WKST S1I0RK. 11; iujrior place of amua nn?nt, the tt of iu clam in the l'nitl hUU, U on of the many evi'lftio that 1'ortland ia in ad rant of Uie majority of tanirrn cities in other rrirfa u well a in solid proa parity. CATCHING STURGEON. STl'UOKOX, or m,m are ( common a night in i'ort land, ami have ho long Urn considered an of lit lie value, that our H-oilc do not realize that a great industry has Hprung tip during the past two or three yearn that him elevated that homely and dopined I'ndi to a prominent place among the export of the country, amounting r UN 7 'w r aj r i: ,1 r .'T (T 3 v.' T n r? n wwi If vt0 or Uii. Mil at th to iUut I annually. Fturifoii marm in the Coluinl-U an! Bfr c aiijfht at all of th" yar, a Urg iiuilrr of fi-lrni(fii km f dl'iM ill that I.M'ilU'M ill ill wintrf till." ho U-l f'NMfly to U' OUt of i;fk At llit 'u'n Fihiiig i raffi'd on frm .itri I rlrnr to tit" raw ad-, a dit4rir of t'l im , and tU uiuat iolh'l l hy t lin tint ar iitd regularly aKl nlirvrd f It l tiioi Th lurgu l a very lar- f h, avrraio in Wright from to Ml Jiiiifd, ih'iUjfh mntrr writhing ,'.ni an I .uid havr lm eauht ? I it, hnrrf, gamy lilt" th alMiri, or it woul I take a thip'a har f'f a Im and an if I t a tKttt KM l TMI Mt lt. in Vt in th" -fly tpruig. In '.tr''tit U:l