The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1888, Page 344, Image 54

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, anion a i rrw of l.hUr, l.o UN! it as a I- from which to
etui -! n 11", l to One of these
rt,i the t and the other carri-a a rit, with which he shoots
H,. H al. when wht within ranir. It in wwntial that the
animal t niniply wounded, for if killed he sink at once out of
and in M. If noting), he floats ion the surface until
beVa, giving the hunter an opportunity to roach and m-ure
him. A w t TU ti Ya'iuina hay aUut tlic Int of May, bav
in; a tavi of fourteen lmrxlrtI Aim, taken on the way thither
from San Francisco.
Hi r a aai IhaiioN An hi huton ra iiik Pacinc Coast.
Thrriirr and harW appropriation hill now in congrww, and
hih will probably le pawd and signed, with slight inodifi
r atiotm, inrtu'Im the following it4-rn for the Pacific roast : Hum
UMt, l.Vfl.fiO; Oakland, 1 7"x 0.t) ; Wilmington, $90,
fmri.rari; Yjuina bay, Il!o,ono.oO; San Joaquin, $i'),000.00;
ISi-Umnl, 74Mi; Mokelumne, f:OuUO0; San Louis, flS,
i W; hVramonto and Feather, fJfl.fUMI.OO; San Iicgo, fl,
(Kl,(i; Napa, ;,.VUi; iVtaluma, f:7X0U; lHrp Sea Moor
ing, llVtMi.fKt; Co-iuilh' river, jo,irt.0O; Cooa hay, P,
it; (V.ado, I7:,(NXM"); I'pjwr Columhia, 10,000.00;
n.-rtith of Columbia, .',VV"'M0; l-owcr Willamette, f sO.OOO.Ol) ;
l'.rr Willamette, II.VtKKMM; Coo,uiIle, Mwecn Cofjuille and
Myrtle jxjitiU, .'.0; gauging water ol the Columhia, 2,
.Vl(l; Chehalift river, l.'.OiNUK); Cowlitz, f:oOO.IK); Skagit,
The Mifhi(tiij'ii river, from Minnesota to the, gulf,
mvixe .t,i,(i'; ht. Mary's river, Ha., l,r00,000.i0;
Mifuri river, Imum; Columhia, W,m).XI. The whole
amount appropriated i P,4.'!1.7:m.iO.
nmimi I'.hiiH.K atOmm Cm . The contract for con
ducting a MicjiiiHiiin bridge acrowt the Willamette river at
Oregon City hat (nth awarded to the 1'arifie F.ridge Company,
U fan Fraiiciwn, f.,r UMl.iai, of which Clackamas county
pay 1 1 (), Oregon City the l,Oii0.O0 it donated hy vote,
and the Willamette I kn Transportation Company 1 1,000.00.
The bridge will U braced ut each end hy an iron tower, and
will e he) I up hy two liiaive cables on each tude, one calilo
running fn.ui i!a am borage at one end of the bridge, over the
rim and tow. r, to an anchorage at the other end. A second
able i am h.n-l at either end lower down, nearer the shore,
and ii ihottcf. The bridge will U nine hundred and thirty
fur left ..iijf, the main iuu f.ur hundred nd fifty feet, and U
H ieiily fle f.vt l., ta-r. Thin will U the fixth
hri-lf the Willamrtie. The Mructurv will H. a graceful
one, and an oinam. ht a ,!! M an advantage to the city. It
intnt In fuiihil hy the firxt of N-ptemU'r.
I'.io I'.im. Mmi-ivut.-WatenilleM the principal Mnof
the 1' IVnd .xH.ntry, n Washington Territory, although it was
only laid out la.t Ml. It j a government town aite, and there
ii no t.lation in tow n a there. Any citizen can umire two
Ut I -y ajing fur the making out of the hut every man
who Nvtitra a lot mini huild a Iioum on it U fore ho ran Kvure
a tmt on hii jyerty. 1 vm WaU-rville to within twelve
iulc,4 Mkine Fa!!, ,i,Umt, j ,uul WJ ,lUn(lmUnJ
twrnty (h, m.lea, there ia . gently rvJling hunch griM country,
w hn h i. an rmpir, i Mi and all it re-juire. a thrifty daia
U arMlrn to tnaU it jluctivr. Tl I'.ig iVnd proircom-
a itrip of Und one UnJml and thirty roirt lonj?inj
iwrrty mile wide, in otl.r word., two thousand .pure
Latah County, Idaho. May 15 a bill creating the cou t
of LaUh. from a portion of Nez Terce county, Idaho, wag ,;
hy President Cleveland. Moscow will be the county neat. Tt
act establishing the new county provides that all that pan-
of Nez Perce county, in the territory of Idaho, lying norths
the following line, to-wit: Commencing at a point, w here li
middle line of township thirty-eight north intersects the V
between Nez Terce and Shoshone counties, in said territory
thence west to Big Potlatch creek, where it first intorseitati'
said middle line of township thirty-eight; thence down tajj
creek southwesterly to a point where it intersect the mW,
line of township thirty-seven ; thence due west to the line !.
tween the territories of Idaho and Washington, l, and the
same is hereby, formed and organized into a county, to I
known and designated as the county of Latah, with all the
rights, powers and privileges of the counties under the exietin
laws of the territory of Idaho.
Walmla'h Pkosi'ects. Wallula, which has always been
looked upon as simply a railroad junction in a desert, ig com
ing to the front. The construction of Hunt's railroad from that
jioijit to Walla Walla, by the way of Eureka Flat, and the
building of the branch line of the O. K. & N. Co. in the game
direction, added to the recent completion of the road south
westward into Umatilla county, makes Wallula the junction of
six lines, belonging to four distinct companies. This, alone,
will add much to the jopulation and value of property. There
is, however, another resource. The lack of water is all that
renders the soil of that locality unproductive, and this defect it
is projtoHcd to remedy by constructing irrigating ditches from
Snake and Walla Walla rivers. As a great railroad junction
ami the center of a considerable agricultural population, Wal
lula muHt necessarily largely increase its present projortions.
Montana Stock Shipments. The shipments of cattle from
Montana eastward last year, over the Northern Pacific, amount
ed to seventy-five thousand head, and of mutton sheep, one
hundred and two thousand. Tliero were also shipped into
Washington Territory thirty-five thousand head of sheep which
w ill le fattened and go to market this year. From Washing
ton and Montana shipment of horses have been made as fol
lows :
ivsi :
K', .
ltw7 i
Cou miiia Uivek and Clarkk'b Foiik Steamekh. Artiiltf
incorporating the Metalline Transjortation Company have Ua
filed with the clerk of Multnomah county. The objwtoftl
incorjwration is to operate a line of Bteamera on Clarke's Fork
of the Columbia river, or the Pend d'Oreille river, from the
Metalline mining district to Sand Point, on the Northern IV
rific, and the Columbia from Kettle falls to the headwaters J
the stream, and to engage in building railways, canals, kt,
dams, bridges, telegraph lines, etc.
OiYJtm, Rlaik Kiver & Cheiiaus R. H.Co.-l';'
foregoing title, a company has been incoriwrated hy
capitalists for the purpose of building a line of railroad froa
Olympia to lilack lake, and down the Black and Chehaliirst
ere to Elma, with a branch from Black lake to Mud bay.
"jvtoaiv in mo neiu locating the route, liiecimi
of the road will be derived from the magnificent forostithrvep
U I.!.. I. !l Ml
"men u win run.