The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, May 01, 1889, Image 1

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Fifteenth Year. MAY, 1889. Nisinru 5.
.-v'Ssa'ANCOOVEIl city, British Columbia, it situated, cot on Vanoou.
ver island, but on the main land of tho province, and iu the
southwestern corner. Tho principal part of tho city occupies a penin
sula, bounded north by tho waters of Durrard iulet, south by a small
indentation called Falao creek, and west by English bay, of which tho
other two aro arms. Far beyond tho limits of tho peninsula thus
defined, however, the city is fast oxteudiug to tho cast, and to tho south
across False creek. Tho city was incorporated under tho iiarao " Van
couver" April fi.lH-Sfi, at which time it had a opulatioij cutuboring
olv ait hundred. Now there aro within tho limits of tho our
& V wviw
?W poration between twelve and thirteen thousand inhabitants, and iu many ro.
' W1 SDOcts it is one of the most remarkable towus ou tho IWiflo sIojmi of North
s! America. The rapidly increasing importance of this young and enterprising
vf ... .. ' I'. . I Ti. U'nr Uil.iliw ia ,l...t.l t. i.
), city entitles it to more man passing nouce, uu n. i .n y
it,;. n RPnnnnt of its progress, present condition and iinaiwcU, with
p f r illustrations, which will give an excellent idea of tho apearauc of tho city.
'? The site of Vancouver could scarcely have been better chen for a largo city.
The peninsula on which it is located rises to an altitudo of aUmt two hundred feet
0f hwhnl mint, and from tho ceutral ridge thero is a distinct decent to tho
water's edge on either Bide. This affords tho most perfect drainage at all time. 1Mb llunard nlet on tho
north, and English bay and False creek on the opposite siJ.', are always safely navigable fur tho deepest
draft vessels, and the first named, at least, is one of the finest bar , tho worll ho ntremi y of o
peninsula curves around to the northward (it is really another insula formed by an In e Utiou fro a Ui
i . . vu"c" ";uu" . . n.rroW(l or mouth of Uurrard iulet, uot moro than hair
mle known as Coal harbor), leaving a pas, h w m
a mile wide Opposite the more than twenty mil. from Vancouver,
from six to twenty fathoms. This arm or salt wale ei
and its two forks afford access by water to a consider r o X writ
couver governs. In this respect it serves tho To capacity of tho city for marlno
south, English bay and False creek afford accmmU .h.; p II
commerce can never be outgrown, no matter -ha m fe u MpwUjr f(jf H
of commerce, the means it has for focusing a W vom healthful climata
pansion, most make Vancouver one of the most irnporii r,.idrnw pla and tho control
and location and altogether pleasant surrounding rend.- ,,rotflnent manufacturing city. As
Hch it f xercices over the products of th interior is a 7 ju that place it ntirry Uyond
tho terminus of the longest single railway lin in tin? wo .ji,,,,, j, da it phenomenal growth,
competition, and to this, as well as to its natural feaiu q BwkpU a
For twenty or thirty years the saw mills of lurra cmid-rablo pr,rtlon of hrr lonU
I'wifie coast Within the past decade, Houthern La " f (Ul WM kw;wn
'rom the saw mills of British Qom 'ul lol-nnf 1