THE WEST SHORE. , , o, M.rrffin ment has been fairly inaugurated by enterprising only od LnD.lrl M from the dock, Btcamer tram i. inching yearly in instance, and wMD u e m or The t, Gray'. UrU,r i. oriopW wH ex q fa undortaken maBt progress, because it is of great Tie unthwWn jK.rt.on of I uget aonnd nai wen d letion mUBt add enormously wliceH rrc-rcr. har rented in an undevetoptf industrial capacity of Shelton. .Ut, Capital and ,nt,n7 have to bertdto jU-iid o.l,r l,,t.,. ch,,(!y on the , jfl bli8hed by G. 0. Angle, and is of muchim. of ,1,1 great , DPce in the workof making this region known and itiruijiz up (iijl inillioDi of (lollari of wPMin txen ere- yv . aL H., far from detracting from the advantage, of I appreciated abroad Eight miles from the town are Kh,IU,n, thi. fact i. now one of it- .trongest recom- i extensive ledges of iron ore, whose developmen will nidation.. Hor, i. a purring all the nat- some time add to the wealth and business of the town, oral advantage that have so potent in the The developments in this region during the next few growth of other place., m well ai some which many ! years will be as marked as those which have excited nf afrflncsrH in othnr nnrtinnnnf that or iijom iif i, ami v wm wno ooiuu ihbi w anu wo nv. - D r Ihemaelvci of thn treat oitixirtunitie. here offered, will inure tho richcat reward. The era of develop- UV " v O A " magnificently endowed region known far and wide as Paget sound.