WKST SHOKK. IW7 Kaiser Wilhelm inform the reichntag that the jieaco of Europe in now assured, ami, thtrt'fttrt, ask for more liberal appropriation fur the army ami navy. A few month hence ho will make the name refluent Wiuiho the country i in danger. First he wants more butter for hid bread ami then more bread for bin butter. How long will the (ierman jieople stand thin needles military burden? It baa cost the city several hundred dollar to learn that it cannot erect a city hull on one of the plain hloeka. Meanwhile several nionthit have panned away, pMHrty ban increased in value and the most dcirahle nite under connideration lm been sold. Kvery day nf procrastination add to the final cxp-nsc, ami it in ad vinahlc that early action ta taken in selecting a nite. CATCHING WILD HORSES. Tuesday night, hint, the taard of trade of IVt land gave a grand bamiiet at the room of the Con cordia club in honor of lion. Sol. Ilirnch, who in stall t to proceed to bin pout an mininter to Turkey. The ae lection of one of her citizen to (ill no imsrtant a diplomatic M)Nition in an honor to the city, and the bamuet wan an expression of appreciation of thin fact. It will be unfortunate indeed if the closeness of the vote in Montana nhall renult in a delay in the ad minsion of the ntate into the union. Yet, if fraud ban Wn committed at the polln, it in tatter that it remain a territory ten year longer than that the nanctity of the ballot, the very foundation of a republican form of government, be violated. Chicago gave one of the graudent tampta the country ban ever known to the member of the pan American congren. Nothing they have mm in the t'niled State ha o imprenned them a did thin great wester ctronilin. Thi occasion aill do much to further Chicago' effort to wrure the great fair in h'.lj. The official vote of Washington shows that ballot were cant for the constitution and I gainnt it; r.,.fH favored prohibition and 'MA', opened it, 1,.VJ7 for woman suffrage, 'MSH against Secretary Windom' final decision in the matter of admitting Mexican lead oren free ,,f duly will a.arccly endear him to the jieople of the went Whosay I'ortland i not up to the time when real entate in auctioned off to the inspiring .iu of bran Uml in full uniform ? Montana had tatter look out or bUo mil M the family nest ahead of tar. 51IK ncene o graphically depict! by the artint on the two page in the center of thi number i a common one in certain district of the went. I In Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana j there are a numtar of " horse ram he," here the bus iuesn of rearing home for market in conducted tion a some, hat mmilar plan to that of the range cattle In dustry . These are by no mean " wild horse " in the sense in whii h that word w used in former day In speaking of the band of mimtang the pioneer and trpcr found roaming the plain and valley of the went in a slate of nature. Nor are they nidi a are to ta found in some localities where the descendant of Ameriean Imrsei that have strayed from their owner ami entered upon a life of unrcstrlncd freedom are often found living in Immls in the mountain: but j they are the well guarded prorty of rancher, who have jiermitted them to grow up and pick their own living Usn the ranges, kept, however, within certain limits by the ceaseless vigilance of their ow ners. They are wild only In the sense that they have never l'ti broken or subjected to any Individual restraint. The horse breeding industry I U-eomlng a large one in the wit, and the special excellence of the ani mal sent to eastern market from our western bunch grass range is fast making for them an enviable repu tation. Our ram her have Introduced the bet strains of blood and are doing all that careful and intelligent breeding can do to raise sound ami marketable animals. The scene in the engraving I a stirring one, and represent the catching of some of these animal pre paratory to sending them to market, with h i usually done alien they have reached (heir second summer on the range. Many carload of hor are thus caught and driven to the nearest railroad station for eastern shipment annually. It i the general custom to drive them In a baud to the shipping "ilnl, where they are dirtied into a corral and them raoght for branding and shipment It may well ta imagined that this work of "rounding up" and cad King these llerl and gra cful animals, after a life of freedom on the c n range for two year, Is rthilarallng and rt iliog, and in it many incident the artist ran rind subject to tai the inosl cunning skill of hi m il (irneral S holli Id ha Iwued an order prohibiting the sale of lliplor or l" r to Soldier by t trader, and ha recommended th elbihment of raiiteem, under the iirviloii of officer, where .n r can i.l. tain Urr and indulgn tri tb usual club aintisctiiml at wholesale price (Ktoer do not serin to tk kindly to the ida of managing a r hall, and the ! sntr. il ta k favor with leader of the t germans