WEST SHORE. TRUE. Is courtship a failure t I . don't think it is; I've tried it awhile, and my reason is this : I asked her to wed me one evening and, lot It was a success, for she answered me " no." While in the east I purchased four lots in Seattle; bat I did not then realize the dimensions of that city. I visited Seattle Inter. My agent went with me in the direction of my lots. They are in an ex cellent direction from the city, but just how far they are in that oarticn. lar direction I did not learn. I was shown, however, a belt of timber is which I was assured my lots lay. There are no houses on them as yet, hut tliev are bettor shadfld than m-a nm Info rurlif. In tlm rantar nf tl,n nil. u. . m . V - J " " -" O vi uw VIVT. Hi J yaT - -rv T miormeu me mat as the city grew my lots would come nigher the city, NVC- V"1 lliat "ner or Iater there W0U,J be Bucn a movement in real estate in that . .... , , , ... direction that they would be actually in the city. Just at present they are in in addition yet to U added. When I secure a win and two or three faithful doits, I am going out for the uroee of " corner mg my luia, a corner lots are higher than others. After I shall have succeeded In this I expect my lute to 1 away up; and they are now on the top of a no mean mountain. These loU are for sale on reasonable terms. Address my agent. TOO COMPLIMENTARY. You're liker spring than any one I've seen ; For spring is Wutiful, you know-and green. COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED. Soon after I Joined the reading circle," which had of late gameti in (lie measure of its circumference not a little, I was asked to take and discuss a certain euhject concerning which, I was in formed, there could I little said. I took the su.JH-t and succeeded, finally, in ex hausting It. THE THIEF. lie was You would Whose fattier Made tin He not a thief. One day he left, and In a hurry Nome rnU gut In such a flurry !- How, nothing .Nancy'a father mi. Tlie thief had stolen only ki was the thief. CANT HE TOO CAKKR I, Etiisl (dressed for party)-Now, mamma, I am all ready. Manna-Well, W careful, dear, not to ex pose yourself. Haoma Fain ( a trifU cynically)-, ithera. ENGLISH TOO LIMITED. Editor (returning a manuscript to an aspiring genius from Jenkinses Corners) Yes, I perfectly agree with yon that yoo are a grammatical heavy weight, for you have knocked grammar completely out. I would suggest that you give some attention to the study of Chinook, as I perceive that the resources of the English language are utterly inadequate to express your ideas, INQUIRENDO DK LUNATICO. The other day a committee called upon me, by proxy, and stated that the relief corps " was going to hold a " craiy so- ciaoie, and desired me to make some remarks in keeping with the occasion. I endeavored to comply with their wishes and was so fur successful that I vai Informed the next day that mj speech was by far the "crail est " tiling exhibited. m$mi I Nil H 'Cr. -J, f 'l ILar-i nave loved liliu as ilul Nam- 'ir7 . l' l.V I n J,f.' JMi-f rj'ID.fiVr ' . lust hi,,,,,, divine- ' ! aJ' (VfVffl-r. h ado al-out hi. thlevln,,-" JTtln 27 Jack (sobering op)-What sh'loon is this, mister? lUita I'l nrsNiKi.a-ner Helvetia. Jack -Yes, I knew it was "hell" something, but I had forgotten the rest of It. " A lAurt and pleasant dream " He said, and went his way; The reason that he wished her such He saw the break of day. 7'.rv 'J