I'A VKT MORE. n k"" ..-'' Jt h l-r I n th- 1-irthday th " preps " and " frwhica " ha1 their an ! rk it.'.ttit'.t ! .( :l v. M.t i n-ial" omti-st over the raining of the flag above the t. l ,t i Kit n I lurwl l f-r.-f-t n rol!-g tower. Chair lg were used for weapon and U.r'p 7f,r fr J:t" i-'jtt I tii'-r many injuria were sustained. The police were tin. k"L:it AyA TV f"M irf 2 all to 'ju'll the disturbance, even by the display cf tt ,f .M,-.Ji- r ,'t,t ti lb iri f tf"r hiuiijf thHr rrvolvcM. Such a icene would be a disgrace U U mt 4 -. ihr( n ), (ir tr f th w!hr. a I nn hr'k fair, and any college, secular or n-c I am fJl pu .f f i T arj wk & in lvlmn Urian, permitting it, ought to hare the patronage and J.ii'fi i vi in iV mit.Ut ImUvI f pf.iviJmg rounN-nann- f d'-cent people withdrawn from it In (r (t U t i! t,(i tkn.-f) !rut"l to Ijfk what smile hand can the management of Knox col l t U U ;f.'t .tJ.tii h'li; I Iluttl.n li-e I that wh a scene should be an" annual "oc 9i.ut m i'r.. ,t.l Ktff.t;. ar.d. l-k ruw-wv? Mi'-higan university put an end to hazin? ft-t!; t f 4 ihf.;h In fri,t.aU; jr "1 rn- in that institution by the dismissal of an entire cUm It.. lUt ,f t, ff itf ,!rfl rfrl;. and similar h-rii measures should bo employed in M.'. , !.!. f. rti.rraturf li,at- evrry irtituti-.n where any brutal and disgraceful u-u j i . i ,,',ff ,:, f .. rir Rft l ,i.ti!ur ni,u,ui han pim-d a hold that can not otherwise U m L ; x tV ar.;ii.J irifd in prr-at nurn- 1-ruWn. Tin? trouble lies with the faculty, since the 1,1 Mif.rt Uiuf ,,f.,ti.)llf, i hrtrrtrr -hhT but fdlow the traditionary customs of tI 1-ir.il. r .!,.., ,uk ,t, th. ra,. ar,J ll s.k.l Th, firulty of Knox college should han, i .-f IK. I' ,i, (if ft .,!J U 1ir:al.!r .n j-rl T t!,ir .,-.ds in shame until they can lift them a-ain in I ',-,, M.,,1 1., ,wk i. ,h,.,.,ih. r. uflTrr th,c,,IMHM that such a smie can nevcrVain iu.,u! f,,..,, frr!, trrtJ()r,,t Th- kmtn.M.-lthrre. ft fif 4- 1-k l .f, , .Jrtr.an U a r r- . u!vup,ViU.ir,.l, Th-c That spirit in Portland which will do nothin 1. .... ,wp.ME!: '" WUM rnmlh limn any ol!,rr cuw. A new (nun Mi Lmiii, it .h. I 'I"'' '!" "'''"""e"" ""UJ tf the prr. Oil. FAKE, THOU JADE I C. J. Mmta.