C K IKCAUrUlM AT ILtEKSBURGM. E!.l.i:.Nl!t'i:'.ll Km in Un Ut ability t" waliwU: a Urr "f i''" ',, UH-nhnt r -rally. 0 th' thirtieth of Af HI nl lb f.rt of May th fand Arm; of the J'.jMr f i l dprtmetit J Vahir yton h'll it aMjual njuM in that ctj. TVre were pres et ali n. HumJI A. A Iff. 'mn,ander n n'' iY lU i fJrf In U l rili-l M!'t, and Mrs John A. in, S I f that (ml diittn s-.M.tr, to whom U ehWfly lb If-ttituli -n of that UautiM rtitotn of iUmii g a ntw fikJ day for lri'.ring 1 loyal dal it I lift tbor grate with lbwer TW.Mday m pirn up thinly l business. The annual tolif. was K'l l A J. Smith, assistant adju tant frtu), rtrt'd that during the year the numUr ,f !! In lb aMn.n.l had itrrra from frtr thf It f.ftr n. oti o lb new jti bring in Ju iitj, Alaska, hu S ! attahrd to l! Washington Ifjrlt!M.t TlM"Ul ti'tjiUritii it I'mvi. The rr- ft of tbpaMmmt ffnmand'f, S (i. VfTxt, showeil the of br L I' In the satisfactory condition. Tl. rjM of Mrs l.ury Al l, .rrilrtt of the Wo man's ltf Corp, shoi Mil trrij(fth of J.T2 In that ,ni!;fjr otjranitalion. Uing (tin fir tl jr of J37 !n tb t if ning a mMing was held in the Luh was allftrx by (irfnl Alger and Hhsfs In ),p f fti n f the ftwitg day thefr mil para lrl!fi'ifh the tfli of KllrnsWgh, participated in l '.M tsimns. (winding timers! Alger, On either hind r th !,) I nk all of ihr rilr, ulifrt-. tal ji f.iJ.i a; r l.fajwi of mtoMririi ruin. Al ijf.ft in tlif aftrftt...n, I'ujallujt m c( v. a " tii c.( ),i firii tufhmyiurul, arvl f M :ih 't.(r ff h n f'f lh rtnuifif yrar: IJ ?t!,f .t Cti.fj.ati rf, M. M Sattlr; f l.r,ij.n.i,.r, , J K'i,ilh. WalU W!U ; Jm.tr i-T. !t.il)ih.ff, UM hUrtijs Vafr.uitr ; ti.' l . k tuu.U.tt, , lUtvi. V, Tao n.a, hin, J K M Jif, !l!f I. IiUfatrlotKi t.tif.al imi ifi.ti n. Will Yii,rra f a flatm, V l hutiriii ,g, rijU' I'al'i TUtiamj tnft.tutit.Jifl.iMwsth U!l in hih m Ufprl; a'.tfti-Ul m ifj.rtn,t)t cx.fiifi.tMfr, M. M llohtir. Ud'tV iKir ouMr an I a rt Iff.t .f Srnlv Hf i talli Ne II!: j .K.ff, r on or r t l t (Ut l-ttijhl f Kr. Jthn lV4li.fi, hd tii. rtvl fMt Kr Util UVn in IC. t t,tti ., faft.i f.t! KllJrvJ l7 WiHiatn ll4.ir, a).i ttJ.j. f tu f-w i 41!! f ft!t I l.i N lUn t .Kin. in We JfkluiW l at lh , u r liUfifj r,.J SW,i.f,- MtitU.la Jul;, lv.4f .urw.t ? I v.j. In r II, V4tfr,th N Mu.Xtj. MIOUK. Tb rt pm nt wai on jirovoit duty a year in Wv:. ton eitj and h enrcd ai icrgcant of the guard at if. f. rt nt i-'intn. inc luding the executive mansion, old Ci ital riNn, Central guard houe, Sixth itrwt wharf v4 the ing bridge. In the faring of 1SC4 the regiani wrnt to Uuiciana, returning to the James river front of Richmond in July. In Augu?tthe FonrttA N. H. jinl the army of the Shenandoah under Sh Man, and wan attached to the First brigade, division, Nin-te-nth army corpi. The coiMMMio& uftccT Ixing ahwnt, HolmoB, then first lergrast, rommandtl hia company during Sheridan'i carnja:p nd at it ji clife wai commiBHionc! first lieuUnantiriJ prex-ntl with a aword by his colonel. He tu Ufjrt Kifhmmd till Ih-cemlx-r, 180 1, when the divioion tu orh rcl to Savannah, Oa., and although the your-.pt ittcvr in tb' command, IIolmeB was placel in charjr of the refuges of the district of Savannah, and unJrr thr order of (icneral Sherman Bent about 30,000 1 ffriK-n to the ioknda off the coaft of South Carolina vj (leorpia, where the celebrated Sea Island cotton ii raivl. iVclining a cornmisBion in the regular a rcr, he was mucU n d out with his regiment in July, W and entrrel Oartmouth college in the fall. He moTd to S atth- from Chicago in 18S.X Commander Holai j.in-l the (Jrand Army in 1SC7, and was a xt c. mand r in h70. He haa been a leading member of Sti-ve na I'ost, filling the office of commander for n-vml t rm. He vai alno the organizer of the I'nion Vrf rran rlub, of whieh he haa U-en president fur mini aui-Mive terms. Ist year he was an aide-df-cac p on the itaflfof the commander-in-chief. Such wrasiuns as this draw attention to the won derful rmijrrative jnjwer Ellensburg has displajpl b rwovering from the terrible calamity that lMl tJ city nine month ago. On the 4th of July Ut tie entire business jiortion of the city was laid in a!, arid to hy the stra ta arc lined with solid brick Uk far firiling in numlier, cost, size and suUtanUl rhararter the structunn destroyed. The inherent vi'ol ity displayl in building up a new city upon the of the (,. ()t). j(1 itftort a eriol is pr 'f of it t' stintial (hararUr as a city of jxTinanent osition aiJ crtiin growth. Surrounding Klh-nsburgh and t-Mj tributary to it in n empire rich in varied resourm d timUr. gold, silver, iron, coal, lime atone, and Tit artM (.f graiing and agricultural lands. It a di i-n head quarters of the great Northern Pacific railr.l arl ita ritiieti are cunstructing a railroad of thrift" to thf (Vduti.bia rivrr, where it will connect iib b'- "n that mijhty stream, thus placing the city in 7 -ntwti '.ti with the great Okanogan minin d:stn N' b than tTo other great railroad lines t!.i tratrtM. Waihlngton from east to west have tleJ rv-Vt laid out by the way of Elleniburgh.