WEST SHORE. Little John had opened wide his eyes many times before venturing to become the proprietor of such a property. Many visits he had made up Cliff street. He did not like the name that had become connected with it. " Mortgageville," envious men and wags called it. " HEHIN WAS AWFUL LOW IN TI1KM PAYS," " If we buy, mother," John said, " we must put down every cent. It's a big pile, too." " It's wuth it," Mrs. John had insisted. The sudden acquisition of wealth had develop! in the wife a vein of progression that caused John much uneasiness. He watched her with a puzzled expres sion as she argued " We've gut the money, an' this cumin' outer the hill '11 give our Charl' a chance to get a wife outer the liig families." Chart's welfare was a weak point with John, ami Mrs. John knew it. " Hut how are you goin' to git up an' down from there mother? It's a etiflish walk." Kittle John's weak eyes really wore a shrewd ex pression as ho regarded his wife's weighty form, and raised this objection. , " Why, in my carriage, of course," Mrs. John an swered shortly. " In your carriage! " gasped John, and he surren dered. Before he realized it, ho found himself wan ning his mass of architectural grandeur, his eyes big with wonder. It was all his, this palace, with its shaded lawns nit into beautiful drives like a public park, the stone H?s down the cliff to the beach, where the sea con tinually swashed in and receded. All his. Then ho had a hostler and gardener of whom he was very much afraid. There was no triumph in Little John's heart as he viewed his possessions. As ho had stumH'd up Cliff street before, he soon after his purchase began to stump down the street to find happiness ami content ment in tho dingy office of the storehoustf which had held his " stacks of resin." There, every day, rain or shine, Little John met his old-time friends and told them over and over again how ho got rich. As before hinted, the sudden good fortune had unite a different effect on Mrs. Pattern. Energetic and per sistent, she had managed comfortably in her more humble home. The exhilarating air of Cliff street soon incited dreams of a greater rise, still her old hab it were not forgotten. Instead, her faculties for suv ing seemed to have been sharpened, and sho rushed over her estate, peering into this and under that, al ways in search of waste. " We've gut the money, an' we're goin' to keep it," sho would exclaim. Her greatest ambition was centered in her son Charles, and indeed Charles had much need of solici tude. The same languor which had prevented him from lighting his battles in sch.sil held him as if with iron arms from working his way upward and onward. He was a handsome, healthy young man, with a form like an Apollo, and a complexion as pink and white as that of a girl. Ho grew a beautiful, brown, silky beard; his eyes wero large, brown, and had an expres sion of interesting weariness. Mrs. Pattern recognized the lack of vitality In her offspring, but to Little John Charles' spinx-liko beauty was little less of a wonder than the great Pattern prorty on Cliff street. Since tho course at Kingston Academy, Charles had attended a private law school, the head of which must have been a paragon, for through his lals.rs, assisted by the continual goading of Mrs. Pattern, who put In unceasing work out of school hours, Charles, at the age of twenty-five, was admitted to the bar. Elegant ,,lee were taken in the city, where Charles' name was painted in largo letters on the doors. Hero he sat day after day in ponderous meditation, while clients innu lumblo whisked in and out the doors of his brother attorneys. " He ain't gut the snap of a donkey," dcclorod Mrs. pattern after one of her visits to tho city. " The luon,.y we've spent on him. He', been a-lawyerin' now goin' on a year, an' ain't made money enough to buy him a shirt." Don't go at him w, mother," remonstrated Little John, " he'll run away to sea or somcthin'." " Run away, fiddlesticks! " snorted Mrs. John. " I'd like to see him run once." Mrs. Pattern loved her boy, but it was a trial to