The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, November 02, 1889, Page 228, Image 4

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have strongly intimated that the Oregon Pacific was
to I the wintem terminus of the Chicago k North
western, which it wan to meet at Hoisc City, and they
have never contradicted such statements when made
hy the press and based iiimhi interviews with them.
It would wrin, however, that hucIi in not the cane,
Minn; thin agreement with the I'nion Pacific is made hy
the Northwestern for the express purpose of securing a
Pacific. coaHt outlet without the necessity of building
one. The Oregon I'aeilic can no longer recline under
the shadow of the Northwestern, and the public will
naturally impure what eaHtem connection does it ex
Hrt to have ami what gn at mail, if any, in backing it.
The U'kht Siiohk 1ioh'h that the Oregon Pacific will
In built to wniie eastern connection, and that right
Hptwlily, for the country needH audi a line badly, hut
it would like to nee a little more candor and a little
Ickh huucoinh talk on the part of its managers.
Jiint why President Harrison hIioiiKI delay issuing
a proclamation admitting North and South Dakota
and Washington to (he I'nion Ix-cause retuniH from
Montana have nut Ix-cn nreived, in dillicult to under
((and. I'nder the provisions of the enabling act, he
can, if be wen lit, issue four separate proclamation!,
the admission of each Mate lecnding not upon the
conduct or association of the others. If there him been
fraud practiced in Montana the entire nation In inter
ested in having it discovered and its fruitn rejected.
Montana can all'ord to wait until thin in done and come
into the union with a clean record; but there is no
giod n anon why the others should Im held back. An
intention to delay in no doubt wrongfully attributed to
the president, ami he may issue a proclamation ad
mitting the three Mate even In-fore this pUier leaves
the pnn.
ieneral Itosccran stand to-day in a better light
with the American people than he did a few week
ago. It ha just Ihtii made public that in Nil he re
fud to b-ave I, in H,Min the army and accept the nm.
ination against Mr. Lincoln, on the ground that his
country bad given him a military education to be used
in her defense in just mi. lt an emergency as then ex-ist.-d,
.ml that In- pla.-e w in the rank of her de
fender. ( ieneral liosnran Ut inii.-h cant Ih-cuum- of
hi rancor against tirant. but he ban ncverUrn guilty
of an u.imtriotic act, and thin incident ,),o h that he
adhcrvd cnm ientiously to hi ofdutv when o'er
weemi.g ambition -duc, other of I,.,, h'.j,. lmiM
Salen, ha done m.n.ething ,m, ,.V(.rv
Oregon M. ... intent i. Itlno.b.vnd-idedtoc-o,,.
vert into . park the ground .u,r, .,, nm,
tte r.p.tol. practically , unking v,ry lare and hand-
gome capitol grounds. Although Salem has done this
for her own adornment, yet, as it makes more extend
ed the grounds about the state capitol, it may be con
sidered in the light of a gift to the state, and one in
which the people may well take pride. Salem is cer
tainly earning her right to be the seat of government of
a great state.
It is estimated by the secretary of the association
that 150,000 people were admitted to the fair whose
doors were closed last Saturday night. The exposition
was a great success in every particular, even finan
cially, and has undoubtedly done more to introduce
the northwest to the consideration of the people of the
I'nited States than any other agency. In her enter
prise exhibited in founding and conducting an exposi
tion of such magnitude and of such undoubted benefit
to the entire northwest, Portland has demonstrated
her right to claim metropolitan honors.
Chief Arthur's re-election by the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers is a matter of congratulation to
the whole nation, since it shows that the conservative
policy and respect for law and order thai has charac
terized that labor organization since Mr. Arthur became
its head will be continued. It would be a calamity in
deed were this powerful organization to fall into the
hands of as demagogic and unscrupulous men as are
shaping the policy and controling the actions of some
of the labor societies in America.
Port Townsend is preparing to take advantage of
its position as the nearest American port to the deep
sea fisheries of our northern coast. The Pugct Sound
Fish Preserving Co. has been incorporated there with
a capital stock of $30,000, which will treat fish for the
market by the Haven process. Port Townsend will
be the center of a fishing industry of great magnitude,
embracing the coast fisheries from Cape Flattery to
the waters of Alaska.
Seattle is providing herself with numerous suburb
an transKrtation lines. Contracts have been let for
construction on an electric road to Green lake, six and
"lie half miles from the city, which is to be completed
I'.v the first of April. This policy of making herself
the center of a net work of local railways is doing more
than any other cause to build up a large and prosper-
city on Elliott bay.
Without waiting for the new steel cells that are
to "relieve the crowded condition " of the county jail
to arrive, live of the prisoners decided that more
prompt measures of relief should betaken, and slipH
through an extemporized hide in the wall.