311 THE WEST BHOBE. TUB CITY OF NEW WE3TMIN8TER. Drill NO Iba time of the Fraser river gold excite meet, in NA tba city of New Weatminster, Uritiib Columbia, u founded, by Colonel Moody, of Iba royal enginwa, ho considered it the moat ad tantalus tiU for the eapiUl of the province. The city ii liclAd on tba north bank of the river, fifteen nil from ita mouth, ii accessible for deep water Lilting, and tin in tba heart of a aection of varied kD I uluabla rcaourwi. BUwrs also ply up the rirrr a hnndrad miloa to Yale which U the center of a diitrirt of considerable imjxjrtance. Tim city of New Westminster ii chiefly known brl for iU salmon trade and iU lumber business, but tba agricultural interests of the district are now ooiuicg into prominence and giving the city addition al stability. Tba good firming territory of British Colombia it not a very Urgo proportion of ita whole are Thra ara considerable tract that are fine grailng land, and otbori that irrigation would ren der fertile, but much of tbia territory that will ulti mately, of oouraa, Income valuable, ia now practical ly inaoroMibla for tba ordinary tiller of the aoiL Tba Urgtt and moat valuable tract of farming land in tba province ii in tha southwest corner, in the val leynd dell of Fraser river, and New Westminster ia aituatM in the midst of that great garden. Lola, Bra and Wrtharn islands, compriaing the delta of Iba rirrr, bavo an arra of over fifty thousand acrea of tba cboioM UmL It is not heavily timbered, and Iba rich, alluvial soil jielda crops of first quality and in aurprising quantity. Three tons of hay are taken from an arra, ninety buabels of oaU, aeventy.five of tlrt, and of n4 cn; four hundred to eight hun dri buihrlt At Iba lut l.cI fair turnip weighing Ut; ..unds each vera on exhibition, sod oati icg M; fu jmunda to the measured bushel What ita municipal,!; of IMta ia a similar is known as III. ... - lu.uni arc ,sg Ut.cn ll9 hopf anJ . lhas.mjh. The nanicialiiw 0f Surrey, Lander Ma,,la tidj and ailli.hack occupy the valley on !th,aid of tba rirrr aWa New Westminster, and cm braoa an an flf fieMy fiTe hondr(yj , of U very U agricultural Xhee tend U.itr4 fro ih America Umndary a distant JtUj fiw but only bcludo whMU Ik. H.bcaJ d,trict of Nc HfU Yum op tb. vallc,, of iu tnbutaries, the Rm Z r, and lb. Ki.ub. A cboiw bUve Tb ar, all ori:,u tJ' mixed with a clay loam. The agricultural prodno tiona include the common grains, roots, vegetable! and a variety of fruits. A failure of crops was never known in that region. Dairying is a profitable in. daatry and it is growing in importance. While in the valley there is no government land to speak of, i considerable portion of the area is yet unimproved and may be purchased at moderate prices. On the northern branches of the Fraser there are still eligi. ble locations which may be obtained from the gov. ernmont or from the railroad company on reasonable terms. In the interior there are large amounts of land of all degrees of fertility and in all sorts of lo cations, that are waiting for settlers. There are twelve large salmon canneries within easy reach of New Westminster. These establish ments represent an invested capital of $500,000.00, they employ over five thousand men during the fish ing season and pay out over $100,000.00 a year for supplies. The Fraser river canneries turned out last year forty-one thousand six hundred cases of salmon. This is one of the most important industries of that region. Three saw mills are now in operation in the city, their daily capacity being one hundred and twenty-five thousand feet of lumber. By far the largest saw mill in the province is now in course of construction at New Westminster. It will have s ca pacity for sawing two hundred thousand feet per day. Vessels bound to the several foreign markets to which this lumber is shipped have no difficulty in as cending the river and taking their cargoes from the wharves at the mills. The timber is obtained in abundance up the Fraser river and its tributaries, and floated down to the mills where it is held ia booms until manufactured. Lumber sawing consti tutes the most important single manufacturing indus try of the city. It has, however, the only woolen mill in the province, two foundries and machine shops, a furniture manufactory, planing mills, sash and door factories and cigar factories. The volume of products turned out by these establishments has an important influence on the prosperity of the city. The New Westminster, Bellingham Bay & Seattle railway, now in process of construction between Be etle and New Westminster, will have its shops in the Utter city and will build a railway and traffie bridge across the Fraser river, this having been agreed upon as a consideration for a bonus and cer tain terminal facilities which were granted it New Westminster is well supplied with educa tional facilities, it having good publio schools, a high chool, and two or three private educational institn t It baa the only free publio library in the Province, There is a publio hospital, and also one hich coat $20,000.00 under the auspices of the Bo-