The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1888, Page 175, Image 7

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half miles of street Later, this length was increased
to four miles. Another will be added this year, and
the electric motor will be substituted for horses.
The lines of this company continue to this time to be
the only operated street railway in Washington Ter
ritory. The Seattle Construction Company is now
engaged in building the first cable road Its length
will be twenty-five thousand two hundred feet, and it
will be built in parallelogram form out on Mill
street, across on Rainier to Jackson, in on Jackson,
and then back on Second to the place of beginning.
The road is to be finished by the first of next October,
and its estimated cost is $300,000.00. The Seattle
Dry Dock and Ship Building Company has secured
a tract five hundred by seven hundred and fifty feet
on the city front, with forty-two feet of water at high
tide. Upon this tract they are building a sectional
floating dock, sixty feet wide and two hundred feet
long, or large enough to take in any of the sound
steamers or sailing coasters. The dock will cost
$75,000.00. In connection with the dock, though un
der separate ownership, will bo a ship building yard
and extensive machine shops, costing fully as much
as the dock itself. This establishment, in its entire
ty, will be far ahead of anything on the coast outside
of San Francisco. Car building and repairing shops
are owned and operated by both the Columbia k Pa
get Sound, and Seattle, LakeShore k Eastern rail
way companies.
Very extensive works are to be erected at once for
creosoting timber. The ravages of the teredo, de
stroying the piling of the wharves in a few months,
make protection absolutely necessary at any cost
Machinery for the works projected will fill seventy
cars. Large grounds will be required, and a great
many men will be employed.
Seattle is getting a largo interest in fisheries.
Many men aro engaged in catching salmon, halibut,
herring, smelt, cod and other fish for tho local mar
ket Two salmon canneries, tho Paget Sound and
tho King County, are located here, Lost season was
unfavorable, but for all that their pack was twelve
thousand cases. Hundreds of barrels of salmon aro
put up each year. Fresh fish aro also sent in consid
erable quantities by rail to Portland and Enstern
Washington. The seal fisheries aro a sourco of some
business. Last year threo schooners-tho Champion,
Teaser and AUie I. vlfyar wero sealing out of this
port, two of them in Dehring sea. This year tho
schooners Mollie Adams and Kdward K. Wrhstcr
will bo addod to tho homo fleet Tbes vensols bo
long to Captain Solomon Jacobs, an old Gloucester
fisherman, who has transferred his interests from tho
Atlantic to tho Pacific, and established his headquar
ters at Seattle. Ho is quito an acquisition, as ho
brings eighty men with him, all producers and homo
builders. They will fish for halibut, cod, seal, whale,
any and all fish of valuo to bo found in tho waters of
tho North Pacifio ocean.
In this issue, an effort has been mado to put in
truthful, convincing shapo, information and facts for
tho reader abroad, upon which ho can form for him
self a correct idea of tho Queen City of the North
Pacific. II o will know from their perusal that Seat
tle is a live, rapidly-growing, promising city; that it
is tho chief town of tho great territory of Washing,
ton; that its climato is healthful, and resources un
limited; and ho will be forced to believe, with tho in
habitants of tho city, that it will bo a matter of only
a few years until Scattio takes her place among tho
great centers of wealth and population of tho United
Where ethw i In lwj-t forrt nha-Iw,
Where lo(jcnl naya the chiiftaln !ew 1U IriJ.
And airy phantoms flt from aide to al'le,
The monarch of the mountain ranK-ra made
Ilia home. In coat of aombre hue arrayed,
With tyt of liquid, Uiutrous twin, and ld,
He itool nuj-rrrue, t klnjc of j;-r and jri le.
From U aU-n j-ath a turdy hunter atrayrd
Through lilent, hlow haunt!, sntnt wood;
And m ar the la!r le ran. An antlm-d head
Wai raiw-d, the air aa nlsl an 1 th-n tl sound
Of heavy hoof a hear! He itamjl U Hood
In tujid ae. A mh ! The tuonaU'r, Aral,
The hunfa-r'i Jru Uy neltirin on the pound.
Namo Hjm.