WEST SHORE. 271 MDNT WRITE IT. An old negro ho had business In a lawyer's office was tAed if U wold sign tI name. tgwblUt,IAt?" a.k," lb hjtr answered, " if yon an write your " Wall, no, ah. I mr write my name. I Jea dictates CIUVTV TIU'TII. If . Tin-An I J j Ju4 think, d tor, I had arranged an "at lrm." fjr to-day. a. iWHtM fabr)-Well, you're here, aren't youT-ftM-t. li.-T1e cold weather seems to agree with your relations. (Ym-Kr, howl that? !!-Yoa don'l hav any death In your family since the 111 rn Uoer-.('. I'.IUl.UANT. " Id yi ever s a sword fish? " " No; toil I've a gun shout." H dryer' t !!a:ar. r'prari I en of Iht lmit town on the line of the North wn IViflc. Tlie itp rar shoj thrre employ a great many mm an! the dirllon leadqurtera being toraUd there a Urge numUr of coalites in all department make that town their ljn. The ahoi are now I Ing greatly enlargwd In cacity. N w tU k buildings are Uing em-ted, and new machinery will U ni op, Thy will ftnl)y 1,0(0 ma-hanira when the Im provement axe completed. Sprague la the county seat of Lin. coin county, and la a prosperous and progressive town. Artistic printing is one of the achievement of the pint few years, and when it can be procured at the same price paid tot less attractive work It should be eagerly sought for. The estab lishment of David Bteel, In Portland, is under the mechanical superintendence of George II. Himes, whose reputation u aa artistic printer is not confined to this city nor state. Every thing, from the smallest card to the largest book, is turned out with promptness, taste and accuracy, and at figures that ought to be satisfactory to any person desiring good work. Orders by mail receive ipecial attention. Parties living at a distance can secure the superior work of this establishment by sending in their orders and permitting the manager to use his own taste in executing it. This house is one of the oldest and most progressive in the city in any line of business. Spring is upon us and soon the routes of travel will be thronged with people seeking investments in the west. Their attention is directed to Vancouver, the terminus of the great Canadian Pacific in British Columbia, where real estate invest ments offer special attractions. There are, too, in that growing province, many good opportunities to secure timber and agri cultural lands and mining property of great value. Hand brothers, with headquarters at Vancouver and New Westmin ster, IS. C, and London, England, are the leading dealers and investment agents, and should be consulted by everyone seek ing good investments. They have handled millions of dollars' worth of property the pait few years, all to the best possible advantage of their patrons. Their integrity is unquestioned and their knowledge and Judgment are invaluable. Mi f Mi MM. mm mm 44 VASHm&TO ST -107-101 UIZS!' TfTRUPTOIIE , .Jf 1RIM 1 1 lwr 1rt4 ) t H 1 ll.. Sim til -m r4t-., mrr4 iwMt.4( nt K !" M'J VA irU 4Ml)4it R"" .' I iL A Ho Important have the fruit interests of Orrgon and Washington become that the iipstion of the ttt kind of trees to plant ha assumed special interest. Eiperience has shown that certain varieties yield the bett rrsulU; ali-o that native grown stock Is the W, as It has been grown here un der the same dimatic conditions it will ex lrirnce. The man who has given this subimt the mt attention Is J. II. Settle luirr, proprietor of tlie large nursery at Wood burn, Oregon. Having watched closely the development of the fruit Indus try, he ha prepared an enormous stock of IhoM varieties that ar in tU im..tA demand and ran fill orders for native grown tree in any quantity. He also has a lar a'ock of tree and shrubs of an In finite variety. The fruit irmm.r find tlie Woudburn nursery his bet source of n rnu .not, a r as M.Tmaoa. M tM0M. R tn 111 Mmmi t.i. t. . r. HAT J-fV 1 A l ..oV PHCtVrFRtf.OOUS ERBR9THEPS flW,ORriRSTR YH(it STRUTS EilOERT BRADLEY & C A. B. STEIIIBACH & CO, POPULAR Glolhiers& Hatfers. GRAND OPENING or Fall and Winter Clothing DATS AKD Furnishing Goods. We are now ready to send sample of our Fall and Winter Clothing, with role for self-measurementa. &nd for one of our Illustrated catalogues. A. B. STMBACH & CO, Flrit and Morrison Sts P.O.B01UI rOBTUSD. OIlEOOl Importers Leather & Findings. 73 Front tU P03TUKD, OR.