The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, November 01, 1887, Page 788, Image 16

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exciting time ensued Many of the Tig- sixty head of cattle from John Jeffries,
ilantes wanted to hang them in a earn- on the Umatilla river just below the site
mary manner, while the friends of the of Pendleton, and the owner tracked
prisoners, and the sporting class gener- them to this robbers' range, near Walla
ally, insisted that they be turned over to Walla. It was about the first of April
the authorities again. Armed men of when he came to the city and procured
both parties promenaded the streets, and warrants, which the sheriff and a posse
a bloody conflict was imminent; but af- undertook to serve. One of the gang,
tor keeping the prisoners under guard a called Doc Reed, who lived in the city,
whole day, the committee finally turned learned of the intended raid, and has
them over to the officers. The men were tened to warn his comrades of their dan
tried, convicted and sentenced to prison ger. When the posse arrived on thy
for life, and in default of a territorial ground, they found the robbers in full
prison, were confined in the county jail, flight, and gave instant chase. Doc.
Waddingham was soon declared to have Reed and Thomas Arnet were so closely
Wen innocent by his companion in mis- pursued, that they hid in the brush
try, and was pardoned by Governor Ev- along Mill creek, to let their pursuers
ans. Unable to endure the loneliness of pass by. Reed secreted himself beneath
his lot after bis fellow prisoner's depart- the overhanging bank, one of the posse
ure, Pete took an early opportunity to passing directly over his head, the pur
mako the usual nocturnal exodus, and suer's life being spared because a pistol
was seen in the valley no more. shot would have brought others to the
Early in April, 1SC5, a party of vigi- spot One of the gang, named McKen
lantes paid a visit to Fred Swartz, com- zie, or Reynolds, was captured near the
monly called Dutch Fred, on Walla old race track, three miles above the
Walla river, and hanged that gentleman city, and immediately hanged, cursing
to a treo for a brie! time, to force him his executioners with his last breath. A
to disclose some information they de- party of the vigilantes followed the cat
Aired. In this they were unsuccessful, tie trail in the direction of Wallula, and
and the next day the outraged man went soon found the stolen animals in charge
to town and swore out warrants against of William Wills and Isaac Reed. They
five of the men, but was unable to have summarily hanged these two and took
hem punished The demonstrations of charge of the cattle. Of the gang of
their earnestness of spirit and their pow. six, three were thus disposed of, and
or to enforce their commands, had their Doc Reed, Arnet and Sage Brush Jack
effect and great numbers ,of bad charac escaped and never returned to theval
ten departed for a more inviting field of ley.
( TherMiRtl t m. r A few days later the committee exe-
1 new existed, at this time, a band of cuted a negro, known m filim Tim Tin
of dippbgct i. .ho .iJtLiS ZnU ith
kef for their .11!,, t r.L mTh Mow 2 ti f death WM Toted'
IU market price, . tbeir 1. fi3 2 t ""f he WM " from
hone. cotton "" mSXXSt