THE WEST SHORE. FoniTEENTii Year. BEPTEMDEIt, 1SS Neurit U. BEAUTIFUL HOMES OP PORTLAND. f ' ' !ifv ARLY in tho history of the Pacific coast, tat lit tle thought was taken of ornament or architect ur. al beauty in tho con struction of either buai nes house or dwelling! The times were homely and practical to tho last degree. Almost any. thing that waa largo i enoogh and would abed , water waa good enough ; to do buaineaa in, and a good dinner and a comfortable place in which to ! aleep were considered the moat important essentials j of a home. Every one wa intent upon M getting a j start in life' and bad no time to waste opon luxuries ; and frills, 13 at as time paaaed and wealth accuma- j lated, aa the pioneer era gave way to the one of aet- j tied communities and permanent institutions, ss the , older business men began to retire from active life ; and enjoy tho fruit of their many year of toil, as tho j younger generation, educated with ideas and tastes J their fathers had not, at their age, poeiMl tho time j and means to acquire, came upon tho field and pre pared to tako charge of tho business tho older ones ! were about to abandon, and aa others poeicg ! wealth and refinement came here to invest their j means in developing the resources of tho grow;cg ' west, a change came, at first slowly, and then rapidly, until now it would be difficult to find a portion of tho Union whero more tasto is displayed or more money expended for tho erection of buildings, either for pub lie or private use. Especially is this so in tho mat ter of privato residence, and in this respr-ct Portland lead all tho cities of tho coast In the number of ele gant and costly dwellings a compared to Ur total population. Posaetiicg tho most wraith pr capita, she has not been at all cifgvdly in usicg it for Ler own adornment, and for tho entertainment of thoo who, from timo to time, enjoy her hoj4ulitie. Culture and refinement havo their beat hula in the homo of tho individual, both in tho objects with which ho surrounds himlf and in tho mannr r of en. joying them; and, tested by this standard, Poitland may fairly bo said to bo a city of beautiful homes, f liberal, cultured, refined ami hpitabli ropU estate in tho better rmidenon jxrrtlons of tho city is extremely valuable, yet many of our citU"ii havo not Uen deterred from using an entire llck for ?e. dencc and ornamental grounds lcau of th frt that tho ground alone is worth from f.'ii),000() l 1100,000.00. Nor havo th7 limitM tho archiM, lh furnisher, or tho landscape gardener, to ruli!i thi first cost of tho land; but in everything, froru first t last, have done all that ample wealth anl refill ImU ouKl accomplish to produce a homo beuiful with out and within and pcmsiicg all tho rr.pirnnrt-U demanded by comfort, oouveniencfl and artMio tat. As a general thing, tho houses are surrounded ith ample grounds, a wbol block h-ing occuj WA u many instance, and by some two Mucks have tA n util vi Oren lawns, ornameLtal trees and ahruU, and a profusion of fl-iweri of every hu, in which prtd inatt the n, tho Ut suited to this c lifuato J all tho children of Flora, gredth eye contiuually. Thr is scarcely a werk io tho ycr wln th Mushing r or tho many-huJ pansy d' not offer up its incn4 upon the shrino of Uauty from tiubdmU of dor. yards, asd no season wbro tho emra! 1 grrro of frh ml growing grass and clovrr da not rtfrtth tho weary eye from tho well. kept lawta. In this mtUr of jcrennially gren graa and our M'joudcg C jrr, th jplo of Portland j:u an adra&tago out th-if frills in tho et. Tho aortic of tt Uwo in t areincoutatt d-mafcd, for tho raiu of Utf al tho tverrrady garden bo of surs&'r k'rp th Utts fresh at I Uautiful tho entiro yrr, whiU lh sport ful Jul Ytml, t plajs but fc pra&ks iu this