11J THE WEST SHORE. igution, that lif t mo an example of patience and sub cm ion, M'Mtim With Mason waa making manifest the m-wn-M u jjcr Btuwcu juwDiion 10 remain in me -..I . ... . . mil xniiey ami croaw for herself a home. Within a " " ww i wjiu uijr iuimibuhjuo ill uib UUm- &-i Ui'U, jiurchaaM a lot in the suburbs of Yum Yam, prdcarrtl building materials, and set two men M ..,.11 Ti . 'ill ... , mnifj a munil VUUAgU. 11 was ft COZy 111116 aiTair, and money waa not spared in rendering it not only thoroughly comfortable, but beautiful within and without It was situated on a little, sloping pla-U-au, overlooking the town and commanding a view of (hp grr aW part of the undulating valley. Yum Yum, aa may be suprwsod, was somewhat ei wil over the Adrcot of this new and evidently well Mo rodent There waa the usual amount of indi nrt rationing and round-about attempts to get at tl prmt, imtory, pat and present, of the new r. bfa, herself made no secret of the fact that .7 7, ? P M mkkm k their midst for - Ipngneartl e grave of her husband She ltu,b hold her there, the natural beauties of ruliW inducement to remain Tn a- l w Tom,,.,,,,!;: ioti. ' tl -ir ni,i, l, ,i. ' ""6 PmJmiI ragged pmi in. ib (.Mil, j " m:. ""i fa- l'h' "'" r,, ,L ,,, " in spirit Ihi. ... . "J lhlKl Could col .. Vm, ft, lUjiM V 'nhabiUnt of luiiom Liiu ni:.,i 'tD(wwhere, nnrw.i at my so freqneBt widow, ,uch inn, thMwoQbin .l-arabk lri cl, rcDJorcU them almost I LaL huWnvnr U.. ir ... "nifortof knnun . . wiaisho rr'a.r,j,,.,,,,,wtoi, and one ways that ever lie within the scope of kiD(j ness and true sympathy. Her visits to the grave were frequent go frequent that 1 often marveled that an almU j j.v . bUt ouu uencate a frame could bear up under so much mountain climb, ing. As the warm days of summer drew on, I grew accustomed to looking from my door in the early morning, and seeing her coming slowly around the fir grove, with black Martha closely following, bearing the small writing desk, which never was left behind She had a favoritA nnnt . wuujp oi young firs on the margin of the little stream, a few steps distant from the crave. wWa aha , o , "uiuBHuour aiter hour, dreaming and writing, seemingly shut off from all mankind, living an ideal oTintA w 'v-w xu au xueai world, all her own. I soon learned to U hers, or rather, to baffle tha foffi; v ungues oi ium mm. Her aDnearftno n h i . iu i iuuuuuun was usualJv he signal for me to discover that I had business to attend to in town, and sm , i i , ..... uoxucdo was rarely con- oded unfl the bine smoke.curling np from the chim ney o her cottage, fold me that she had returned home to her 0:00 o'clock tea. Things went on in this way till near the middle of and Z t " H announcing new discoveries n urg ng npoa erl,, AT L8"611"- After delit, eration, I decided tht T u t verv timl nf i 7- 1 W89 growing n Sr wf WB affairs 'Wle waiting tain pride in the LVA eld and Dleadin i " 7 fa ' uul 1118 mction of time 'he first of SL f east 1 woald rti by meantime I Lu i 6 IltUe womal1- I" the that aly ettel?' f" rth fte son. 11X11 aaa call for them in per- When T nn , . Puturf, Bhe w MT Mra Man my intended fT vine, over tL .,aduig.0 th e, training &rJ the rustic croT a P'8 ffloraine 6lorie8 looked at me iTf,T '' ber f 9 " Coin, ...I, n,!tar'lei wnder. etr8 it will eem w Ur- B1. ko wj yoa... eem here without you. I shall miss IlimOfct ChlUll'lr I t frankness! 8h ? to me 5,1 ier k Me had risen, and was looking at