I WEST SHORE. 31.1 THE OPENING JEST. " Now, boys," said the teacher, " I'll give you ten minutes recess every day if you will kindly remit the usual school tacks." And then as he sat down and suddenly rote again, he realised that he had not spoken In time. Puck. A MATCH FOR THE OLD MAN. Wantono - What's the matter, Blankley? You're til bunged up, as ihough you bad been in fight, and yet you look beaming and imiling over it all. Bmnklky The fact is, I have all along thought my boy II 1 .1 . ... . A.t..l.oi.tal utinmn anil thfl other (lav I Ml- ilKIIUlU DVIK V HBirwiwwH .. . j i dertook to give him some boxing lessons. This li the result of the first one. Oh, I'm proud of that boy. Jacihon Mrs Henpeck telh me ihe gained lix pounda while ihe was In the mountains. Hini'kck That's nothing; I gained twelve while she waa away. Lift. IRISH, YOU KNOW. Ma. O'Rapfkrty And what did yer brother think was the eauseof hie death? ' Ma. Duw-Me brother never knew the rale cause of hli dealh, aa no inquest wm held on him. Texat Sifting. NO TIME FOR IT. So you're not offended when you are called an old man? Certainly not. ' Why it it that you never married? I've had to much to do In caring for those of my relative who are married that I never bad the time.-iMon Couritr, COUNSEL ASSIGNED. Ma. Rinino Briefly How's that case of Hill Jenkins getting along? I tee you've taken charge of it. Ma. 8maf ClAMMOH-Oh, flrat rate ; I just got fifty dollars out of him and he't to give me another fifty in the morning. Ma. Kinino PRiEfLY-Thafa good ; but where'i Hill? Mr.HmapGajiiion-DIII? Oh, he's all right He's In Jail. -I'wk. Ton-May I kiss your little baby sister? Faxkh (aged 18, demurely)-No, she isn't old enough. Jfunwy'i Wttkly. CRIMINAL CARELESSNESS. Nkwsi'ai'ir Wkatiikr Pronikt (big New York Journal). See here I If you don't discharge that careless foreman our weather reputation will be ruined. (Irrat Editor My goodness! What has he done? NiwHi'Ai'Ka Wkathkr Prohikt. Done! What hasn't he done? In the paper to-day I my prediction for yesterday, which he forgot to take out, and right alongside of It la the oltl clal reiort of yesterday's weather. AVw York Wttkly. A FELLOW KEELING MAKES ONE WONDROUS KIND. St. ram-Well, sir, what have you to say for yourself? Aitucant (despondently) Well, sir, to be candid with you, I'm afraid I've no chance hero. I waa snake editor of the New York Afoon. Ht. raTKR Never mind that; walk In. I waa a fisherman once myself. .Vuniei Wttkly. PROFITABLE TO BOTH. Tiikatkr Mamokr-1 called thlt morning, air, to tee If you would call attention In your Sunday attrition to the demoralls Ing features of the burlesque show I am going to run next week. Miniktkr-Is It going to tie very bad? Tiikatkr Marahkr Totiuh, sir, is no name for It. MiNisTKR-Well, how much do you want to give me? Busi ness Is business Jmlgt. lit. "W W- li 1 1 1 1 11 Do ye Dkkss-Coat riHAiiosas.-Tlila bread la awful stale. know It? Oxs Hrai s MtariiY.-rlthale, Is It? Do yt mane to Insio nwate, ye blaggard, Uiat I'd sthale breail?