7H WEST SHORE. AN OCEAN WAIF. BY VKLMA CALDWELL MKLVILLB. I'AHT II. THE evening after the party Prof. Gettwood was de tained from tl! 1 riiMTH home ly old-time friends calling on him at hi hotel. "To-morrow night will do an well," he thought, when, at hint alone, he noted the time. "Strang how the child interests me; it miixt U her likcnc to Grace. I doubt if hIk of whom I h ath write in more like her; hut I must we her. l-ct me we, what doe he say?" and he drew u letter from hi N ket and unfolded it. The next day he received a message from Mr. Pra ht, regretting that they eoiild not meet tiatii. and ex plaining their midden journey, concluding hy Haying that hi nirnt winded to he renicmliered to "him, and a!o extended an invitation for him to call on her if he ever viited the Pacific coast. The new wan most tin- "'I''" to Prof. Gettwood, and he eluded himself f.ir allowing anything interfere with hi call at the Pra rr' the evening previous. Ami thu. in )e than fifty ix hour after the two violinist were playing together in lU-njiuiiiii )ra-r' parlor, one wn xrding toward Oregon and the other toward Australia, unconscious of the meeting yet in More for them. " Mow i Tnele Max, U1 " were the first word that ceaN' I'et' li a he met hv Mason at Port lilhd. Ie' fair told the utory hi lip refund to utter, "lie call for you cntimially, and I .rav heaven vou may n-i h him in time," he aid. IM thought her heart wn leaking. She little knew how nun h one ran endure, and that lUrU (klnt, hut Motu hroak, IWiM-ftth a wnlgtit u( wu. Hut she did not cry out or make a fus. Aunt (Vlia, wt. hing the white, min-Mri.ken f.f , wondered at her control 1,-e watched her furtively, tu., while he tried to divert h. r attention fnun thi first great grief of her life. She wa cimng-d, he could that, hut whether " .le.," a he had i.rvdu t.sl, he could not tell. She certainly Uied hthtj0 and innocent ,MlotiKh at the .r. ..,tto to, h a I,m ,u ,ti,e heart than her old loVer'i. Max. Ihvwning wm tu, weak to talk, hut with hi w ife on one idc and ,i. Ut..r daughter o the ,.ri m, Uy In tuiliiig contentment fr f,.w ,ri).f Hum. followd. a it werf, u, the v,.rv kirUl j twominiMering ang- U, hr ,,,-d ut into the unknown' unknown, yet M unknown to tl .i,,,lt.( ,-hild like Ulievrr. TW a Un. U..I b Um than dy, AaJ r-jr Ulih ra 1Ukfi From that hour Mildred and Pet were as sisters, every tie strengthened by this mutual woe. AuntCelU lingered until the first keen sense of loneliness waj gone, enjoying the matchless climate, and having a very tolerable time despite the mourning about her. She in vited Pet to return with her, but was not sorry when the girl refused on the ground that she could not leave Aunt Millie. It was as well, she thought, for she had not Wn blind to her son's infatuation; and by next year he would 1h' married, and there was plenty of time yet for Pet to pursue her education. In answer to Arthur's queries when she reached home, she smiled significantly, and hinted that Pet was likely to settle down as a far mer's wife soon. She had noticed Lee's evident admir ation for her, nnd made the most' of it. One afternoon late in the spring Mildred and Pet sat sewing out on tho vine-clad porch. Pet had Wn shaking of that last party at Aunt Celia's, and of her enjoyment of the half-hour'B music with Prof. Gettwood. " Prof. Gettwood? " repeated Mildred. " And is it he of whom you are thinking when that dreamy, far away look comes into your eyes? " The young girl started guiltily. " No, auntie that is I am sure I did not know that my eyes ever wear a dreamy, far-off look; but if they do, it can scarcely be when thinking of the professor, as I never met him hut the once. He was to call again before he lea for Aus tralia, where he told me ho had to go on important bus iness, hut we came away the next day, you know. Un cle I)riter sent our regrets to him, and I invited him to call if he ever came to the Pacific slope. How roman tic if we chance to ever meet again." Mildred listened, and only sighed in response. That Pet had a secret from her was plain enough, audit hurt her that the time had come when her dar ling' heart was not open to her. True, she had never told the girl of her own buried romnnec, had never con fided to her her own girlish affairs, but she hungered for Pet' confidence, longed to help bear the burden-whatever it was-that was evidently wearing on tho young '. She had never sjn.ken of Tom Veeder during her husband's lifetime for f,.nr thnt Pl,t ph()ul(1 think untrue toor dissatisfied with Max ; and since the latter1 death n m,.n...d wrong to mention a love that antedated the one great love that had made life so bright. She had feared that she could not lnake the girl un(liri(tan,i hat the love a maiden gives her lover is but the bud ' comparison to the r,e to that of a true wife for her hupluin.1. and she might think that her heart was in te grave of r rary ,MV ra,h(r Umn husband. IM was M honest, m true and loyal, the story could only raUw h,r min Wiuw (,w n. Mildred u thinking something of this sort 1 ''l 'I'1"' " Auntie, I think I ought to be