THE WEST SHORE. Thibteenth Yeab. ( DECEMBER, 1887. Ncmbeb 12. CHRISTMAS IN THE MOUNTAINS. 0yl HORTEST and This was their first Christmas festivity, P t$jp$A V ' thickest of all too. Mining had been good the- past ' N-W ' theDorchs, was year, and Qotlieb Dorsch had prospered. 3 '! MdSffi Heinrich, rud- he had intended having a fow presents i ;:i!'S dy faced and this year, such as little sugar cakes, but ' H brawny, and he they were struck dumb when Henrich i j i -H' was scarcely fif- proposed a tree. K-i 1 'rvhv teen; amwhen " Vere you keep dot lectio trco al 'a v 'W yu glanced at ready?" said Qotlieb, contemptuously. yPy '-7 then a his sin- said Heinrich. " CT emtolko "Y&hl YabI" laugllC(1 "8 'alkcr vi oMiMi eibow, yu wou no' " n0 ece va8 mcs avay' exPre8S emprise that und how vas you git him haul ? " he c011 w'e 8UC " myself Heinrich Dorsch," powerful blows, said Heinrich. Whack, whack, whack 1 He was a true " Veil, you git 'im," and Qotlieb Dorsch. That was why he was cutting chuckled to himself at the thought of down the hemlock. In the old father- Heinrich carrying his trco fivo miles, land they had kept Christmas from time " You needn't laugh, father Dorsch " immemorial. Such Christmases, too 1 said Heinrich, " for I'll start early, and Henrich was too young to remember get back in good timo." much of them, but dreams of a happy And this is the rcaHon Heinrich was home gathered round a Christmas tree, chopping away among tho hemlocks that a veritable hemlock, with toys and dolls, raw December morning, with such a and cakes and blood pudding. But the bright face and in such good spirits, little Dorsches, that had been born since His good Dutch mother had packed him the family came to America and settted his lunch, and ho was feeling in excel in this mining camp up in the Rocky lent condition to tramp his fivo miles mountains, they knew nothing, and Hen- back, with his treo as a trophy of tho ex rich wanted to show them how Santa pedition. But, to tell tho truth, tho trco Claus came to them in the Old Country, was entirely too much for him to under-