The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, November 01, 1887, Image 8

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WHEN the line of the Oregon Rail- came here, built upon railroad land
way and Navigation Company near the river, and beyond him the vast
was constructed along the south uncultivated hills of Gilliam county,
bank of thi Columbia, a number of sta- Henry Heppner, M. V. Harrison and
tions were established between Wallula Hall and Comfort followed immediate
and The Dalles for the shipment of the ly, the first building being finished by
product of the vast area of grazing and Mr. Harrison. These gentlemen, with
agricultural lands lying back from the the exception of Mr. Hall, are still resi
river, and to be the forwarding point dents. The little nucleus thus started
for Bopplies destined for the interior gathered around itself other business
towns. Of all these, the only one that houses. Coffin, McFarland k Co. came
has become a town of importance, and in the spring of 1883, E. N. Thomas &
developed into a thriving commercial Son in the spring of 1884 These firms,
center, is Arlington, formerly Alkali. together with J. W. Smith, comprise
Arlington lies at the mouth of the Al- the leading mercantile houses, although
kali canyon, forty-sii miles east of The there are three other dry goods, gro
Dalles, and seventy-threo west of Wal- eery, millinery store, etc., all do'ing a
lula. Topography has much to do with good business.' To-day the town has
the growth of towns, and it is the ad- between six hundred and seven hundred
vantageoua location of this one which inhabitants. There is nothing lacking
has caused it to grow and flourish while of the elements of a city. Building is
others have not yet passed the age of being rapidly pushed forward. The one
inrancy. Many square miles of rapidly newspaper, the Arlington Times, is do
dcvelopmg agricultural land, and the ingwell. A new school house is neaaly
hZlgJ7Z f 6heep' 001111)1616(1 There are wo cnurches
horses and cattle find here the most ad- Congregational and Methodist
vanUgoous pom of shipment of pro- Two years of age, the town was in
1 8UPP ?n " b tbe 1 gislature at fa x.
SlS" kt ? Be88iOD' b th6 M 0f 1883' At th6
the opposite side of the river, with same time the people voted to chance
which it communicates by means of a tho rmm nf kVv I ,g
torrv If I.. .1.: a i i ... me of Alkal1 for tne more eupho-
In the fall of 1881 J W Rm, v a 8ltQ ha8 1(5611 frufoed from
M I. d!fi5LJt bruahand
luinw at the Willows, about Z ' . 6 P108!10118. expand-
Ho found oM lilt!. houo kept 7. Zl, " cM honB6- chnrche8'