WKST .IIORK. In aJhifi u iV .:, ur.;t lU.vr twiusnuJ. ll' Sjkane wa this week formally 04 XruUtg i,,, fj yAs ),.,!. hih lh- public. It is the largest hotel in the su rrl"l ( a rt f U 1','mi Th'f 'fir-!d with w -xc jtion, th largest in the northwest, ft in U$ wt i,tu" The contains nearly 200 rooma and coft f 3.V),0f)O. pg fM l' ! (, a f ir and lt t'ttxwl months it had U-en one of the great nmls of ty, Attht a f Kiffr I rarf h of nvrrsniii" I Kails, ami the city is justly proud of the acromrni,' trW' ffi (-i Mar.y i f lf n,f r hat.t 1 carry tions it is now ahle to provide all visitors. Thot lff Ui 1 f ! g lb prrwt,t tiiatmfar in of the hotil was delayed a month in order that hi Iwrii-I u-nt af a u fvury U lh ruling of f.jjipiu-nt might I made first class in every rmrt !flfiMaf, pr I Ifwk ; a n4W iVJf mill of fifty Manar I. Usher, formerly of the Sherman hot Urn), j-r ,!.r ra,r!;; l f,:t dmr.; a 1 Chw.jr,,, has charge of such internal arrangement, u J fat M f'V.fy. an 1 a i. jrry thtrarrvs a rle-ir, rtin to the service or comfort of guests. Therein UunAUu.X and ,U1, tr. Amonjrth-eon- Un no diction to retrench in the expenditure! h ulv''lT??,U U. r ' " l'"n a f,irr,i'hin" r lhe wlu,'P,Mf nl of ftn? Apartment, M ! 7 5" ' .tutarium. a. a result everything is of the best. Thedr zrv ?r :rUf "ir "w at ,h n ;0 i ,U1 -r T U",",UB" "!h ' S"k""' central and sightly. Itia). " Jl ' fur"" (' '"' Tartions of the vigorous young city by the fills THE LAST VOYAGE HOME. TU U4 M d,V, Ltr atrtla anJ re Uta st4n.li t; U. UI hvM.nri her sl U.fof nit; Cm t 1; Alcr,.MrwjlMU C4' kar4!t uj laifc TrtP,7UU. 11 A.