The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, October 01, 1887, Image 1

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Thirteenth Yeail
EN ER ALLY speak.
4 ing, tho "Yakima
country H embrace
all that vast region
lying between tho
Cascado mountains,
on tho wcfct, and tho
Columbia river, on
tho cant, and is a
largo belt of agricul
tural and grazing laud
which has for it busi-
lls!lH'h ima. Until tho past year
""""this region has been ho isolated
from tho routes of travel by rail and
river, that its development ban
exceedingly alow. It has ben known
for years as ono of the best rang' fur
cattlo in tho entire West, but it agricul.
tural risibilities were scarcely thought
of until the near approach of tho North
ern Pacific drew attention to its fertile
acres, its delightful climate and splen
did situation as regards a irmnent
market for it product. No greater
revolution in the conditions of traded
production was erer wito'-! than that
which followed the construction of tho
Cascade branch through tho Yakima
country. A region which had formerly
purchased much of it supplies abroad
freighted thera in on wagon, at great
expenao, suddenly found itself vn to
market, and b'gan, not only to produco .
enough for it own aupjrt, including
it rapidly increasing pultion( but
for exjort to other localiti'1. There
suddenly sprang up a it commercial
center, a town which now rank among
tho leading cities of tho territory.
Tho birth and growth of North Yakl.
ma i unjaralleled in tho Went Two
year ago it wa an unbroken sage brush
plain; to-day it i a thriving busine
city, with three newspapers, a pul.
lalion of ono thousand soul, and all t!.o
adjunct of an imjiortant UmU c nter,
Muahrooro town have sprung up In a
night all along the line of advanrlng
railrofrU, and hvn almost m rapidly
d-clinel;but this wa Dot a mushroom
growth in any rrjct ve it rapidity.
From tho time the fast foundation wa
laid to the prf m u, tuA an improve itinA
Laab'u mad nhicb was not intend"!
to be rmanett, or tut occupation only
until an opportunity could l Ltd to
build a U tter. Not a step Us U tv
ktaby the citiwt which iu td Lad
the future welfare of th city ia view,