in Portland, Ortgon,for Iratumiulun (Aroue (W Mil ( m4 tltui rttlr. IUMClTIOM HATH Itrlotly In Advanoo. Om Vmt, I4.WI ThrM Monthi, ll.ij III at HH hi .... i.illlaflCoplt, -.! tyCtp will la no km bf mm to tubcrlbri btyond th Itrm mi far. Iju4 minuKflpI will not bt riturnid uiiIim ttimpi hivi Ufa Mai pf pal(. Tho WilT hom often the Beit Medium for Advertltv en of any publication on the Paolflo Coait. Hutunliiy, .limn 7, lNtio. FROM one end (if the country to the other the air is burdened with cries of discontent by tho me chanics w ho do tin manual labor of tho land, ami tint without reason. Strike follows strike, ami when eiich and all are settled, the great cause of the trouble still remains. The trouble with us is that wo protect our manufactured products but'not the men w ho make them. Kuroean goods are kept out of our market by a high wall of tariff they can not sur mount, but a steady stream of cheap lalor is jK-rmit-led to tlow into our labor markets and crowd out the Intelligent American meehanic, the man who is the In ad of a family, who rears his children in a spirit of patriotic love for their country and infuses them with the true spirit of Americanism. It in ujton these the M-reluation .f our free, democratic government by and for the jnvpl.. tmint drMid. Thousand! of men are n.iuing t.. America yearly whose, only idea of lib erty is rri.nnl limine, who have mUlie faintest con ception of what a government by the prodc means in its broadest and truest sense, who do not even learn to -k or read the English language, who form a mass of Ignorance and .liti.-al corruption that, swayed by demagogue and bril givers, threatens to overthrow the virtue of the ballot as a meani of ascertaining the true will of the ..,.., j tho matters of government and public jMlicy-nay.rven doe do it in someWali- tie. Why do we waul more UU-r in America? We al ready have rnough to develop our resources as rapidly a it ran le .lone to advantage, ,d we already have more thin can be thoroughly Americanized and en vrrird nt healthful and safe memWrs of the body jK.htic during the neu generation. To l ure, r. crive many trry durable men and women from Eu rv. It is sible in fVrry community to H,i,,t to some whoso coming to this country has been 1 hV ing to it in boiuo particular, while thousands of in dustrious immigrants can not be said to I objection, able in any particular save their ignorance of Ameri can institutions ; yet, if the bars could be put up for 1 generation, it would give tho heterogenous mwi n comjwsing our population time to liccomo assimilate infused with true Americanism and le converted into loyal, patriotic citizens of a country they have learned to love as their own. Then, if we need more lid to develop our wonderful resources and there duel h seem a possibility that we shall, for as a people ire are increasing in numbers at a remarkable rate we can again take down the bars with a reasonable degree i safety. (Jranted that to stop all immigration is an extreme and somewhat impracticable measure though w have done it from China and can, by tho passport in tern, do it almost us effectually from the rest of tlx world yet we can certainly stop the most undt-siralle portion by proper legislation carefully carried into ef fect. There is, however, a necessary measure that can at once bo taken that will have a wonderful effect in purifying tho jsilitics of this country. The natural ization laws can bo repealed entirely, or so modiW that a man can not Income an American citizen until ho can read and write Englishman explain our system of government, can tell who George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were and what they did, and b locn here long enough to feel that this is his coun try and that ho has an interest in perpetuating if free institutions unsullied. "America for Americani should be tho motto of every loyal citizen, provided the word "Americans" is intended to include ever man who In lieves in true American principles, ii nx" iotis to conserve our democratic institutions and lovn the country in which he lives, regardless of what cor ner of the earth may have been his birthplace. &ft then, if you will, you discontented lone and line i the land, but strike where your blows w ill count nut only for yourselves but for your children jet unb"r& Michigan university, at Ann Arbor, is rapiJl; quiring tho reputation of being the in.t disorJ and orly governed institution of the kind in Amer ica. Kvery few days the telegraph is burdened titt an account of a riot by students at a theater, pru fight, a circus or parade of s.mo kind. A d-zen ago the trusters dismissed an entire elae l of its nieml.cn had leen guilty of an n t JrrffWl dismissal and tho class declined to divu'F names. This hemic measure had a wondt rfd for a few years uun the discipline uf the univ' Now, it rms, the government of the ! d into less compvtent and weaker hands, and W us