THE WEST SHORE. Thirteenth Year. NOVEMBER, 1887. Number 11. HEPPNER AND MORROW COUNTY. TRETCHING away The center of the county embraces iho due south from the Heppner Hill region, one of the best Columbia river, is stock raising sections in the state. Hero Morrow county, yet wool, beef and horse flesh are produced in its- isolated in- in profusion. The shoep industry of ' fancy, and embrac- Morrow county is a very important ono, ing within its bor- and wool is the staple product Most ders, sage brushflats, men engaged in tho sheep business hero rolling prairies, pla- have been moderately successful at it teaus, foothills and tim The stock man was tho pioneer of tho bered mountains. Along county, and still holds his own as tho its northern end is a stretch loader in finance and forehanded pros- Wl'lf Ban anc BaSe anything perily. Of late years, sheep havo su l?l but inviting, and yet forming perseded cattle to a largo eitcnt, fully a favorite range for cattle and two hundred thousand of them being horses, which seem to thrive and find now kept in the vicinity of llcppner. grass where there is none in sight, al- Owing to tho rapid influx of immigrants, though it does exist and keep green in largo areas of grazing land aro being the shelter of the sage and greasewood. transformed into grain fields. Land for Passing southward, you emerge from merly considered valuablo only for graz this desolate stretch and enter a gently ing, is now producing from twenty to undulating country, where tho nativo forty bushels of wheat to tho aero, and bunch grass flourishes, and many farms from two to thrco tons of hay. There have been, and are being, opened up. is much of this excellent land still open More or less wheat is being raised, and to settlement its yield deperds much on how it is cul- The southern scope of Morrow county tivated, local lay of the ground, etc embraces a large area of tho wcutcrn General agriculture may bo said to be, spur of tho Bluo mountains, and is des 88 yet, experimental in the county. Along tined to become a region of rich resourc the water courses good crops are tho cs. It is well watered and timbered, and rule, but the extent of tho narrow bot- will soon bo sought out by encrgetio toms is quite limited ' people who aro not afraid of a littlo Xlll-ll-l hi ltH