1CI THE WEST SHORE. 1ir r'nj'1('ti rk ! lx-jnin, anI in the moritJiB fol lirijr lJ brf fi" t)!jc far into l.nrtm Oregon. In Jft. if 'l p tJ.c iritz-rtion in to take Uum railway into f(!r, of t!,p f,v hundred mile from Yaqnina lay afalli fi-rl.lc ii.l- Ti'.r ( On-gn, to Iloixe City, about one hundM ard i igf.t ni;!.- in aln ady built. Ti survey lias lieen iff.j.'t- i h ui'irf diManre, and rralin has been lone, in ! mumrMng U nearly thrt-e hundred mile. Moft of the rut ring Utmtri thn- and four thousand M in alti tude On thin p- table land the work is easy, and the line jm lhrngh many fi-rli!e valh-ya and a great grazing Wintry. Th- roif,n of the Debute and Malheur rivers, Cijr..Mu' Kih.mi ,-The totals of California's leading Mftia n.ay U gum a follow : Wheat and flour, 118,1a') -K ;., ',(miii,); mi;ar, I.Mlk'iJ.OO; canned goods', .V'i; k.rwn fnijl( .',K(H3.(K); wine, 112,815 00 l.h,r;;ifH; dri,, fruit, I,HJ3(iV).O0; raisins, fl,' l7r..:7; u., l,f,4s7.(j whaleUe, 11,000,000.00; TUIrr, ,7,V.fM; U.ana, ;3,M.00; ginseng, 71.y i! ; i and nunufaaturei, IKM.O.00; leather 700 -77.H; ,,(,,h),...ry, IWrt.00; hid,, .VW.07tf.00; brandy hV'pl.O); PtW. I'tZl M- l,r!.. i-.m in,,. .... . -'. ; - ion .,!., I.MI.irjo.ft); fl.h. M,473.0O; l,o,, il I j 1 1 1 , um 'llia.'l"n- in value .. w.l ...,t. I. ,. , w,vm m i ,. ,,, , .. ' rj,:.."' '-"' ',), I'""- "I. ... I .... on ,, , " '. ,n "w M '! ill. M.4tu,w..a?4"r,,?u,,fcrtil,h"J'ita .. ,ii,T S " Vni an i tvranii'ul 1. """i n ajr1,l it - U i.V d.y, s . " ' 'nnn,w ,al ,V,N' miu J ia,v V M cl United .States. The country as it is now, undeveloped ' famous for its mineral affluence. The waters of Alaska ' destined to become as noted for their fisheries as the waters'!! Newfoundland and the Atlantic of the Northeast. All that' required is settlement, upon which new discoveries will f0H0 Coxvixcixa Facts About Tacoma. Samuel Wilkeson sec retary of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, in speaki of Tacoma, says: Whoever visits the City of Tacoma me iiuniiiem at-uvuy, iia oubiung manuiactures, its business and residence buildings going up by the score, views its ezten sive harbor filled with shipping craft, from the small sound steamer to the great three-masters and immense ocean steam ers, studies the resources of the surrounding country, and con" eiders its position as a railroad terminus and on the direct route of the Asiatic trade, and, having done this, is not convinced " 1V" ai B,cai' "uiaciunng and commercial nty will spring up, will live to wonder at his stupidity and bl.ndness. Men of keen judgment and great business expert enee have testified to their faith in Tacoma, by large invest ments in real estate, and by founding there extensive business ana manufiu'turinir pntmriaaa c.,u --x. o wuuu jauis as tnese are. in themselves, convincing. ' An Aowcultcbal Experiment Station fob Obegon.-Gov Iennoyer has addressed the secretary of the treasury, giving -Mt, as far as Oregon is concerned, in regard to the granU money made in what is known as the Hatch bill by thfe of congress 11 tural experiment s atmna 5n rtn ... . .. 8. . . t Or r8'8 ' lhe Aric,toI College of H e 1 2, X' f aw' con8i8ts ot the 8,ate by Governor M(v l T, nd nine 0,here. apinted ,,,'at 2 S 'h ,C8l! W!! Comma, it i. iU year. uec0Ine Ta'lal)'e to Oregon (or I ? ." ' 10 California i.iT .1.0 ,"8;Vr nMUnd II'Kco,co. ni"il.ar,lt,ro, I" ne Glioma A Nevada is pmliinj il '" On., Ji ' " C0U"')'. an'1 i' i' intended to eilend ''1ho.,1,1ki : . ",!co!1,'onotlletw0 narrow gauge c4or,!oto!,,6 1,rJed for extension of the Car- Irntj. to La, AngePirnTvrmlnU &t 0wen8' lake-in ,in-' railroad from tl n 8 WOuld give an anbroken IK,r,i ot whi,, WonM i- gn lbe 10 the of Angela a an'1 i'op!o f Calif t , W ga"Se in the world, in U'e lu l.ui 1 ' IH5 that Mr- Bliss is in earnest - i"wi connection.-&no (7a.vfte. iin: C river M,1ifl .142 5m fK);,16 fvernment has appropriated, !i,h J . the Cascade locks of the Columbia U,in &"nZ ?, m!h0n has been expended, and it This u,.i.i . ia" mor to comDleto thflrrosent wow the imum . r . ' one time of a steam-