THE WEST SHORE. Fifteenth Year. JUNE, 1881. 15, BRITISH COLUMBIA'S CAPITAL CITY. M it ) ROMINENT among the beautiful citioi of the IV cifio coaat ia Victoria, the capital of the province of British Colombia, It ia situated in the southeast em part of Vancouver inl and, about an irregular in dentation from the. Strait of Juan do Fuca on the south. One arm of the harbor, extending a short distanco to the eastward, ii known as James bay, and another, tho North arm or Portage inlet, reaches inland a distance of so v. eral miles in a northwesterly direction, forming tho outlet for the Deadman river, and for tho Colquitz, which drains a small lake to tho north. About theso arms of Victoria harbor the city is built on moderate ly undulating ground, overlooking tho broad strait, with the snow-coverod Olympio mountains pltiuly in view on the main land of Waahington to the south, and tho majesties peaks of tho Cascades relieving tho landscapo to the southeast and cost From Victoria the nearest mainland is about twenty miles distant, south to Port Angeles. Tho nearest Canadian main land is northeastward about sixty miles by tho main routes of travel. Vancouver island cxternls south some forty miles farther than any other portion of the international boundary west of the great lakes, so Victoria faces American territory on tho south and also on the east, but between it aud the eaaton main land are innumerable islands, for which that arm of the ocean is noted. Approaching Victoria from the Math, a all travrl except from point on the island must, the view pre sontodby the city captivates every visitor. ltd- not in any sense wear that stereotyH which makes so many cities commonplace from the very frequent duplication of styles. It has a beauty that ia all its own. It is unique. In tho first plac, tho site is different from those occupied by imt of tho prominent Pacific coast cities. Tho town doos not boast of rugged precipices or towering hills with in its limits. Neither is It by any means a Hat There arc moderate eminences in various ortions of tho city, which have boon improved for site for archl. tectural piles of imbuing dimensions. The are prominent features of tho city seen from a distance, Tho streets are not laid off iu tho stiff regularity of a checker hoard. The main thoroughfares arn clearly defined for long distances, but in all parts of tho town are streets of varying widths, joining each other at every conceivable angle. They are roads, walks, lanes, places, streets, etc All but the main business street are lined with shado trv, aud all are kept in excellent condition. The long lines of wharves and manufacturing establishment along tho water front show that the city is not wanting in business activity, additional evidence of which is furnished by the btuy thoroughfares of the town. A nurnUr of bridge spanning tho arms of water extending Into or through tho city add to it general appoaratirfl. The sviia In the harUir is enlivened by tho shipping, largo and small craft of all kinds that ply on tho waters of the sound or oooan Mug found there, Victoria is prominently a city to dnllght tho heart of tho tourist Alrnoat the first thing to attract hi attention after landing Is tho largo numUr of g-xl bob-Is, there bring more than a do"0 goml ratabliah. ment of thl kind, on or two of whirh hate, almoat a world-wide reputation for tho eiellencAnf their ac commodations. Tho various puMie buildings alao corn prominently Into notice. Th provinrial capl. tol is located on tho south side of Jame bay, which ja rrd by a bridge on (loverntneat atrM leading directly to tho capitol square. The buildings are sli in number, aceom Mating tho different department of tho provincial government treasury, land and