VKT SIIOKK. Wane e. V tit baf J U (f kt lU 'i'''7- t.-n-.r, ha full ati'l rich vot-al organ of excellent tin,. J U. it I, a,Mr ,f r-.l. .r i.tf ll-right"! .ndiwcett thing, of the evenmj. lUfr.tiV. tUttxT.n.f.-.M.u.MTtUW.t.of The "little nonwnw now and then hr,l lBf lb I ,U.t ,.:,,Ufat. i li.fi t,-n..Ur. Wrdi of the Marram hy HanlonV "FantaimC . i44. li i. i.u that j-fff t,.rf and rv-n- hut it mrtiM-iw of the moot delightful and attrae, ,11 f f.:.i lb f t fhftt Portland la. a live order. From Uginning to end the unexpected laf i.uoUf -vV ,"1 !",'r 1 ,,f l"uiir-,,,jt r1,1 ,"'aulifl11 k1'1 caivftl; A rci,u,1,e (,f the a mil ,n 1 I . that itM lU lb Ut fii.jiiti'.t. rr.tirr j romance i well nigh imjwxMhlc, j many wnl'ftt 4 and jfiu l ly linn IV fat attractive fraturm nuccrol each other, each of thfta that an m!i lr. a t.t cam i tl iln.t. w-rlhy of lengthy notice. The mechanical effect! art blht l. jlaj iU -r.-'jlat jftf Match" or II- fT admiral!, and me of thorn wonderful. Oneof the "'aiat.a W d. t 4 M pr f ran.m ma If up rlrvttvrt tri'k in tin? disappearance of each article I t.tj!.!iM l!.t n l.t.ar.l; n ai rw No I ral that l'ic put on of the tninfit iuit of clothe. Mr. Ubt.t f atil.t; -Jl tat j tuiid t-i hat off. red lotii I'inarelle, ah I'ieo, is admirable. Ilia gymnav Ih J at.y h 'a,Mi.- a it jit?! ly tl li- mth "Carnival of Venice" on a violin in one of y ii.,i iii.j.tiy Tt fat thai ihi-rr rr ih iiiot amusing and entertaining feata iniaginalle. I !-aj t U t( tt))tt anl oi.pr!.nlii ti.';ic f Th ! Frr Irothera are very graceful danceri, and a I lt f I'f a d't.t,tfaUd ly 1 1 Uff atlMul ihy aU) dn Mine remarkable acrobatic jwrfortnanoei it il ti l Ih nty laityraf on l.il Oie of the ni(t Uautiful and refined effecta ia the ati ( t, fl a j .al fatuf .f tl ri- patitomijne minuet. The tableaux are the fined thinfi ,t 4i lb t, $U tf fr t than any oihrr in a tar ular way ever ieen in thia city. The fuun aHfa1. if!ft rtt-ilt )aki f-r ttrlf. Mr. tain Ubleati U rdally worthy. Little Toothy ii a U' f ft hoti.Uf ih Ut ru,n vu ih jr.- rvrr (hil-1, and nga and dancoa well. Mr. Orcutt ffainfi., I itt ti n ( llat Uautifd i. Hi.Ur n tug rl with a voire of good carrying power. i iit I't.f 41 ,r a!ly a pUrm a .n,j arrn.rtit ii i,4 l-r-! " dunaf, !. Y th -luri.r ftM,lir At thr SVw Park Cleveland'a minstrela hive enter- ly II t.,". -Mai..altt- cm t.ilj iurh of tU uinr. almirrra of burnt rork jKtformancel What Uawty tt -a. Ut Mr Uty'a m at- a Inl- tVrr u of it m gl, but many of the familiar UM a.,1 a-iM.Uai.r a. lh- .l .tu-r, . tl.t a I ft -I ti.irtn1 fratiim were aWent. The ennemUe of the I,, ahlit tl -.1. .aM, f ;.f I. tat, U at, I e. -i.. f)M ,,irt j, wy Iliclurr1l4Ue ,nJ e(T,.ctivc. Xh I-IuA .i.lUh.a.l!u.f- .a.l.auuMIr rr,,!,, M Jr.,,ri f r4l and crimen are rich ; the cottuu 1' Tl'l Tu""! I ' f "K,::'M" ,!" "f M and velvet are beautiful. Mc-rt. .ay n ,1, h b M l UM n 1. , ,!., , r!1 , ,Br!tl)an , af iMe Ul of .n,!yl Mur. A feat ,( ,U, lit . I i. .,. tl!rn, f(f lrtrhi .. fcf iuJiU(r klJt 4 Jfrt ,,t;t J a' i (t l!.rj t. Iff t. fr, I, !i Mr I l iff f i ! , .. I. . J 1 nKfr'- l-w-Mea a fine baritone voice, tn , , , , I , . . 'I 'ty ati I inrth-Nj far aliove the average mittm fci , , , , . . , ,, , 1 , 7 ' Mi.nt.(f.f "Trnty can a Sador" was delight ii i I I , . I i , , , U n fjl T')r M'wt'-tl by MenN-ra. .haw, Nankeville, M.;,..nt..! feus.... Hi !.,..,,', ., , m 7 "'"flU ,.,.w.oi.';m u u.1MLu.!L, ;;,'. '.",!,,,;,;:';!; ' ;- -j ltU m yn jiatly tlt!,r t.vn.Ui U )jf '.' -Mra!i.j. ttafi f. l0.f.j ty n T. , J-t. U Mra ,ty .t,4'i,r Uhn 9nr ; "V;; r"11" CorJrV, h'U Ury .ftttM!r .,r, . t ivt , u , h ,lr!ni of " Arrah na ,'4uf" , lb. l!. .1.4 4 taf tu . ,.4 If I. r , . 7 T-',U:1' Mf Kfrnch Mr- 1Vt,in i: lL f m Jft b a,. t u Ui rf 't , k,k ' i v,. M,ltfrf ('4,r,lri.r ,ft thi Wftk f"f lU tM, tf iv U a t,4.mfatM Vr U T l'" I'rinripal citirt in Mh