WW HHUX .n Mr.. Uymer, may I aak if you ever knew i Mr. (Jam gU l!r fU U k u hf frLtvl until ar eg. U:ghun ?" Uo Mr Ujiw cgKi tr l ian M h l Clementine Uytner'. face fluahed crin.n i ahe tlr d u. iut.1 thai aU waa in d 1 fr I ( Mf fafj'ed out !"!;!l'U. " Why, Jf, I I know hrr very well ; ahe and my , It an ..II rrly ahm t.Vy 1h itt, mother were old kIkmiI mate." th rr p. ! u rU in tU tfUfh!, and " Pidyou know her n, lit?" Ciaen aaij.ili. (iam mUI tip U u Mm I jKv tV I t.-r- .-a, now. lifp onty U ailUg Uut ah aU .! I H gftl? Clementine reached out her hand and U I of rjt at ih 4 r m antft I hy a u!l. dls ! i willow bough by her ide, anawering in i low tone Its ,a aiih adwy half and !tk, tilling ajt " Yen, I knew him; tut why, may I ak in turn, IVa rjn th-w iuftiun were they friend, of youra?" M An Mm iht.i ? lU i fi k4 (iwen waa. deathly white now and wry nerve " I i:n C. tu In. j " juivertd. The hour had Pome of which ahe had darn 4t wA hr ban I ad tU Mil t d dreamed day and night. She wa .landing fa U burat tti tu fi with 11 betrothed and mut tell her all, HI. " Why, daf g tl. ahl U it, ht a.U ;i f " hrank from it, however; Clementine wu not quit ;-tUj thatlbr U ly bad I'd hf ri j4 n M what ahe had eictcd U find, not quite what Ijt had the ia ail aakd lf in a ry aiiuthaif Allied to think her. " itt n,, Mm I tight.. l I hat UWI " M til walk a little way" ahe aid, M I hare a ftrarj U ill i.tii. f 4 al I a meMge for you that U, if you are the C'lrtnn.l r tyn fn I,. Lighten lovel" - I'' W M Mm Laymer wai very hite and UnuU vU.hly. knr Ut Ur " ttVn U h y t-y. U Did yiHi know him? (an y.,.i Ull nr .hdhrr liiMi.ly -r tt '- " hei dead?" .Uir- S-atinl ..art from the throng on a gr...y K", " H' l' - ' li.rn told of hi. death and lat rur t,l 1 it all in U J 0. M " lf . 1,-w, n,n.traincKl tn. that did not .--. tU ',f h ,U .,n la.Ul ,n. ' ' ' ..f hr, listener, though the latter wa. Atit Wllrrly. t- -f tir,. ,vn U. - Mm .U You iuu.t come hon.e .ith me .niM and k. .1 t, Ut lU t.u.f & m. I r-A ki. mother." .he .aid; then, after a moment'. " I -11- ... hr!o f.!l( littM h' 1 l"' ''' ' " ' "":?ST. . u mM ..." w., .u i. - th" time.' ' . 4 - i t, t.A. it-. s ntt.,,4'1 mourn forever." Fhe aK-nI hkely W .. . I iu ft, at I ay, Urm.wnal.au nut. ,m f t' ff ilia! r-a,',, TV voic-e waa marline and aln TurMr.,. ' .u.I.mIU,,,,. Urn raw a ,-,rtly, flashily drrMd In htjlnl - -, - Why, Walter, how you atari! -! I jfn , , f rt,((tf M t lU; joii were not comin. UK me intrude l,,t' u W I, U. aI f. friend, Mia. f Vrre ; ML. IVere, my I''1 . . i . t f , tL. , -a. r friend, Mia. UVe J Mia. UU - u? , . f, if ly 0. ing .tare and familiar bn-I.hake iVntly Uf OU, t,,. ., ' t'ji.an lurneil again UU if'- y tAin j, , ,vd U i 1,4 M What the deinr hate you Un trjif g a-t. f (,f , i .y " Nothing, much, ( an t a ww 1 1 UfjJ'L JM, t( w- 1. t - I tfr,! and out of -rt wit Wit Uln rji"" " " M"u, Vai... UA in t'l d ' ' j-ke i:iijatienlly and rtaalTfly. KUn adl'd- U ' mUI' lk. 1 - Mi. UVrre 1. a trinl of Mr. " ' VJW ,,t Wuu r t.g out li The Corner, with m t ' -t