THE WEST SHORE. I5,.Uy refused to don extra clothing or wraps, and when remonstrated with by her husband, explained it by M) ig that wo only had belief, in cold and neat, and aha meant to rise above them. Uere was i di lemma, but Hrtia decided to aay nothing, for a while at least liut in the meantime Betsy caught a severe cold of a rheumatic nature and came down to hor bed. hv.. ..i.i tf,,.;. "vh'vr pot a belief as la a,g.)in' f-r to kill ye ef ye don't look out An' I'm agoin' to have a sure-enough doctor thin trip." Hut hia wife Ix-gged ao hard for a renewal of the Christian scieueo treatment!, that Hozia reluctantly consent!, and Doctor Elliott lVrry winkle was called forthwith. Hozia took him aside before he had aeen Mrs. Tihhets. and aaid- M Iok a-hero, ye'ro a good un; where'i yer curin' now? Here's my wife down with the rheumatic bad, til on uwiuut of ver dinted scientific trash. What yer goin' to do alxmt it, anyway? " This was a clincher, but the doctor answered glib ly enough: "Khe is having her chemicalization now, that always occurs lefore the euro is complete, sir. It is the catting out of the seventh devil, sir; faith wrestling with uufaith; spiritual health forcing out material Udief Id disease, sir. We will cure her yet Duly her rheiuicalintion." " Chemicals! " shouted Hozia. " There, I knowed it! Wy, chemicals is ison, man! An' ye don't go fer to say UeUy Cornelia hev a-swollered of 'em." N Oh, ms Mr. TibbiU, yon mistake; really, sir, you mistake," hastily answered Dr. Perrywinklo. We us the word only in a technical sense, I assure you, sir. We mean regeneration of organism, organism as it appww to you carnal believers, sir, nothing more," " Why don't ye say what ye mean, then, an' not go a-circumveutiu' of the truth, an' a-harrowin' of a feller's feeliu's up? 1 hev aeon chemics as would blow up a hull town ef they was left sett in' by other ehemioa. Ihey air the sarveuts of perdition's own pit, with their blue and red light an' their tarnation rwkeu." "Mr. Tibbita, are you aware that you are taking up very valuable lime? 1 will bid you good-morning, air," and the doctor stalked majestically off. " That's all right, my fine feller, that's all right, but Ml get even with ye yet," and Hozia hook his fist threateningly at the diipxariiig Prince Albert Mat-tails of the doctor as ho vanished into his wife's sick Mora. How or where be would get even with him, the dem did not explain, but the next time the Chris tian dooU came he found a row of hotllea, pill boxes and vi arranged defiantly on a small stand at the client's ldsidv All this was contrary to the doc tor's faith, and he accordingly, disputed their right to be there. Said he " Madam, I will not consent to treat you further, if you still persist in using these material methods. Those are the devil's own means, madam." " Oh, they air, air they?" came in an angry whis per from Hozia, who had stationed himself behind the door leading to his wife's room, in order that he might hear "how the feller took it," for Hozia had, of course, procured these remedial agents from an allopathic doctor, an old and valued friend. " An' that, too," he muttered further, "is mighty compli montary to my humble endeavorin's." Strange that the honest Hosia saw nothing in this eavesdropping, but he considered all fair in love and war, probably; and this was war, war to the death. However, he restrained his impetuosity to hop out and confront the doctor, and to " tell 'im a thing or two." And the doctor forever remained ignorant of the deacon's backslide from principle. Then the sick woman's voioe was heard question ing: "Hadn't I oughter use them medicines? The doctor's voice was heard in reply: " Certainly not, madam, unless you wish to undo all our former work. If you still persist in using material instead of spiritual means, our prayers can not avail you. One or the other of us doctors must leave the field," Hozia, aftor the physician was gone, strode up and down the back porch, oblivious to the biting winds that swept around the corner of the house. His cau tion and his angor were contending, and fearful, in deed was the conflict He soliloquized " Ef that old nincompoop 6hows his yeller phiz in this here house agin, one or tother of us '11 hev to vamoose. Betsy's gettin worse, an' she nor him won't listen to no kind o' reason. I hain't never ex pected no overpowerin' sonse from Betsy Betoy'i i woman but that strappin' scientific donkey hain't no more'n a gettin' hen. But, don't ye see, ef I goes to convincin' Betsy back again that there is seen things as sickness, thore won't be no more peace on this hero earth for Hozia Tibbita. She hev rested a good bit now, an' she'd make up 'er lost time. What ever shall I do? " and he scratched his head meditatively. Suddenly he burst out: " Hozia Tibbita, gin us yer hand; ye're a genus, Hozia, an' that's what I've alius told ye. She hev got to take them medioines unbe knownst to 'er. I hain't Daid 'im two hundord dol lars fer nothin', I hain't, not bv a loner shot How kin I enveiglo 'er inter takin' what's the proper thing for 'er? An' she hev got to think the Christian done it all He kin gin her the credit of it, but I'll come out the furest ahead, jest the same." Once more he consulted the familv rjhvsician, an allopathic doctor and an old friend, who, for that