VfT MIOUK. rvavana '- W.HI., r 'J IVi.Mifc Mm M l tn-m4 I' l Vtti ftf I m' at tw-i-r iMMl'ti . wr 4 iu M Will UoM l-M"jm a a r ihiciiii n th rctn cu P"ltll.M I'M 'h fr In ) ar u'-U'.!l at I iit f-v" tu Wk ill I in f ujti an iiu ..t i.l; hkll Hit ill rt aLit I'MHMI, "i ft dko-Wf fntn,f . b Mg t- t (lly .!f thai ?. n l 7 tail litjf eating ab"l fMMl( ft f fiti-n J 4 ( lb in ! li n -f 0. '.tkft I'rt n iV.fic ! North- tn VifMK cl f , ,!! mI ll.mi.iiii, tj ti i lbl i' n 1m! r lh rutr, and utt U' ft'ju.'f f Ur an I ofna'o'-nUl M V( f'M, ri J'f'. v Tl at h-tcur, tktb'f II b.r r-( lb geat fi!y of cty llin f. tu Wf it Th l'fti .f it railrd tvil Wk a H .liliitif i j j ft 1 the o-fittfyr-l -a -f 4 I ?fi'H li l r lt r l (touting in tl r-ty, H m t r l f? ti lb r ijr itIf, )!! f t;- it J f 1 t ft .r r, ! ilfl j fr.-M It . t lu t if".Ul f U' jfU ( thf nUi.ti -n il 0 llyf.l it'in r;lT fr!ii , 4 lU iM its.V fttcf ti mJ!(, ti,Vt jt i U ft r.iftl U ! i tH Out (ctt. I ! 4 rf tt A jr;t, ft!ftf tift kf4Ultkt t$ fJ Utcn r.ftlitfl u N tt V f i'f X 'r 4ftrt r f,tU t iU it 14 ik)uktW t t.,t tu o fclc f tt- I. M ti tU C.'.l. J.U-'f, ftl H (I I ' ;t fclkt" J it it ll',i.ei i( tit l.r t lh Vfi'wn Y.'t t ' ,,;r,J- A 1,1,1 11 fy.t;rri jt'A'.t t ? U.- 'yr.ij.jnjr chftrkr ftir a Ui ftri ihf (' l Vn- hiv r, (r the rutrurt;ti of hi'h r j'tM-ii! ,,iac' nt '"N" i Itilff ltt ' I'3-'?''' Tlir rwut ha lwn ur. rrr"l ftl Iht .'It "f (..nftrii'ii T will lx? rotiitrnrrl jut't fti VI prihl? ft r congnt authoriin it. Ajft.t of thr v)'an4T arc making arrangnncNU fur rrtiiiral (a' ilitiM in iurh ritiea of the nunl muntry a ih t ill rrach, anI it will not I long U tur that Mfi'n I'urtland will m UmtA lp vr ly ait.th-r lif . Thrre arc other railmaJ ta c ritr itif in the t it, in lu ling the cxtnicion of the South ern Tariff to the kounJ, hut none of them arc lufliri ftitl; lrvrl"l to lr Jwlarrtl a work of the j.rrwitt ...n. A nt isnptrtant pn'jxt i that of a tni lu'.nihljr lin of lU-atncri U-twwn Portland anl the j.,rl of Jij.an ari'l China, which will Ugin oj-ratin the firtof June. The i flirt thii will have UKn the Iff! of ilv ritjr ran not fail It I very great, ami with the jmwrrftil Cnioti Pacific Uhind it the line will yUy an imjurtaiit part in the tran Pncific trade. No oil; on th Pacific coat, not even Han Franc io, ha If railr4 l adratitagn of Portland, anl the Oregon ittn!i mil n rival the city at the (ioldcn Gate in iiirioe trtirtati'n a well. It ia m than cven yrkr kioc llif firt train from the cant entered Port land, and now thi ctjr il the grealent railroad outer .n t!n Pa;fir rfttf with l'tt-r immeiliate ri,,fU of n-re than arijr other. The ritiieni have rta.on for th"ir faith in the continued and increaning pnjH'rity of the toel'J!: of the Columbia hanin. War It the knif in the republican camp, little kMiof men fathered en itret roniem, in hallwayi at I ithin th arml wall of the private ofiiw, know irj !! at.d winkk. the oft related " We've pot Yin," hue i.rn t,. bn ng fraturiii of Ptsrtlaria life thi' ' prfkrnt fxk. Todjy tho primaries are held, and the that have Urn nurihalirig and maneuvering ill jln battle and n.t rrane the utruggle till the g ting d n of the un. If the mult-nhal! lie purtr liltr in Portland, which rnran purer in Orrgon r of rally, tvay lionmt man, of whatever j)litical jrr t'jki m h may U, will have rauae to rrjoirc; If the ktrtjjlo kball frr the nomination of pd men U tle bj;L.Unfe, and tlw in turn hall U inMrumental in knfit g the muh nmlnl reform in our tlt:tien Um and yUta ebalbHirg, the orrakionfur rejoicinf will X t.ll grraVr. Jl-re can be no jmninrtit ovrr th of .,tirl U.mUiii without a radical change in lb tut .!!.,.! ;i!rw xjJtl hil lhf f)flt lf" ,!tir,p l ke4 to give u, atvl only men tWl U kt.t thrre who art known Ui Uxvt th tak-jfw ar h will demand it.