Till: FA IU CITY OF PERTH 711 gent information from bcr concerning wco piceo tfci way, and a wco bittio the city. I okerrcil how f recently aho that." Waa cot thU friendly? Ami waa tainted by thewo whom wo met, and there arts Uiom who talk of Botr!i churl, judged bcr to bo a person of conaidera. iihnca in their travel. Wo met uni. tion, from the trident rcjpect ihowo to tonally with hospitable klr.dceM and bcr. I told bcr I wiahod very much to ready civility. Although alone on my see tho view from the Wicka of llaiglie, clitnb, and with rain imminent, I deter, ao greatly admired by Scott in tho open- mined to secure tho glorioua prospect ing chapter of "Fair Maid of iYrtn," from tho top of Klnnoull, and occupied and, of course, tho bouae of tho " Fair about an hour and a half ia tho gradual, Maid " bcraelf. Bho replied that if I though toilsome, ascent, only to catch would accompany her homo, iho could one grand, comprehensive, whole, "unun point out from tho windowi tho routo I Iwnrtn" when at oceo everything must tako tho next day to reach tho for waotcurcd in mint, and I waa wrapped mer, but added, smilingly, M I think I about aa with a wet blanket in descend, can give you a view equally fino and ex. ing. Notwithstanding my dUapjint tensive without going o far in aearch of went, that one glance wiil l M a joy fur. it" ever," and was letter than tho travcler'i On reaching her rcsidenco, asjwicioua record of bis cxerienco in tho visitors' and luxuriant one, iho escorted mo up Uk at IUgi Kulra-" We bavomUd stairs to tho beautiful roorni which com- all tho scene, but jmth all tho mint M- manded tho winding! of tho Tay, Talley, which jm ttripril, I am happy to lay, city and billa, with tho beighU of Clov. was of an American clergyman, en Craga toward tho south, and indicaU Tho low altitude of tl.o mountains In cl tho whole grand coup docil from cv. general, and tho smallneM of tho riven cry point of view. "May I not know," throughout tho llritbh lile, always di. said I, banding her my card, " to whom apjint an American, arcuatomcd to the I am indebtol for no much friendly grander features of his own country, and courtesy?" doing to her armoir, aho on viewing them fnr tho first tim ho presented mo with ber card, from which find himnelf drawn to artly tho lat 1 learned, afterward, that aho waa tho of "Anonymous" in bU tarn, Iherrby widow of a distinguished Presbyterian proving himself tho greater lab r, i r. clergyman, recently deceased On d- hj, but with tho greater rrawiu. acending,iho urg4 mo to tho drawing ,Wfr)o U f.m, ,Um r,u, room, and introduced mo to an old lady, jt!itr t) (,Ui,t ,ltiy,i. n ;, ber mother, who waa entertaining viit- I'.ut Ur tu Wr! f a onll U vuA i.aW ora, In the course of conversation, if"'. topic of Scottish history came op, tod fr'WM''. AU "A adjourning to tho library for our refer. IVrth wm tl.o ancient capital of foi.U encea, we were soon cozily am atol around Uv. lt and enjoyed that dignity ttown to tho center table, consulting our several tho year 1 hi A abort iliatanm up tho authorities aa if wo had i u acuainto! east bank of tho Tay, sUl tho vrnera all our live. On taking my leave of bl abUy of fWo (fn) tbero so tho interesting family, with tlia privi- many mvr.arch wrro invetl with tl.o legM 'p at tho domestic inb rior, ray crown of orrelgt.ty, whllfl aatl on brtni ir.iited njn making a jrtwn tho itot afterward trauf- rrl by VA of tho aawnt with w, that I might tot ward I to WrttmitiW abUy, u uir& loao tho cearcat way, billitg mo gj "a UouJ ia a pwtosji artick TU but