THE WEST SHORE. Fourteenth Year. APRIL, 1888. Number 4. SEATTLE, THE QUEEN CITY. G remara vantage is the location of tho chief city, or mtropo- ) ; 1 lis, of Washington Territory. It fronts, on tho west, a capacious, beaut i- v r"--'"' ful and serene harbor of the Middlo sound; on tho north, it partially en ' - v circles Lake Union; on the cast, it faces Lako Washington; and on tho - -.v,, . south, looks out upon the broad and fertilo valley of tho Dawaraish. Tho I ; : ; ' . " city lies upon a peninsula; in fact, sinco tho cutting of tho inter-lako ca- f 1 Vj I - " j ', nal, it may be said to be upon an island. It is possible, at least, to go ';' i J f S I completely round the city in a small boat, using DdwamUh and Wack ' i :v .V;Hi:v.rirora. Lakes Union and Washington, and tho canal. IMwecn Lake ' J X; ,- " V ' ' " ' Washington and the sound, tho land attains an elevation of four hundred ;- ,l;I.-;!nrtri "feet From this height, it slopes both way to tho edges of the waters. - ' ':,CV i f r - In places the descent is procipitous, and in others it is gentle. Union "J ' ' '1 'X ; - lake is twelve feet above tho level of tho sound; Washington, nineteen M "i 'iJ-i feet As may be inferred, tho townsito is irregular. It consists of hills, V :i" '. valleys and plains. About the threo bodied of water named, tho ground - r ; 1 ' j ' ' is generally low and level; between them, high and rolling. Magnificent ' : views are to be obtained from various points. From some, both lakes, tho sound if ' , , r in two or three places, the Cascade and Coast ranges of mountains, parts of tho ' i . ' 1 - city and much of the surrounding country may bo seen. Si The principal business part of the city is located at the bead of deep water on V , r-r:: : r the bay. The wharves, mills, factories, warehouses railroad depots ami other r -S s I? V tablishmenta of bulky, heavy traffic, there find admirable site- T h. or g oiJ '-'S ' site for such enterprises was small, but by encroaching yQiotl'lo.7 and filling, they have been extend! to meet tho demands. Tho ava UU a four acres, at first, has thus grown to one hundred, and can yet grow to two thousand, that tid lands to be had for the taking. Back from the bay, the town.Uo rises ,n ten Th M n .U dence sites are to be obtained on these terrace, or hills, to the i number, o along the twenty miles east shore front of Lake Washington, a Green wamish river, to the number of one hundred thousand more. In truth, Seattle is topographically Ursied be yond conception or comparison. :mnm,Bion is creaUtl Tho roads striko tho Entering the city, either by rail or water the tho heart of tho bay at its northern and southern limits and then for three m inc. h tocU p city. The roads are far enough from the shores to give on tho ou0 lUfl. and on tho the shipping upon it, the points and islands KMd steamer, however, other, the city itself, in all its life and beauty. The view fron lhJ ; Tho shipping, wharves, is even fine, It is wider in its scope, and taken from J0L flfariou. an railroads, street, residences, churches, schools hospitals, parks ana D 0q gles, being gradually brought into fuller and fairer JJl of U-auty, to be en. fine afternoon, with the sun shining on the town, 0nlio. is to Le obtained jojed on every possible occasion, and not to bo forgotun. a j from approaching steamers on clear, still evenings. The companion