The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, February 22, 1890, Page 247, Image 22

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mill, but onfortunately the tannel which wa no nicely and
Uioroaghly cocitradeJ wu driven In th wong direction (or a
diitanc o( between 700 and 800 feet, every (jot of which tu
carrying them away from the ledga. I believe that Die Uoloon
da or Kan Jore ran be made ai valuable aa either the 0hlr or
Mountain Goat, and that a few thooaand dollar properly ei
nded would effect Uili reeult.
Vrt of and aJ joining Ute property of the Comfort Conaoli
dated U a group of ait qnarti torationa, (the Jim Elaine) owned
bj Cochran, Kittgerald h Co. A continooua body of ore ran
i reality traced opon Ute lurfac direct from Ute Ophir work
ing to the eitreme veetern boundaries of Iheee claim. It U
In fart opon the Yankee, Jim Maine and Joale that Ut eel
brated Ophir lode appeari to hare readied ita grandeel propor
tion, for a mountain of qoarta ia here eipoaed to view for a
diatan of 3,000 feet, any of which will mill from $10 to 1S
In free gold, while aaroplei erlerfMl from certain portion of Uta
ledge have auayed over 1100 per ton. Without enggrratlon
we freely lUte Utat thia property ofTera In tur opinion, a more
aafe and profitable Investment for capita) than any mining ro
j t Utat the writer haa tiamined for many year.
Weat of Uta Itocky liar and adjoining Ute eaat end of Ut
old reliable Klmore, Confederate Mar and ObjecUva claim, are
location! worthy the coniideration of any ayndicaU aeeklng In
veetment In mlnea. The Kimeralda la the eaatern eitrnalon
of one of Ute ledga In Uta Confederate htar claim, aa haa been
thoroughly demonstrated by Ute Klmore Compiny In linking
Uteir new ihaft, which ia located at the com mm end line of Ue
twoclaima. The vein la from three to cine feet In width and
the but run of one milled f per too ; aome of the ore amy in g
over t00 rr ton, free gold. The owner, (ieorg Winder A
Co., are eiprcUng daily t) make a ul to i-artlee well able to
work Ute mine to the beat jioMible advantage.
Honnlng parallel wiUi Ute Kimeralda and eaatcf Ue Ida Kb
more la Uta Kurpriee lode claim. The general rounw of Ute Kb
more vein u lndicatel by the onderground working will lead
Utia lode Uirotigh Ute Kurprla ground, near Ute atra boun
dary of which very heavy cropping! eiUt aimllar In character
to thoae of Ute Klmore. At Utia end of Ute claim a tunnel la be
ing driven Utat will tap the lode at a depth of 4 P fret The
claim la owned by Thorn peon, Tooklna and Qilliiw. HouUi of
the above dreeribed claim and rut of the Ol'lrrtive la lu atod
Ute Ureat llepublic, whl h together th the Wedge lying eouth
and wet contain within Uteir boundarir the apei of U Ab
turai lole. That thli aaerrtlon U well founded will out U
tpvatlooed by any mining eipert opon aa elimination of Ute
ground. Tltrre la no dooU but that Utia group of ruin, ti
lending from Uta Tiptop on U eoutb to lU VUhno, oo Ut
north rom4rtrly cut off U Alloraa, Klmore and H. lWlr
at Mar Uk at UIr common end tin, running Utenc rut
from lite Klmore Cotnjny'i work. It would be of gn-at bene
fit to Ute camp were Utia projerty ereured by aoma company
having Ute tnergy and capital b prujrly develop tU earn,
lite ground being In all reepU aimllar to Ue Klmore, anl pua
areiing Ute additional ad rentage of laving lu rkh bodi of ore
nrsr Ute larface aa yet In Uteir virgin atate, rrady to repeat UU
LUtory of the 13 more la lu early day aa a rl prod.
oiKovtar or the rtxg citta muti.
It la now e!a ytart inrw a wgo.lvf!ly rkh jiarli dletritl
waa discovered la tU Ka! mountain, U l'4!ra (rrgv.
lying to the iUvi U Grande VsU velly, an I knvea aa
Ue ru Crwk tela-. Of the U-(tblifj LUty of U-at m'
a runtASrbt from !Ukr Ctty Uta wriua to lie Hi. LU
The Umatilla Indiana, during one of Uteir hunting and fUh
Ing eipeditiona In U !agW mountain, brought amil ounce
of gold to a trader at Walla Walla, whU h Indicated that it Ul
been e itraded from iptarta In tU rrubt and meat ImperUt
manner. Thia trader and two companion became wlM with
envy aa each rtturnlng prty of Indiana dUplayel piantitUa
of Ute aame character of gold, and determining oj finding
the locality of Uteir treaaure, aecret an lletve ttctd with
on of Ute chief. Hy nnan of literal o.T-f of " fire watrr "
U chief waa finally prrauaded to divu'g lit rl and Wal
the three trailer to th plat ahem Mi mg and hn.Ujmly
bealed pun had to often been r lnUhd. When all waa In
readlneea fur Ute atart one U Ute roertor waa taken 111, and
aa Ut eipedition could not well U d!a;ed Iheo, two a (ten
tunrra, Ute chief and two warrior pQihed Ihroth tU I'd M
mountain and ramped al the mouth of the IUg Minna river
to wait for the prospector left behind. Thl wu la Jane, Ifctt,
and, aa Ute two white and three Indiana wr ktwen to U la
camp together, a arly of cavalry waa det Ud frvn a rutn
mand then itaUoned la (innde Honda valWy to ImpMt Ui
ramp of tltiwe Indiana, aa It waa feared lU ivamiit had
been Inve'gM Into Ut mountain and murdrel by Uteaav
ag?. Hiding Into Ute ramp, the ml Iter ltvilrwl for tlt
white men, but meeting with no aaile my l Ulr
InterrogatorW. they klUd tU three Innorenl Itvllan within
hearing of the men who tij -l oVath lltey Itavt ao rrueily
avengtMl. After rifling the ramp they return! li their riw
mand, there they were applau ted aa hr wUa Ut Ux h!
of Uteir vlctjry were delayed. Knoi,h tal tn Unl of
the gfnrral dimthi of the Lahty of the trtMQt to enable
the pruice tor to puh on loeard Ut toeering mountain pake
of the Kagte range, and aa It aa not dmd rtn for litem
to remain lonrr la U rltfMhuod Ure Uir rotupanlttna
ha-l la mordertfl, lltey armrdingly fd f 1 Into lU
very Iteart of Ute mjonl!n, wUre leeitly yta laUr, U
norUiaret waa itait!) by tU dlwry of juW fUUu!y
rich la pAi. The fi larlng reglua a a wuMa tl Uw
mile of where our weary pnrW give op theinrth. Tl
tream of Ue mountaina are a!ie with Irwl, and la
Ue mountain deer, elk and mortnUla iltMp were Mnl to U
on every hand, white Ur an-1 -antUr ota mat- Utme!vt
far bto faiilllir with renp life. 'vt miny wi tU iity
wanlrrvl anfxig Ua almt Impeneirahte wU of lU inwn'
lalnou rountry. Yvi yt' tnl In tf pf,
but, hke Swede!", lW "','l f"'a'a wl.Uh tUy
never found. Al lt, leeftr, lUy eiid lU UtnUUA Wal
kva vi!!y, tUa lU Mte of ChUf JmU an-l .U tvatce,
and InimedUMy rrpilrtd to tU Uuit of lU like, ahr (Uy
piuUl their lnu, rJl to rl lUir atary lttf aa will
a thetnielrt brt pulg lU!r ny. 7u la-UftJ,
however, were tuA d.i to gie lUra ptarefl mn
of Ul UniitJj, al ordmd Ui to vie oa. Thia lUy d'l
reltirtanUy, but w,tlwl t9ttmj, Wa? ing ( .Uf lmh a-l
hi bend ta pvtfil y of Uke al va-'-y. IWflg
dowa U lU WiJWea rier Uy fl lUlr way Ut tU
(iran-le Ide valNry, wlre lUy Uad U lU tnt Ma V
nee of the djrotery of rll l- t'm l;a, wtUW lUy
utii hi la the TUie U M;!e that lU g il U
whlrb thia l) M A'rif itU taa anavU la l'J,
waa frtfel ta Im wUb l.'-e dvify d lU lUe tnck vAm.
Ts M JaktM baI a-'I UetlM Ut Wi !
Uka' -U i gna of hai'tng U A by Ue jf.m.tiie ttl'U
tm if ll la-lt. l'iVe J f.dl it-1 cr.tvate gA
bveltrti, mi aa bAi tat Ua Mar IU
Wdf. atJe narivi I U'a lai. !, m d.M, aa yUki al