The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 05, 1890, Page 429, Image 13

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"I'm af ard he can't manage him," raid in rlderly
man, uncmiljr Witching the antic of the brut, tint
from bin mad viciountwioj had gained the title "Thun
der and Lightning M
&me of th turn laughed, other looked i little
grave a again and again the creature tram! himwlf
ami thi n let hi heel fly high in the air, dt termlned
to ilivlodg hit ridrr; tut Wyli? ituck trnacioualy, and
prrwntly they wrre acrWa the prairie like th wind.
"lie ain't no tendcrf'l where a bM U conce rnrd,"
aid one.
MNo; hut he ain't no way cut out f r a cowboy"
raid another.
"ivem trr me he'a mightily cut up tmlay frr
join n ain rr ruther," put In a third, and th-n the
r lutiird their card and pmoklng. Thii wa life for
On and on the broncho rami until more mile lay
irtwrm him and the "wttlement" than the young
ovrrwr imagined.
At lat the exciting part for "Thunder and Light
fiing" wa over, and he began to plow down a little,
though it U prolable had Wyli n ituateI to
in hi rye bin knowledge of home naturr, fi-jvially
broncho nature, would have forbidden hi ilackrning
the bridle rin and relating Into a reverie.
"(letting a bit winded, arrn't you, old Uy?" be
muttered arratically, and then lrgan thinking the
very thought that be bad takrri thi mad ride to
It wa all ud dm that be acarccly realized the
ituation, and a moment later he knew nothing a he
lay, hi body crushed into a lage bjb, hi head turned
a little aide from violent ronoiMion with a bit of
lldef. When rfnx-i'itinri did Mum a warthy
far wa bending over him and -rne one wa haking
him gently.
"Haj hurt no get up?" i(Uetione th Indian,
baking him a little more.
" IIlp mr up." tail Wylie in a dil manner.
The Indian oUyrd, but the young man Ml lk a
dr Wright in hi arm. &me time pard Uf.fe
ag in oj jie.1 hia rye, and then be foun I bin" If It ing
in a clean, whit 11, and a couple of iien atanding
!"id- him.
""Where am I aitd what ha hapjefied?" be aked
M You are lere at the f ft Your tm threw yu
the Indian tfught" aid an individual Um Part
r-grilied at onre a th eomrr.anvler of the f ft.
"Our lfW ii away, b4 hre i a f,rttru:n, who
chanr u t" .ping tttr, who will cumin ytir
wound an ! If anything tv; l the matW," lb
man went on.
TV giitlrmatt tt!rffr to tv a lvanee.1 al l;n
a light eiaminaiitt, laying, ajl'1t( I!y
M I am no diyuUn, but htl have a mttrf )ng .,f
incluine and lurjftry that ( .mrUtr Knly In a
He wa adjulifig a bit of plutef on tU f t' I,
and Mying- " A narhw r. ir; bad that cut Urn
an inch bmrr yiu would have rn elMrd," wbrn fir
tle ftrwl time lrt fai"d hi ryr to hi Utr.
"(ireat N-olll" I rjrulatd Undrf hi bfrtb,
then puihol th hand away.
"What I it; did I hurt yuu?" lh tujr
F r a mmritt thr y-uth did n t at.urr, thrn .
ting hi terth bard t.tlT be !. ! hi Ik I Ktl
dntly the man did it rrri;ttiiff hint, and In that
momrnt Wytte had d tr rmiiwd to Lrrp ,11 md
what help the other null give He Ml rilrrory
weak, but by mrnlig be would be able l rrturn to
the ranch In that one brVf glaoeo be ht rtnniio
the fare that bad n-me Utwerii him and ha pitr
the fiv that had haunted him thr ( vrn tt
And then he wondered if h c'u! I not ber -u.e nrwt
of iKira (nv, d'btirM, (hit inan' wife) If b ctjl l
remain unmnied e wa hungry tibarof b'f,
no matter wh"e wife the wa
"How nil; and t hil lU I am I " U lh th!, !r.
log another glaiue at th hated f , dtrk and (ioUtrf
a ever; and yet, now that h tl I th r t -r of
the half veiled ryr, they were and kln lly H.-o
thing of thi rt ting through hi min i whni
a drowty tur overraiite him, and that wa th ltt
be knew f r hour it rtnrt to him wrk it in
It wa a ninny, Ulmy looming t.wrd th Utt of
April that, unutterably wrk an ! Iing'ii I, lrt Wybe
awakerd to a ront-l'iiinM of b irr,tidti at d,
even then, where b m and why b w ll.rf r
a myttery to him, and b w ti wrk t rv wu
d-r over it
lie dirk man m !!) by hi U and Jut I v k
ii him a j.'ii jt- i I kti g g'ntln fi ?!, n!e.tly
regirding hi wateh T1 dark man id 'Ot,l.lng
in a l" ll.ef wa a "tn I bk a l frvoi I, k
of a curtain at lh f t of the Ud. wrni.g
"hitt" from lU tt ji g'' l'rt wf.
frrtly conw-v of It a!t. u eodl .! ttt b y
wond'fir.-gly fr-m the iv ( to tt
I'ffntly tU jo.j-'M g',t'i;.i? t'rtil In a !in
and fed -mth:-g Into a g!t, an I ttt-m
t-i th U U U Tb drk v.vt f.erd Iirt
b'ad a l.u!', ail lU if HI to !: ! , h
drank a w'I a be wi bi and gfn l rr,l
u,f Vagvly 1 k'jt -.faring If tUt bid l.rrfi
a ob V bal Ur I. and if i Urn b o I it bt
ii I' A tl.; UV ' ft U dirLf, al U
.f !'jt fritA'f, Ut t I'.itS.lj