The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 22, 1890, Page 375, Image 23

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Idaho U a table land broken op by Interminable nnpt of
moonUlna. The hnake Til If y U the oily large agrim'tonl
plain, tot an infinite number of minor ullye lie featured
through the moon' tin region. The eoil of thete Telleji baa
hren formed In the ccwrte of agre by the dialntrgrition of
mountain rork, and U at rub u any eoil in the world, Hat
the Fnake tallry, llkf mwl platraut, U practically ralnlete
region, fti million wn of ita lurfar ronUt of a eoil u rkb
M that of the vilify of the Nile, bit iht eurrounding mountain
drain the upnr-braring cloali, and iu magniftcenl fertility It
reduced t) impotence by lk of bv and rain, TU pioneer
eettlere have, by Irrigation, made Ihotuande of eoree of thle
valley aa fruitful ai any In the world, ami the yield in turn,
wheat, jar).e, grara and iweet potetore It little b-ti than
phenomenal. 01 court it will take Hate and netlonil al I to
ulilite lo lha full tba vait rremrree of thLa ra'lry, for flumre
will bara to b comtnittnl and tart menAn formal on tba
wwutiina, whence tba charm ia to U derived Ibat till turn
tbi apparently dcert valley into one of tba moat trauhful and
Ifolific gardrn epttt in tba world. And what li true of lU
Hnake rirrr ralley la true of tba countlraa dalre and velkya
that lia between tU multituJinout bill and mountain of
IJaho. Wherever water and the plough ran art upon tba land
tbrra the eoil of IJabo will bloeora Into g'orlout hervrii.
Folly 14,000,010 acr a art cib!a of Wing otihted for tba
flneet agriculture. Tarnty million mr-r ran U ut.liid .
ekxk, for theep and ratUa a ill find peaturig on mountain
lyj- tlangTout in even mounteinw to trral. There art
aotna 10,000,0(0 aroa of flna limber, and tba remainder la
beyond lha rtn h of wefulneea to man. In truth, tba reeourrre
of Idaho art fully cjual to thoae of Indiana and Iowa. Ita cli
mat la a Waring, vlgoroua, health-giving ona, u b aa Ibat
blrb bu ifo-luceJ tba provrrblel manhood of the hwU or
Highland hcokh. Itaember at lUae ia aa tolld aa tba lorn
merrllmeof Normandy, and In July I !ra eevtre along tl
bola Fnake rirar va!Uy than in Nt Votk or Maaurbuartu.
In fad, Iba Hky mountalna ihrltrr tU !alna of tdalto
aainut t)a will itormi tlmrdi and ryil xu that flng uW
traction over tba itatea of the MUwH a!ly. Ttta CWaUt
an-1 tllr tariona i(ura rob, it If true, the vindi that bio over
from Uia iVlflc of tUlr vjjr, Ut their warmth la ati!I felt,
and Uey are knoan to the folks of lhe ealWyi aa Chlnouka,
or arj'byn of the etem wave - Sfvittt flU lltU
If lU vrll tiding the future frn 01 toull be Ul
moment, that a rcena of Injury awld ajar U(e vor
eyee, Nunerymen a! agrre, both the bo hae Uited I
themaeirre and tloa who have Un cjmtnU-l with, that
U.e tille la Ua ririnlty of (Vr.tuU a, ttntn, the
m (aroralle A la Ue world I raUleg all kln li of fro U,
tot more eril!y jura. (J xJ, tMt, ) tv Img Um 4antl
on thee bllla will yield fruit la yrare, and ty well U
four. Trarta are Wing ckere4 ill aroend ea in on bar J yxp
ym, and there la no oW4 at al that runi ran m reVd ia
run tioo with lU Iu.'iaa art!e, bating a Ufmaof
lxA V grower. At t-U tumttt' fair al I'urtUa 1 but yvar
bob!eg iu eibthitl that twit! rxct wlb Wa biefWf
enn. Mr. T(e U cUaieg ire ara wlkb U wJl mi ost
la icttfte trtwe, and Mr. ItVUraunb wJl alto vA lee arrva.
Mr. (UiWa Kley nar l.aa aa ofiharl 4 aai!y ID !re,
tiy Wr.Ont Laa h) j84 tm, Vr. I-eeS
?W, a J atmal o(hre, la:J.rg Mr. vj&. ehi, t y lha
way, waa the Cret ait'ief la til f U to j-Uf.t truA twe ia
Iha tki&:iy. fraee wUl aUy m fc4 Usjt4t jart La ti-a
devtljjxnenl of Uwla county. We have no tuga toe tt!b la
contend wlih.M they do la eome irtfa, and, rarioiKity enoab,
the overbearing of U trea U e4 the groweta 4re4. Aay
where alee tut la Vftblngoa the etrung wind wbkb oivaeUf
ally aaerp Die ortbtrdi, tMn out tba bit or young dull
until no more remain la the trtnhe than ran cutnUiaMy be
opjortl by lU tivwa. Her the gvwere are rojfl!.l to
hake and rehake the tre, or i k tf ball the yooeg fruit, or
the trete would be tnrna lo the ground. Mr. Hotter rth U!
lomm 'li ked a ihort twig from a 4am tree, Wt than a M
long, wbWh ba bad ln euMting with (v2a, thai bad m II
fourteen 4omi, each aa large a a hea'e egg - Wehe .Ve
About lU firtt of April a pirate et4oring eihiiu will
(pave Fan FwkUco U Aluka. Antotig ttniM lntrtl la
IU JM are Ca4!a Walter II. I'errttua, Cat'ialn Jba
lb, Ca(Uln L W. Mut, II. M. tWrymaer, J-d.a hWa
and otltera. A rom(oy with a rental atoik of irAOU ta
formed a lew wrtka altww. A kw data ago the rte lotrr
etel uhbad tU ttMiMr I'tttUU, a lain crew ttoetter,
with a 1 of nine knett an hour. hU bat a rommoUti ira
for taenty four rabln aMn(tri ant will carry a rrew i4 eipe
rWnred tln and a aumUr 4 mlilng i jU. aiJ
ti la a frivu ilTlr, orjiftli! to ti Ue ibe aoknowa
Uonaof Alakaand the Ulaivli a.1jent, lo 4um t mln
and mlot al, to ta)e wltli Ue aatlve, lo bar, f h, eiamlna
aalmn rmki and take enMije of rennet y !!. Tl turn
(any rujMe aleo lo 1 rate and tUt tliUe lo rutl tl al
f 4d mlnre. The iity Infer 1 lo nit down J,i) Uf!e of
u'nion during tle fl-blng tbml-y dcfra;ieg tle ei
nwa of IU eiltIoa. Tl I'tnUU h'ting i eij.U!g
uf on hoer4 will Wave aa IfaJwUo Actl I ), anl will A
return until (KWr tvil. Tt route inaif4l cit by lha ei
(Wi will Uke tUm lM to KUk U'anl, th'e k M. I'anl
U!an-I, Uirtmgb etreite to IU M.urtteg'a U!vl, IV
rata cove, t'en barW, I'lttlnak J, Amak U'and an M i
fort'a rove. Utorntng lUbrtng a, lU eihl ell
vUit U n'ib of Ue Ytkon aa I U-rtwe h down the cmmI
Tle Joorwy will be erte of aWil tpi) nlUe,
Tla iirial of Ua grveing la Yakln.a raty la late
girta a tr al on the Mi tftU'.vu Mil t, Mr, Kaf waa
W lo thle by ble trfiU la la. IMUaial I' of tU i
Uh navy, who, aAr tUi'iog Yakloti anl p-M.i t H'f oa
t'et!imi!e, ard gHiieg aa aaa';rie of the tA, mHtll tU nrtMrjr c a1ik, wre here, lie Mil lha ia
pAyl.UM tiU! In Yk.f Ual male Wa a rt i
la Jtea, and argl thai M la mate la ih!e Mrtif.
IJeuUeaal I' I ia ftUt of a enUtl.H, al LleJl
Bitt Mr. Ktr U liUl I ,! U l4 fUige a-l luaie
the e 1 jwrWfiL Tel ie ,
inUln of bvrrei of ti fwk 'ay Iwwral
Coiy Uve Ua 11 by ivi.a r. liw, t, t' 01. Ih
r. ru'j5r,.t Uwk l. K fc.J- a I M. M I re. t vf
V!', OnfA, l dj Uieg U til .W frvrti
r-':("4; tl Klae li rir. wisS bliiw al !."
The aavi.t U lU H k U r.l HJiavl of e-h i ie
lit), TheiA'reareaiwee. W.l&t, M M f-ejawc
M'ay, I. r. r !5r ; lir, . C. 01
I'trwjM A fl.g r"l t'.i'M a a'-w ee
of ill U-e UaL'g J. M J wVi tat a Ue
U'.sm! al r irvie, Otrf'. He auk a e;tU.''y
Ue.j;';! 4el U ai t'.l 1 -eU. a J It U evr
y U gH the U U Ul