WKST FHOItK. Ballot reform il destined to Uvome a great factor in the coming campaign in Oregon. A itrong organ intion ban been effected by memUra of all the par t; who arc intermtctl in elevating and purifying our d.-ctione, and an tddrcM ha Irm lued which in piven on another page. The On-gon atyle of elation ha Urn a itench in tho nontrili of decent jrople for ream, and it in high time an effort were made in ram tt to nform the corrupt methyl of political Uw. Trickery, perjury, bribery and treachery are the known and detected mean of (political manipulatory and yet but little effort haa Urn made to overthrow lhe guilty of thews practiced, Urauws it waa well un lentood that to dethrone one corrupt boM wa limply to enthrone another. What ia wanted ia a KilM ) trm that will render thews corrupt method difficult, if nt impocMhlc. Thia movement ia not aimed at indi viduals, but at a ayttem which renderi the objection able conduct of certain individual nirewary. There in entertained no hoje that the political Um can l aUdihed. He ia an American institution too firmly Muted to ls dictroycd. It U ertcd, however, that a nyitem of balloting can e adopted that will render briU-ry lew effective, jM-rjury h'i cny, intimidation b-Mi jiotcnt, and treachery of jNilitical manager in tamjiering with ballot absolutely imjofi"ible. No homt man can aay thia i not a thing much to de nirl in Oregon. I'rei-i.h nt Oake, of the Northern IVifii, wa in Seattle thin week eagerly working for a grant of the mall utrip left unoccupied on Kailroad avenue. He realize now, if never Ufore, that the Umtile attitude of hi Mad to Seattle ha wriouly jeopardised il in ten-it in that great city. The jroplc are cold and re vert ly critical, and grant with r-lu tance favor that have Urn hown rival Mad with enthuiam Mr Oake pmmiw that if arrangement ran not I mad" f-r a grand union depot, the Northern Pacific will lr gin thi year the comtruction of one that will ct I7lil). Tlie true jKiliey for Seattle it to declare Railroad avenue a rrj"tual highway In common to all railMad, under the direct control of the rity, Other road are certain to come to the city and d ir theui of thi great highway, which hould hot I under the contnd of any on or more of them. In the grtterity of their heart, fiyjved by a M if g of gratitude (if the generoua gift made t)m in th hour of their ditrt, the j-ple ofHrattl raid a luWription of IV) Ut the relief of th d'U;t in Hjn Franciaai. However, it wa d- lined wilh the aaurane that Han Kfanciacu coull take rare of Ur "n j.,r. In view of the fact that an aj plirati n ha I Un j-reu'uIy male to th intuttsu t r r!f' f the unemployed and itarving jvpl of Han Kranrwo, thi rrfuat of Seattle' geneu jift ,$ like a pirn of cheap buniMtnb. Itrtad fnmt Seattle wub tat a Meet a bread from Washington to th who tin I bread from San Francis a bard thing to gl Land valued at t1fUl).iiti i th ..uh rn I of Ta coma ha Urn itaked out in mining claim on the plea that gdd rUt therv in paying quantitfe. A number of ihaft are Uing unk ( U d r k Thi U the leomd time that rffift have rt made to gt hold of valuable pM-rty in-ar that city thruj!i the mining law, but it will duhtlrM fail Miner d hot have an umpnitioned rij;ht of way in thi nuntry nowaday, and if land l titre valuable fr other pur pe than for it mineral it will I difficult to -rure it under the mining law. The Wahingtn hgialaturr ha ilh lldf hocrrd. it by the thahhy way it ha tfrtrd the I ill f r i.r;u. iiing a national guard If any tat in th unl-n ha cauiw to lie proud of, and gfaUf l t, it militia, lint utate i Wahiigtoii The magtiinYrtil r-bi l of Um military at Seattle and Sj lah" Kali r all f-r th" ad miration of all, and a meiUr from either of lh- eitii hould le the Ut man in th trgUture to ij k of them with ''humor and mm ami" TU iiri-lly of a well organized and inlruiUd national guard i Uing rei-'-gniie-l everywhere, and lb hew aUUi nhoul l bad in th mattrf It i to U h"l that Cofigrriiioan Wil n will U nmveioiful li 'curing an aj pr friati fr rni.otal of th" nod bar Ute n VaMouW and lh looulh of lb Columbia Hoh an iioj-rtaot rt a Vai.otrr ought not t. U rut fT fro lU ean by an oUlri. ti..n m cheaply d d -f If U f'h b U ritirfiaofthat pla-e !..ut d un brtake thew.ok ihuo eltrt, f.r Ihry mil U " pi "I' ' in lh" gf th of their rity that will fdUw roten lnn.ilU b fr.rr. a oaj lily I .rt In favor of Sahara '! Iwr, tl fpldr ranrnatofletl tnm M-ntaoa, and a th lM ully f UU lb j''U-.n f tUir afmlaabtt t h "'t tho l-dilb-al tM in lhl toay Ui.l lloU our, afel tle lo j-afti will b f r a'jj.frtiary ljt V ' r1 t't-rf. ," 5 !" thai a IrgV.atur dl U lhl will al- ,n l it dit V to U'i f t''XVn ntf,..ittrW in IVrtlaiJ WJ U alt' I U lU tiuA U:!d.ftcomM,lstw, t; ' thi ttjr haul